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by Matthew Washington

When sharing the Gospel, I don’t focus on one particular outward behavior sort of speak. In the church world, we try to focus on a certain aspect of sin. But Christ’s life truly flows and holiness when the principle of the cross is in place. Sin flows from the principle of self … the self-life. When we get to root of the problem – self – the behavior will change.  If we get to the root of the problem, the man’s behavior will change because you got to the root of the situation.  The outer behavior is because of an inner condition that needs to be dealt with by the cross, not from telling you to do A-B-C-D. The cross gets to the root of the problem and then the life will flow which brings transformation. The key is to ask: What is our dependence upon? If it’s just upon some outward rule and regulation then we never change. But if our total dependence shifts to Christ and His cross, then the old nature is crucified and the new nature is brought forth.

Has anybody ever wondered as you go through the Scriptures why there is always some form of devastation surrounding the people of God? Why? Why do we see this and then the great miracles coming forth? One of those things we see is in Exodus when they are coming out of Egypt and they are right there at the Red Sea and the enemy is right behind them. The people of God are boxed into a hopeless situation. And then all of a sudden, Moses stands up and tells them to stand still and see the salvation of the LORD. Because the LORD stripped them of any ability to depend upon themselves. He stripped them of that ability so that they could see where life and miracles really flow from – where we become completely and utterly hopeless within ourselves so that we will shift our dependence upon the living God. And this is what you see. This is what you continue to see, this principle all throughout the Scripture. This is what you see in the cross of Christ. It’s when your mind opens up to this that you begin to go back and look, then you can begin to understand why Christ, on the road to Emmaus, began to open up the Scriptures and expound upon who He was – Himself. Then you can see that it’s always this principle of life springing out of death.” Matthew Washington

—-DIVINE HOPE for Holiness – HAVE YOU ever struggled with sin? If so, you are not alone. It is through the “communion of the Holy Ghost” in relationship with our LORD, that the sinful nature is put under so that the life of Jesus is manifested in our lives (2 Cor. 4:10-11; 13:14, etc.). Please beware of the diabolical, cheap substitutes such as various forms of perfection by way of self – the flesh. These are deadly and cause many to fall from grace (Galatians 5:4). Memorize Galatians 3:3.

Resources to help you learn the essential daily cross:  I Die Daily |  Raised Up

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