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Mexico Mission Update 9


“Thank you for returning us to God 🙏🏻 we are going through a somewhat complicated situation but meeting you today made us return to GOD THE FATHER. THANK YOU REALLY Luke 15” Arely

Last night, by the hand of God, I met Arely, her son, and another dear woman. After Arely received the ministry of the Word via the spoken Word in Spanish and a Jesus tract she also received a PDF copy of the books Authentic and Moments in Spanish via text. Then the other dear woman, after receiving a JESUS tract opened it and began reading it aloud as we all sat together! So that Arely, her 11 year old son, and all of us heard God’s Word read to us. She just read the Scriptures aloud. That young boy was moved and the seed of our LORD’s Word was planted in his heart and he received his own copy of the JESUS tract. (11 years old is when this disciple first heard the Gospel from an older boy) Oh and the reason Arely spoke of Luke 15 was that she was exhorted to go read it and see how beautiful is the restorative love of God! Clearly this was her way to sharing that she went home and sought the LORD, reading Luke 15. | STORE

No one is in a rush, no one here lives in a rush. Refreshing. People matter to everyone here in Mexico.

The latest: Check out the stories of lives being reached for Jesus in beautiful Mexico. Jesus died and rose again for these beloved people and nearly without exception, they desire to hear the Word of God. Oh how beautiful is humility!

When persecution hit Jerusalem, the saints of Christ were scatters. “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.” (Acts 8:4)

Together we are going out into the world to reach many with the soul saving Gospel of Jesus.

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:14-15



Pablo, while at work, began to pour out his heart to me. He kept coming back and talking. What a dear man he is. When he found out I was from the USA, he broke down crying. There is deep grief in his life. He has spent ample time in the USA and so is bi-lingual. Please lift this man in prayer. He received a Jesus tract and had God’s Word ministered to him. He asked to exchange numbers and we did and he was sent the pdf versions of Authentic and Moments books in Spanish. Karen Cochran so very true! yes before he began pouring out his heart, all I had said to him to that point was “God bless you” in Spanish. Pablo’s heart was hurting and he was so desiring to have someone to talk to. He was instructed, encouraged to go home and read the Jesus tract and repent and put his faith in Christ and shown the prayer on the back. Thank you praying for him.

Mission Mexico

In the ministry and the lives of Jesus and His holy apostles, we see them going from town to town, preaching the Word. See the 4 Gospels and Acts, etc. It’s not that they didn’t go back to their previous locations to minister to the saints and yet, the fact remains that they were on the move – reaching “all the world” (Mark 16:15).

The people of Mexico are tech savvy and so inviting them to download the Reina Valera Bible (KJB equivalent) and passing, sending them the ministry the books we currently have in Spanish (Moments and Authentic), and Jesus tract is a simple transaction. They even ask for these things. And this makes things simple for them to share with others which they are expressly invited to do.

Presently we are having the What’s Next book translated into Spanish. This is vital, especially for all the new believers as it cover the basics, what’s most important for the saved, in growing in the grace of Christ, building a strong foundation, identifying with Christ (Colossians 2:6-10; 2 Peter 3:18, etc.).

Knowing the power of our God in the name of Jesus I told beloved Joe that many Christians in America are going to be lifting him in prayer….. he rejoiced. Please do! Joe is from Atlanta and has been living here with his lovely wife and children. He was completely receptive to the Gospel of our LORD Jesus and said his mother has been lifting him in prayer and ministering to him for years. No words could describe the ministry time that transpired with this man. He gladly received a JESUS tract, was shown the website address on the back and we exchanged numbers. The devil is on the run! Jesus is KING. Please pray for this beloved man for whom Jesus died and rose again. -And know that YOU, yes you, as a saved, born again saint, are doing the most vital part of this whole story …. as far as men go! We are seeing God answer prayers immediately. Sorry saints but I can’t even keep up and for every person featured there are several more…. Jesus is coming. Jesus and Joe – let’s go saints!

