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A huge shout out to those supporting this ministry outreach.

There’s so very much we can do with fuel – to push God’s Word out further to more precious souls and to edify, equip, and comfort the body of Christ worldwide.

“WE are labourer TOGETHER with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9


God be praised for those who are supporting. They will be rewarded by the LORD, for this is HIS work.

If you wish to help, we’d receive it. We are blessed to feed God’s Word to everyone we can (Matthew 10:8).

As you know, if we were putting forth political information, if we were tickling ears, we’d have hundreds of people supporting. Yet, we’ve stuck with Christ’s Gospel, the Word of God – in following the pattern of our LORD and His holy apostles (Isaiah 55:11; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:47; 1 Corinthians 9:16; 2 Timothy 4:2-4). We are fully dependent on our LORD and also His true disciples for the provision to continue to further the Gospel of Christ to the ends of this earth. You and I are literally participating in the prophetic words of Jesus….

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14

None of our LORDs words, promises ever failed nor ever will (Isaiah 34:16; Mark 13:31). We are not engaged in the preaching of His Gospel across His whole earth!

Let’s work together in this late hour as we look for our LORD’s soon return!

With your help, so many more can be reached, touched, edified in Christ, saved, etc. (Matthew 9:35-38; 1 Corinthians 3:9).

Some of the things we are blessed to be doing for the LORD’s glory include …..

  • Supplying ministering disciples across the world with Bibles and Scripture-rich resources to aid them in ministering to the saints and lost souls.
  • Weekly, continual dropshipping of Christ-centered, Scripture-rich books into jails, prisons across America, addressed to specific inmates.
  • Around the clock, 7 days per week ministering to the body of Christ and lost souls via the ministry website, social media platforms, etc. (John 21:15-17).
  • The new safeguardyoursoul podcast is on all major podcast platforms and has to date has received over 76,000 downloads.  Here it is:
  • Feeding the poor on the street, ministering to them in many ways, always with God’s Word being taught.
  • Writing, publishing, distributing and supplying Gospel tracts to Gospel workers the world over (since 1987).
  • Creating an increasing full online presence and ministry approach with this website, the ministry YouTube Channel, SEO, etc. Thousands of unique readers monthly are getting God’s Word via the ministry website here (
  • Teaching God’s Word via Christ-centered, Scripture-rich audio podcasts, articles/posts, books, study guides, Bible school courses, videos, etc.
  • Continue to travel and minister to and strengthen the saints, win sinners to Jesus, and restore back-slidden souls to their right relationship with our LORD Jesus.
  • Continue to help other servant ministers/ministries, orphanages, and individual believers in need in various ways including sending them Bibles and Scripture-rich books, etc.
  • Provide biblical truth/counsel and prayer per Holy Scripture and God’s love to believers nationwide.

See Feedback from those who are growing in Christ’s grace!

Support here. Takes seconds.

Support | STORE | Podcasts | ChristologyBe Ready in the Morning [podcast]The Sure Mercies of David [podcast]That Repentance and Remission of Sins should be Preached [podcast] | At His Feet | Modern ChurchPeace with God

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“The Gospel which I Preached unto You” [podcast]

Christ’s Great Commission is Central to the Original Gospel [podcast]

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