And the grand and only reason this matters is that our LORD’s WORD is going forth! Boom!
9,000-10,000 visitors on daily! God’s Word fills and that’s the only substance thereof!
Current podcast downloads ….
448,871 downloads since published.
*This only on the podcast platforms (spotify, apple, google podcast, etc.) and does NOT include the many who listen to the podcasts on safeguardyoursoul around the clock, worldwide.
Follow the podcast here. Or you can listen to all the podcasts on SafeGuardYourSoul here.
The podcast on the worldwide platforms is scheduled to reach 500,000 downloads in the next month. I will keep you updated. That number only means 1 thing important – MORE AND MORE PEOPLE GETTING GOD’S WORD! Isaiah 55:11 right?
God is good. He is allowing us to get HIS Word out to the people in this late hour as we look expectantly for His soon return.
You are a big part of that!
Updates forthcoming on much more Gospel action transpiring all over the USA and here in Mexico, etc. The weekly ministry to the group in Florida with sister Teresita Guadalupe is going amazing. Each week the English portion of that ministering is recorded, edited, and released. This week, tomorrow morning, the biblically dynamic podcast from the Florida ministry time, titled “Knowing Who to Minister to and Who NOT to Minister to [podcast]” will drop on
“The supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ” happens when God’s people pray! Divine Boom! See Philippians 1:19.
Zambia, Africa with Pastor Chabby has been a bless-ed opportunity over the last many years….. He’s constantly after me to get more Bibles to him… and that zeal for Jesus in this last hour is fully honored in Heaven and here! Amen. So I am in conversation with the Bible supplier in Africa who is connected with Pastor Chabby. Thank the LORD and you for your prayers and support. We need it now to supply these Bibles to Pastor Chabby.
“WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” 1 Cor 3:9
In Jesus
Spanish Content on SafeGuardYourSoul
Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison Ministry | Mexico Mission here | All Ministry Updates | The Greatest of these is Charity | Be Ready in the Morning [podcast] | The Sure Mercies of David [podcast] | That Repentance and Remission of Sins should be Preached [podcast] | At His Feet | Prepared to be Used of God |

America2 weeks ago
The Drugging of America: The Pharmakeia Sorcery Deception [podcast]
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Children being Rescued in Tunnels: Happening Now – UPDATE!
Articles7 years ago
Self-Examination in Preparation for the Lord’s Return
Apostasy1 year ago
SHOCKING List of False Prophets Most Believe are True