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Top 25 Things to Look for When Choosing a Mate

A few powerful thoughts, tips for the unmarried disciple.

“A man who will lead you to God and not to sin, is always worth the wait.” unknown

Praying for a Godly Mate? Tired of the Fake “Christians” in America’s Apostate Modern Church World? You are not alone ….. REMEMBER, if you are born again, you are praying and looking for a TRUE DISCIPLE of Jesus, not just some lame church attender. Remember equally yoked? (2 Corinthians 6) 

IF you are born again, unmarried, and praying for a relationship, and yet not looking strictly for a genuinely born again disciple, you are walking yourself into the darkness, into a trap. STOP. Step back. Meditate upon the divine wisdom of God’s Word (Psalms 17:4).

Let’s be honest: The vast majority of church going unmarried Christians in America are a lame, laughable excuse for a true disciple of Jesus. Beware! UNMARRIED saints who desire a mate: Are you praying specifically for a truly born again, Bible living believer to marry?

IF you are truly born again, you are not looking for a mate who isn’t (2 Corinthians 6:14). IF he or she is not in the WORD, has no life of prayer, can’t have a biblical conversation, GOD didn’t send them. Beware. Unequal yoking (2 Corinthians 6:14; Amos 3:3).

Ladies, pray and choose wisely: Serving your husband will be the central duty and focus of your life just under the first priority of worshipping the LORD Himself.

Hint: If they don’t respect and rejoice over your relationship with Jesus as the very “first love” of your life, they aren’t the one! (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Revelation 2:4-5)

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18

Look for this ….

  1. Genuinely Born Again
  2. Seeks God daily in prayer and diligent Bible study, with no days off
  3. Non OSAS – Doesn’t believe in the mythical heresy of “eternal security”
  4. King James Bible
  5. Holy Ghost filled
  6. Knows and seeks to obey God’s order as a man/woman
  7. Looking for the soon return of Jesus!
  8.  Learning the cross, takes it up daily
10. Actually cares for you!!!! (don’t limit yourself to America or you may never find someone like this! Abraham didn’t! Genesis 24!)
11. Not ashamed of Christ.
12. Witnesses for Christ.
14. Is not religious or just another fake church goer
15. Isn’t just looking to date but rather fulfill God’s will in marriage
16. Not ashamed to pray in public
17. Is not materialistic! Again, you will be hard pressed to find someone like this in America, so it’s wise not to limit yourself!
18. Is actively praying and asking God to use them to reach others!
19. Are eager to help and minister to others when the occasion arises and not just a church goer
 20. Is teachable, humble, and pliable – ready to be corrected by God’s Word!
21. Hard working.
24. How do they treat their parents 
25. How do they treat the elderly?—————-

Unmarried and Desire a Godly Mate? 

 God Fearing Manhood 

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