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The Unsearchable Riches of Christ (below)


Christ Our Forerunner (below)


Being Made Whole in Christ (below)

“After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield (protection), and thy exceeding great reward.” Genesis 15:1

ALL cults, heretical systems, and false prophets have a common denominator: Jesus Christ is not elevated as God, Creator of all that is, the only Savior, the Almighty, the supreme HEAD of His one church. Colossians 1-2 is paramount to our walk with Heaven’s coming KING.

Do I seek to know the LORD or am I just another shallow, self-serving Scripture skimmer who uses His Word in an attempt to use Him to get what I want?

Christology simply means “the study of Christ.” Those who know and love Him, study Him! In fact, HE is the Grand Subject of all of Holy Scripture. If we miss Him in the reading of His Word, perhaps it’s due to the self-serving, self-seeking fallen nature, no cross in our personal lives. 

If you will be planted deep into Christ, your Christology, your study of, your personal knowledge of Christ must be ever-deepening, not shallow (Colossians 2:6-10).

The modern church is too busy to study Christ Himself because they’re too busy trying to use Him to get what they want. Let that soak in as you remember how long it’s been since you’ve heard a message specifically about Heaven’s King. Most modern “pastors” probably don’t even know what the word Christology means.

Christology = the study of Christ.| Colossians

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“Thank you Lord for saving my soul, Thank you Lord for making me whole. Thank you Lord for giving to me Thy great Salvation so rich and free.” Charles Pray

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