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John Lindell James River Church Exposed [video]

That video of John Lindell calling for Mark Driscoll to repent is basically a “How dare you question or correct me!” stunt to get Driscoll to back down . Pride. Arrogancy (Proverbs 8:13). God hates it.

John Lindell is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Beware.

In case you haven’t heard, a recent “Christian” men’s conference, hosted by James River Church in Ozark, Missouri, featured a shirt-less male pole dancer. A former pastor, Mark Driscol, publicly objected to this, from the platform and was removed while doing so. Then “pastor” John Lindell called Mark Driscoll to repent and manipulated Mark to submit to his (John’s) “authority.” Mark cowered and submitted.

John Lindell now seeks to make himself the victim while he was the demonic agent who hired a shirtless male stripper to pole dance at a “Christian” men’s conference. You can’t make this stuff up. Then John Lindell calls the mere Nathan (messenger of God) to repent. Unreal.

WHEN sin, doctrinal falsity, is committed publicly, then it is to be exposed and rebuked publicly – as Paul rebuked Peter publicly for what Peter had done publicly (Galatians 2).

“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. 20 Them (the elders) that sin rebuke before all (publicly), that others also may fear. 21 I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.” 1 Timothy 5:19-21 

This abomination happened PUBLICLY and therefore must be rebuked PUBLICLY – just as when Paul publicly rebuked Peter for his public dissimulation. See Galatians 2. Matthew 18:15-17 is specifically dealing with a “BROTHER.” Notice how the passage begins: “Moreover if thy BROTHER shall trespass against thee….” (Matthew 18:15-17)

Okay saints, get to know this passage in Matthew 18. Pray for the understanding of what Jesus was teaching here. Beware that many a wolf, when he gets exposed, seeks to misuse this passage as a coverup operation. John Lindell, known by his evil fruit, is not a brother but rather an imposter, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a warlock.

Internal, private issues in another the brethren are to be dealt with according to Jesus’ instructions given here.

“Moreover if THY BROTHER (not a wolf!) shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.” Matthew 18:15-17

Saints, when you speak God’s truth, never back down and cower. Stand on it. Jesus says: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34) John Lindell has no spiritual authority. He is running a cover up operation here – to cover his sins. He’s attempting to patch things up. Total devil. Lindell is using Matthew 18:15-17 out of its context. Lindell is not a brother, he’s a wolf. Matthew 18:15-17 is speaking of rifts within His body, among the brethren. Lindell couldn’t be more of a wolf and so this does not apply to him. Lame Lindell PUBLICLY brought a male stripper and therefore should be PUBLICLY rebuked. Romans 16:17-18 Peter was rebuked by the apostle Paul publicly due to his sinful dissimulation (Galatians 2). He’s apostate. John Lindell – step down now. You have brought reproach to the name of Jesus Christ by bringing a male pole dancer to a “Christian” mens conference and then removed the man who rebuked this evil. Repent and remove yourself now.

“That Jezebel spirit in Pastor James that Pastor Driscoll called out changed strategy after Pastor Driscoll called it out and began to emotionally manipulate i.e., by misapplying scripture, using flattery/praise to appeal to Pastor Driscoll seeking to control the situation and refuse the rebuke and casting out. This pulled on Pastor Driscoll’s heart strings to apologize and be amicable (because he obviously is so nice and has a kind spirit)! This was not easy but eye opening for us all to learn from and cry out for the body of Christ like never before.” Julian

This all should make one wonder if John Lindell is a sodomite. Why else would he be paying a shirt-less male dancer to do pole dancing at a “Christian” men’s conference?

Did we not learn from the TD Jakes situation, where he had an openly sodomite man in a police uniform dancing on his daily talk show? Was that not a clue of what later has gotten openly exposed about TD Jakes’ sodomite lifestyle?

Of this incedent, one writer notes the following:

“John Lindell Calls Mark Driscoll To Repent for ‘Trying To Destroy James River Church’ and ‘Sow Disunity’ in the Lindell Family

During an evening service on Wednesday (April 17), Pastor John Lindell of James River Church in Ozark, Missouri, accused controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll of attempting to sow division in the Lindell family. According to Lindell, Driscoll even encouraged Lindell’s son to seize control of the church.

I get absolutely no joy or delight out of doing this to someone I’ve called a friend,” Lindell said during an emotional address. “Mark, if you are listening to this message, we love you and it’s with a heavy heart that we are calling you to repent.”

So let me get this straight, John Lindell is calling Mark Driscoll to repent for daring to expose his (Lindell’s) abominable sin – paraded for all the world to see – a male dancer at a men’s conference? Insanity does this situation no justice. John Lindell is a satanic operative to be openly exposed for his rebellion against the LORD.

Can anyone please show us all a male dancer in the Bible? This is so ridiculous I’m tempted to not attempt to explain why this is pure evil. On the basis of it being one of the most un-biblical things we’ve ever heard…..

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The warlocks of the modern church movement include wolves like Bill Johnson, C. Peter Wagner, Bob JonesTodd White, Chuck Pierce, Lance Wallnau, Rick JoynerKenneth Hagin, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Joseph Prince, and Todd Bentley.

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