IF we want to see who the antichrists are among us, just look at the frauds who get their picture with the pope. By doing so...
STREET PREACHER REBUKED To a supposed street preacher who sought to rebuke a man who is a faithful witness and servant of Christ, the following rebuke...
What’s NOT being taught in the modern church world? What’s being left out? How can I know what’s being left out? “Study to shew thyself approved...
The Law of Attraction and The Secret and Word of Faith Theology are Witchcraft Operated in by Self-Serving, Christ-Denying Rebels “WITCHCRAFT” is on the list of...
The Karma Concept is a Diabolical Con Job: No disciple of Jesus should use the word/term “karma” unless exposing it for the lie that it is....
***Hope you enjoy and will lift a prayer for these precious people we are together blessed and privileged to reach for Christ (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). Also,...
Of the “sovereignty” claim of calvinism, Ken Rieske writes: “Calvin’s Sovereignty Doctrine Distorts the Attributes of God Calvinists are proud to proclaim, “The basic principle of...