1. “Several theologians have held that regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit alone … but I might just as lawfully insist that it is the work of man alone.” (Charles Finney, ‘Lectures On Systematic Theology’: Abridged Edition, p. 224)
2. “The doctrine of imputed righteousness, or that Christ’s obedience to the Law was accounted as our obedience, is founded on a most false and nonsensical assumption/” (Charles Finney, ‘Lectures On Systematic Theology’, Worcester: 1851, pages 320-322)
3. Christ “could do no more than justify himself. It can never be imputed to us … it was naturally impossible, then, for him to obey on our behalf.” (Ibid.) This doctrine “of representing the atonement as the ground of the sinner’s justification has been a sad occasion of stumbling to many.” (Charles Finney, ‘Lectures On Systematic Theology’, p. 732)
4. Salvation “is not founded in Christ’s literally suffering the exact penalty of the Law for them, and in this sense literally purchasing their justification and eternal salvation.” (Charles Finney, Lectures On Systematic Theology, p. 747)
CHARLES FINNEY is pictured here and his modern followers look just like he does – they have no joy which can only come and WILL absolutely come to all who truly know Jesus (Galatians 5:22-23) …. Listen to Paul: “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and JOY in the Holy Ghost.” Romans 14:17 … When you encounter a man without authentic joy, be sure that you’ve encountered a counterfeit! “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY, peace …” Galatians 5:22-23
— If righteousness is not imputed, 1) The LORD lied to us, and, (Rom. 4), 2) It then has to be earned by the individual fallen man/woman and that is impossible (Isaiah 64:6, etc.).
In his corrupted efforts to expose Calvinism’s obvious heresies, Charles Finney established yet an equally deadly falsehood when he denied imputed righteousness taught in Romans 4. Finney sought to correct Calvinism’s false teaching of “total depravity” where they taught that man has no personal will, no ability to respond to God’s requirement and call to repentance and faith. In attempting to correct this error, Finney erred by denying the biblical doctrine of imputation or transference of Christ’s righteousness – accessed, received by faith, not works (Romans 5:1). The word impute simply means to reckon or to account Christ’s righteousness to the account of all who repent and place their faith in Christ, the one Redeemer.
The Bible uses the word “imputed” and so to say otherwise is to contradict Holy Scripture (Romans 4). If justification is not imputed, accounted from God to man via the perfect sacrifice of Christ alone, then it must be earned or merited by sinful man, which is impossible. I suppose you are a finney-ite. Charles Finney was a fraud, a false teacher.
Finney was clearly teaching “another Gospel”, and that brings us to the warning of the Apostle Paul, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel to you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:8-9; 2 Corinthians 11:2-4)
By this Scripture, Charles Finney is “accursed.” He is by no means a Born Again Christian! Instead, he is a “tare among wheat”!
Yet, modern day church leaders speak highly of Finney. Jerry Falwell said Finney “was one of my heroes.” Dr. J.D. Packer said, “Charles Finney, revivalist extraordinary, was a great man…” Billy Graham said, “Finney’s life and commitment to Christ come alive through the pages” (of his memoirs).
The fact that Finney is extolled by modern day church leaders demonstrates how far, despite all the Bible study aids available, the church has deviated from the plumbline of the gospel.
Editor’s Note:
Finney is now dead. Yet, his false teaching live on through ungodly men who are preaching this false gospel and are therefore “accursed.” (Galatians 1:6-9) In their inordinate lust for what they deem as “revival,” there are many today, especially the street preacher cult, who have wasted their time studying Finney instead of the LORD’s Word. They are convoluted, delusional, and greatly deceived as they spread their wares to many. Many are being misled by this system of Christ-denying lies. In fact, when refuting their self-righteous Finney-ite lies, of lately I’ve been accused by these people of espousing and spreading calvinistic lies. To underscore just how off base these accusers are, here’s a book I’ve written utterly destroying (with Holy Scripture) the justification of all sin and dismantling every part of the cancer of calvinism …I don’t believe there are even 10 men on this planet alive today who more severely despise the diabolical evils of calvinism! Yes there is no justification of sin and yet only CHRIST – JESUS ALONE – can deliver us …and He says it’s through the grace and faith of Christ and therefore a daily cross walk that sin is conquered!!!! Otherwise one is an absolute blasphemer who denies Christ! Lie of the Ages!
Among the false teachers who peddled Finney’s diabolical lies, are: John Moore, Jesse Morrell, Mike Desario, Sandra Hooper, and Kerrigan Skelly.
Not only are the false teachers of this ilk ugly and nasty in spirit, they are downright prudes with no trace of divine love or concern for others. Beware!
Beware of the Finney cult … they are peddling his Christ-denying (antichrist) heresies today. Charles Finney was a false teacher who denied the atonement of Christ and imputed righteousness.
The no-sin-nature (“old man”, “flesh”)-to-crucify heresy is just another cross-less lie. It’s peddled by those who refuse to die and who pretend to be sinless perfection by means of their own “natural ability.” Beware of these antichrists.
If there were no inherent sinful bend, bent, iniquitous nature…. WHY O WHY would Paul have repeatedly taught that Christ’s disciples must “keep under” their “body” or flesh, the old man? (1 Corinthians 9:27) Why the cross if there is nothing to daily crucify?
Someone is lying and it’s not Jesus and His holy apostles. Beware. Think biblically.