Meeting so many from America and all over the world here. Ran out of tracts and breath tonight ministering!!!!

Boom Jesus Reigns forevermore! Rev 1:8 anyone! | Mission Mexico

Beloved Johan was ministered to extensively this week. For now he is sleeping on a bench it seems. The Gospel was preached to him, he was given a Spanish Reina Valera Bible, and a Jesus tract in Spanish. He also received a hot meal. To say this man was a delight to help would be an understatement. As you will see here he opened that Bible and began reading it aloud, all of his own accord. Video below.

Oh and the special people at the restaurant where Johan was, were very special, received the Jesus tract also, and were glad to be able to feed Johan, all because you gave. After leaving Johan it was yet another rapid fire type barrage of quality ministry to many, one person after the next. Only God!

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

That was the last Spanish Bible I had. It’s Johan’s now!

If anyone wishes to help the ministry buy more of these and full Bibles, please feel free. We’re running low on the Jesus tracts here also and always in need of cash to feed and help the poor. Oh and the What’s Next book, to lay a sound biblical foundation in the lives of those being saved, is as we speak being translated into Spanish. See it here on the Store page.

The Gospel is being preached outright – nothing held back. The blood, the cross, the resurrection, repentance and faith, the crucified life, etc.! Lives are being changed. We are only able to feature a small portion of those being reached. God is good. Let’s roll saints. Jesus is coming. | Support

Queretaro, Mexico
Cristo es El Rey!

As you can see, Guillermo joyfully received the Word of our LORD spoken to him in Spanish. He was instructed to go home and repent and receive Jesus for the forgiveness of all his sins and to walk with Christ daily to the end of his life. Want to lift this man in prayer? God is able!

*No, none of these people receiving God’s love are ever asked to smile. That’s their own disposition.

Mission Mexico


Maresto received a delicious hot meal,
a cold bottled water,
and the love of Jesus shown to him
in the ministry of the Word etc.





… for God to use you mightily in this final hour…. Holy Father, I come to You afresh in the name of my LORD Jesus Christ, asking You to strip and cleanse every trace of deceit, pride, self- righteousness, and evil from my heart and life. Please make me Your ambassador, a vessel of honor, purified, Your cleansed vessel for Your eternal glory. Make me to be a consummate soul winner who also faithfully feeds Your flock, to nourish and see You cause them to grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ – to be rooted and grounded in Jesus! In Jesus’ name. Sobeit!

QRO is short for Queretaro, Mexico
Spanish colonial city 1500’s.

The beautiful faces of those our LORD came to die for …..

Today, was blessed to speak at length about Christ and His kingdom with a dear woman named Miss Soni. With each of the people posted on this page, they are informed that many Christian people in the United States are going to be lifting them in prayer. It’s clear that they receive this as a love gesture from the LORD, that’s for sure!

Soni is asking for prayer for wholeness. She is going through difficult times. She received ministry at length and it was obvious that she is crying out for answer, for someone to talk to. She received the spoken Word and a Jesus tract and was very encouraged to know that many Christians, members of the body of Christ, in the USA, will be lifting her in prayer.

Recently, a man named Juan Carlos (yes that’s his name;)…. was shown how to download the Reina Valera Spanish Bible on his phone. He was overjoyed to be introduced to this. Then He received the ministry of the spoken Word and a Jesus tract and was exhorted to go home and pray the prayer on the back in repentance and faith, surrendering his life to Christ. He readily received. Thank you for praying for Juan Carlos.

This morning, our friend Fernando received the love of God in the form of food, hot coffee, a jacket (it’s very cool here now), and a new pair of pants. Yes he does work and yet is getting “back on his feet” at the moment. You will recall that we’ve been ministering to this man for a few weeks now – the spoken Word, the Jesus tract in Spanish etc. Would you like to pray for a miracle in Fernando’s life?
Your love gifts make all of this possible.

