The Sovereignty of God as Defined by Calvinism vs Scripture [podcast]
Of the “sovereignty” claim of calvinism, Ken Rieske writes:
“Calvin’s Sovereignty Doctrine Distorts the Attributes of God
Calvinists are proud to proclaim, “The basic principle of Calvinism is the sovereignty of God.” This doctrine allowed John Calvin to misinterpret Scripture in any manner he desired in order to fit his Institutes theology. He simply claimed the sovereignty of God allowed it. God’s other attributes such as love, justice, mercy and grace became irrelevant so long as sovereignty reigned. John Calvin’s extreme definitions of sovereignty and sin (Total Depravity or Total Inability) laid the foundation for a religion that bears his name, Calvinism.
John Calvin falsely taught that God “elects” some people from eternity past to be saved while damning all of the others to eternal hell with no hope of being saved. This false doctrine is directly opposite to the Bible which teaches that God is “not willing that any should perish.” If salvation were entirely dependent on the sovereign God as taught by John Calvin then certainly none would perish, but salvation is dependent upon the free will of people to believe the true gospel by faith.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning [His] promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Certainly God is sovereign. However, John Calvin used sovereignty as an excuse to formulate doctrines which violated God’s other attributes. Calvin’s doctrines of Unconditional Election and Limited Atonement predestine much of humanity to eternal torment in violation of God’s attributes of love, justice, mercy and grace. Doctrines which are correctly interpreted from Scripture will not violate any of God’s attributes.
Certainly God is sovereign according to the definition of sovereign in a dictionary. God is Number One — the Most High, but God does not control every event and action of mankind as if people were puppets, as claimed by John Calvin. The Scripture verses below clearly show that the unbelief of the Children of Israel in the wilderness “limited the Holy One of Israel.” According to the false doctrine of John Calvin, God cannot be limited. Scripture says He can be limited. God could not secure the entry of the Children of Israel into the promised land as He desired because they would not move forward. So God left them in the wilderness for 40 years because of their unbelief, arrogance and rebellion.” Ken Rieske
Speaking of the un-elect, one disciple notes:
“I HATE this false teaching! What would God be ‘longsuffering’ for if people were created for demise.” Antonio O’Neal
Does the sovereignty of God exclude man from being in a relationship with the LORD, of making a choice for Him – to love and serve Him? Does the LORD not desire to love and BE loved? We all do and where do we think that desire comes from?
So Jesus says “He that is not with me is against me” and yet calvinists claim He gave them no option, no ability to choose? (Matthew 12:30)
Christ taught that “No man can serve two masters” and yet man has no choice in whom he will serve? (Matthew 6:24) Nonsense.
God is absolutely sovereign and yet, calvinism goes to far to say that God hi-jacks, controls, and forces the free will He gave to mankind. Calvinism is a cancerous system of heresy. Beware.
“Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt (in the world, before being saved); and serve ye the LORD. 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:14-15
The calvinist is taught that God doesn’t require that they participate in the relationship they claim to have with Him. And that’s what they like because if they have no will, no say-so or personal responsibility in the matter, they cannot be held personally responsible and can do as they please and still be His, so they vainly believe.
Most calvinists are not honestly seeking to apprehend and embrace the truth, they’re looking to justify a system crafted by men and devils which actually, blatantly contradicts what’s in black and white in the Bible, God’s Word. This is all done to justify their LUKEWARM LIVES of sin which they refuse to repent of. They will do anything except repent and be held to personal accountability before the LORD. “DEPART FROM ME” AWAITS (MATTHEW 25:41, 46)
The calvinist is willingly indoctrinated and intentionally, deceitfully selective in the way he interprets Scripture.
Heretics act as if they can skip over and ignore volumes of Bible verses that contradict OSAS and Calvinism and not have to give account to God in the end. Delusional (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
In the diabolical delusionment of calvinism, God doesn’t require or want your personal participation. To conclude such would be to ignore and dismiss the hundreds of commands from God to man. No honest Bible reader comes away with this idea that God does it all in the relationship without the consent or participation of the person He’s in a relationship with. Only a calvinist could believe something like that. This is the danger of a system. When people are seduced and sold on the system (calvinism, dispensationism, etc), they are indoctrinated into seeing everything through that man-made demon concocted system lens. Once someone is deceived, indoctrinated by calvinism, everything then revolves around the tenets of the system (TULIP) and so they then ignore Holy Scripture that contradicts it – which means they are “NOT of God” according to Jesus (John 8:47). Without exception, every child of God holds God’s written Word and every word of it, as the highest divine authority (Psalms 119; Mark 13:31; Romans 3:4; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21, etc.). In contrast, like the hell bound pharisees of Christ’s day, calvinists sacrifice divine truth to keep their own tradition (Mark 7:6-10).
Calvinists have made a complete mockery of God, polarizing their willingly deceived prey into demonizing the rendering of obedience to the LORD Himself, to the commands of God (Jude 4).
Backslidden counterfeits are willingly deceived moral cowards, “enemies of the cross of Christ”, who want nothing to do with anything that involves giving up their lives in this fleeting world and so they hide behind the prophesied grace-perverting false doctrines of eternal security and Calvinism (Philippians 3:18-19; Jude 4).
Calvinists somehow believe they have permission to ignore Bible verses, divine truths that contradict their delusional heresies.
“Heretics are trained by other heretics because they want to be like their training ‘guru”‘ false teacher. I truly believe it is their egos that drive them to wrongly divide the ‘Word of Truth.’ They take the responsibility off themselves and place it on God in false (but trendy) reformed religion (Calvinism).” Ken Hall
Calvinism is for moral cowards who refuse to face God honestly in repentance, lay down their lives in this fleeting world, and follow Jesus for real (Luke 9:23-24; 14:33; 17:33, etc.). So, they hide behind the grace-perverting, sin-justifying heretical system of calvinism which came through a murderer who got it from a catholic named Augustine. Jude forewarned of this very thing (Jude 4).
The cults of calvinism and catholicism are kissing cousins. If you don’t believe that, read this: Calvinism Cursed Roots | Calvinism Exposed
We must go back further than the “reformation.” Nothing needed to be RE-formed…. because we have a Bible which is the final divine authority (Mark 13:31; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21, etc.). Many of the “reformers” were absolute heretics such as the demon possessed murderous maniac, John Calvin.
One writer notes: “The Calvinists act like these devils (their idolized reformers like Calvin) invented the Bible itself when they were born 1500 to 1600 years later. These rats were the worst people like Calvin, John Knox, Luther and another rat named Huldrych Zwingli who murdered the real reformers—like the Anabaptists and other sects—by the tens of thousands and were evil satanic tyrants. They raped and tortured their way to power. If you do not believe me look up the persecution and murder of the Anabaptists, along with reformation leaders who tortured and killed dissidents with the numbers into the hundreds of thousands. Look it up because the great truth is these snakes were so evil and arrogant with their fake self-righteous holiness that they wrote it all down for all to read. Evil people. Even today people will tell me they purely made up the story of Jew-hater Luther and the ink well. All made up 100 years later and the original story was of a fight between him and a monk over a prostitute. Just saying there are tons of myths from the so-called Church fathers. Some of them where wicked and insane. Don’t believe me, look it up. But don’t go to the reformed historians because they lie though their teeth. Even Catholic historians tell more truth about the horrors of the burning times. Go to secular sources who tell it like it was. Years ago, when I used to preach on this topic, I got more death threats from reformers than Muslims because they serve their fake reformed gods above Bible truth.”
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