“4 Reasons We Don’t Believe in a Pretribulation Rapture”—Dalton Thomas [video]
End Times | The Return of Christ | Making Peace with God – Before it’s too Later
This is a guest post. In my opinion, there are a few things in this video we should consider.
Yet what matters most concerning the return of Jesus is being READY when He arrives. Regrettably only a very few preach what the Bible says about the necessity of being ready which seems to make all their other teachings useless…. that is, if people aren’t even making themselves ready to meet Jesus when it is that He returns, right? Jesus says:
“Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” Luke 12:40
David Taylor writes: “Wow, thank you. You know brother, I knew this from my very first readings of Scripture, as well as subsequent study, and am blessed to understand God’s Word in the same way in regard to escaping the tribulation beforehand, etc. It is not found in the Bible, but after years of hearing these unfounded things from many teachers, I had almost succumbed to their teaching. This is solid Bible teaching using the Scriptures as they are written, and not merely as inference. The verse found in Revelation 7:14: ‘These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,’ is hugely important, as the influence of false teaching, the world, the flesh and the devil, stains much. May we grow to love Him to the extent of desiring nothing more fervently than to stay close to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
“The vast majority of “Evangelicals” are Pre-tribbers, as you know, and every time I show them 2 Thess 2, they dismiss this chapter outright as NOT applying to them because they say “we are raptured BEFORE all this happens, therefore these verses do NOT have any application to believers so I don’t concern myself with them”. The fact that the scripture clearly states that the apostasy AND the revealing of the man of sin will occur BEFORE the return of Jesus and our gathering together unto Him, is meaningless to Pre-tribbers because these scriptures contradict their Pre-trib doctrine. When I heard Pastor John MacArthur in defence of his Pre-trib position state that you can take “THE mark” during the Tribulation and still be saved, in direct contradiction of the written Word, I was stunned.
Jimmy Deyoung supported MacArthur in this lie while being interviewed by Brannon Howse.
We are certainly living in “Perilous times”!!
It certainly appears that we have again entered the times of Elijah where he stood alone, humanly speaking, against Jezebel and 850 false prophets of Israel who were falsely representing the true God of Israel.
Very similar, in my opinion, to all the modern day false prophets/teachers that surrounded former President Trump with all their false prophesies and false teachings such as the 7 Mountains Mandate and the little gods doctrine.
Just keeping you sharp, my Brother.
Maranatha, Jeff (Canada)”
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