Ministry Updates


FREEDOM IS COMFORT. Read that again. So is being able to afford ones cost of living much easier, right? Here’s one of the best things about Mexico, the people – “Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly (poor), than to divide the spoil with the proud (rich). Proverbs 16:19 …. where I live in Mexico everyone treats everyone else well, they help each other, they value everyone. Mexicans help Mexicans. Family is of the utmost importance – therefore this nation has a future. God will not bless any nation who does not hold to HIS stated nuclear family unity – Husband, wife, children (Ps 11:3; 68:6; Gen 1:27-28).

MANY is the western world talk about “getting ahead” because they are empty and miserable, dissatisfied. In Mexico and most of the world, people just do their work for the day and count it a blessing with no thought of “getting ahead” but rather which just being thankful they had the blessing of working and making a day’s wage. They do not fret or worry about tomorrow…..

WHEN you support the mission of Christ being executed via safeguardyoursoul, we are a team for Jesus. Be sure you are not supporting us buying garbage “food” from a fast (poisoned) food chain. No, we buy them REAL food, locally sourced, healthy for them as we minister to their immediate needs. This helps a family by buying from their business. Most essential, each person ministered to gets a copy of the JESUS tract and a loving communication of the Gospel of Christ in their own language. Let’s roll saints.

“Love this! You are not only feeding their souls with the pure nourishing words of the Lord, you are also feeding their physical bodies with the pure nourishment of real food. Team Jesus!” Karen Cochran

Oh, and the people whom the food is purchased from are ministered to and super receptive…. and also appreciative that they were allowed to be involved in helping the hungry. In Mexico, everyone helps everyone. Amazing.

Ministry Updates

WHEN Jesus is truly “FIRST LOVE” in our lives, we are about HIS Great Commission business, HIS cause (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-28; Acts, etc). WHEN you truly follow Jesus, you are about HIS “business” as the absolutely top priority! (Luke 2:49)

It’s a real blessing to be around a whole people who care for and help each other, who value family and human life immensely. No death culture here.

“We celebrate together what God is doing! I feel so much joy when you share what God is doing in Mexico and when you share the pictures of the precious people of Mexico! We are celebrating Jesus! Just as the Apostles did! It is an encouragement to my heart! Team Jesus!” Karen Cochran

Luis was ministered to in several ways and most importantly he readily received the Word of God plentifully spoken to him. With your gifts, our LORD also blessed Luis with a warm family made meal from a dear lady who cooks daily for those in her vicinity. As with all, when Luis was given a Jesus tract he was showed the prayer to pray in repentance and faith on the back (Acts 20:21).

Juan was as amazingly kind to speak with as one can see on his countenance. Just look at that face, that smile, that noble disposition. Need I say more? He graciously received a Jesus tract, some dinero, and the ministry of the spoken Word of our God in Spanish. Boom.

Amazing. Compliments of Christ’s body, moving with His “compassion” on those without Jesus as their Shepherd (Matthew 9:35-38). Ministry Updates


Fernando was ministered to extensively. He’s pretty much bi lingual. He graciously, readily received the JESUS tract and was blessed with some dinero thanks to you. Jesus is touching lives!


Your prayers and support make this possible. Jerry heard the Gospel of Jesus in Spanish, joyfully received a JESUS tract in Spanish, and was very receptive, chimed in, loves the truth, is hungry, was instructed to go home and pray the prayer on the back of the JESUS tract in repentance and faith and to be saved….. this many is on his way at least.

All Ministry Updates

Alejandro received, for the second time, a listening ear, and the love of God in the form of the ministry, a Jesus tract, a hot cup of coffee, and some dinero (no as in Robert haha). Since this was our second meeting and in the first one he received ministry, Alejandra started off immediately talking about God and a local fellowship he was talking about.




Spanish Content on SafeGuardYourSoul

Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison MinistryMexico Mission here | All Ministry UpdatesThe Greatest of these is Charity | Be Ready in the Morning [podcast] | The Sure Mercies of David [podcast] | That Repentance and Remission of Sins should be Preached [podcast] | At His Feet | Prepared to be Used of God  |

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