(Duplication encouraged. An open King James Bible should accompany your study of this topic. Carefully, prayerfully study each verse given in order to answer each question correctly. Print this document out and pencil in the answers in the blanks provided. It may be best to cut and paste it to your word processing software and then print it out. Your life in Christ will be enriched forever as you embrace and put into practice His Word.)
When the man and woman whom God had created chose to sin against Him, He separated them from His presence. They attempted to cover their nakedness by sewing fig leaves together and girding them around their waists (Genesis 3:7). This was man’s attempt to cover his own sin and shame.
“The aprons of fig leaves speak of man’s attempt to save himself by a bloodless religion of good works.” William MacDonald
God did not honor the fig leaves, so He shed the blood of animals to make them “coats of skins, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21). Here He chose to depict the sacrifice of the coming Redeemer by the offering of innocent animals. The atonement for the man and woman by the sacrifice of these animals prophetically pointed to the Savior who would later come and personally shed His holy, sinless blood to redeem His creation which had been contaminated by sin.
From the cradle of creation through the dispensation of the Mosaic law, in Christ’s redemptive blood on Calvary’s cross, and throughout eternity future, we see that in the Creator’s economy, it is blood that quenches the fire of His holy vengeance.
It was out of the riches of God’s mercy and grace that our sins have been remitted by the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let us now follow this blood line through the Bible.
1. Of Cain and Abel’s sacrifices, which one did God honor? Genesis 4:3-5
Adam’s and Eve’s son Abel brought “the firstlings of his flock” at the time of sacrifice. Obviously, God instructed Adam and Eve to sacrifice animals to continue to cover their sin. God had already foretold that His Son would be sent to redeem the fallen race (Genesis 3:15). The blood of this animal that Abel offered prefigured the blood of the Messiah which would later be shed to redeem mankind. Abel pleased God because he displayed faith in His Word concerning the blood sacrifice that Jesus Christ would make. This is the beginning of the blood river of redemption which flows from Genesis to Revelation. Cain’s sacrifice was rejected because it did not align with God’s redemptive program. It was like much of the religious activity we have today, of self-will and man-made tradition, instead of that which God requires.
2. Complete the following statement made in Hebrews 11:4:
“By ________ Abel offered unto God a more ___________________
__________________ than Cain, by the which he obtained witness
that he was righteous, ______________________________________:
and by it he being dead yet speaketh.”
God honored the faith that Abel displayed in the coming Redeemer and declared him righteous thereby.
3. What is essential for the remission of sin? Hebrews 9:22
________________________________________________________________ .
“Remission” means a dismissal or release from a debt or penalty. In the New Testament, it is used concerning the forgiveness of sins. Remission of sins occurs when God applies the blood of Jesus to the life of the believer, thereby, canceling his sin debt.
4. Read Exodus 12:1-14. What kind of lamb did God instruct His people to sacrifice? Exodus 12:5
5. What did the Lord command His people to do after they had killed the lamb? Exodus 12:6, 7
6. What did God say that He was going to do to the Egyptians for their sin? Exodus 12:12
The Egyptians would not let God’s people go; consequently, God was going to send a death angel through the land of Egypt (Egypt represents the sinners of the world) and kill the firstborn male child and beast of every family. This event is called the Passover which was to be God’s judgment upon the sin of the Egyptians.
7. What role did the blood play for God’s people who placed it on the door posts of their houses? Exodus 12:13
While the nation of Israel was under Egyptian bondage, the Lord informed Israel that each family was to shed the blood of an unblemished lamb and place the blood upon their door posts before He delivered them from Egypt (Exodus 12). So, today, every disciple of Jesus should apply the blood of Christ’s redemption to his life daily in prayer and through a life of obedience to the Word (1 John 1:7; Revelation 12:11). The blood which initially cleanses one upon repentance and faith in the Son of God, is to continue to daily cleanse that person from his sins and iniquities (1 John 1:7).
8. For what reason did God say that He would pass over – not allow harm to come upon His people? Exodus 12:13
Judgment was averted by the presence of the blood. Where the blood was applied, God’s wrath was appeased. Is the cleansing blood applied to every area of your life?
9. What did the Lord state that He would do when He saw the blood? Exodus 12:13
Here we see that the atoning blood appeased the wrath of God. He said that this blood would save the people from His justified wrath. The unblemished lamb was a type of the spotless Lamb of God which was yet to be slain (1 Peter 1:19), saving those who would receive Him, from the holy wrath of God (Romans 5:9). The Israelites openly expressed their faith in the coming Savior by placing the blood of the unblemished lamb on their door posts in the sign of a cross (up and down and across). This blood had to be personally appropriated/applied by each Israelite family (Exodus 12:3-4).
10. Who is our Passover Lamb? 1 Corinthians 5:7b
11. Under the Old Covenant, what did God require to make atonement for the souls/sins of His people? Exodus 30:10; Leviticus 17:11
Under the law God instructed the nation of Israel to approach Him by the sacrifice of animals. The sins of the people were atoned for by the blood of animals (Leviticus 16:34; 17:11). This prophetic pattern of God continued to cover the sins of His people from the time of the fall until the One whom these sacrifices foreshadowed appeared. Those in Israel who genuinely loved the God of all truth, fervently anticipated the arrival of this repeatedly prophesied Redeemer. About 4,000 years after man had fallen, a prophet sent from God, John the Baptist, saw Jesus Christ the Reconciler approaching, and declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). It was “the fulness of time” and the Father had sent the promised Redeemer into the earth to take “away the sin of the world” (Galatians 4:4; John 1:29). The sacrifices that previously atoned for Israel would now be superceded by the one sacrifice of “the Lamb,“ God’s only begotten Son (Hebrews10:1-23).
These blood sacrifices of the Old Testament were instituted by God to point to the One who would pay the ultimate sacrifice for the sin-debt of the world. Jesus was the fulfillment of all of the Old Testament blood sacrifices. His pure and spotless blood was about to be shed to pay fully for the sins of the world. The Lamb which was slain before the foundation of the world (in the mind of God) was now manifest on earth to redeem mankind from his sinful and separated state (Rev. 13:8; Jn 1:14).
12. What did Jesus say just before He offered Himself on His altar, the cross? Matthew 26:28
13. For what purpose was Jesus going to offer His blood? Matthew 26:28
14. How was the Church purchased? Acts 20:28; Revelation 5:9
15. How did our God make peace and reconcile mankind to Himself? Colossians 1:20
16. In light of the truth that Jesus made peace between God and man through the blood He shed, wherein should we glory? Galatians 6:14
And what should we preach? 1 Corinthians 2:2
17. According to Ephesians 1:7, what two blessings does the believer receive through the blood of Jesus?
As is clearly announced in the God-breathed New Testament records, redemption and the remission/forgiveness of sins only comes by the blood of Jesus, and is a gift granted by the Father out of the abundance of His grace. To redeem (as in redemption) is to buy back. We had been sold out to sins by the first man and our own rebellion, yet, God, in His great mercy, came in the person of Jesus Christ to buy us back to the Father. The blood of Christ is God’s agent for removing man’s sin. All of the baptismal water in the world cannot wash away one sin. The blood of the Son of God is the divine detergent that cleanses man from sins and the guilt that it brings. To receive the person of Jesus Christ is to partake of the unspeakable benefits of His blood.
18. How are men not redeemed? 1 Peter 1:18
19. How are men redeemed? 1 Peter 1:19
God the Father honors the blood of Jesus as full payment for sins. It was the divine price paid for man’s redemption. His blood alone satisfied the claims of the Father’s justice to redeem mankind. Man was bought back and therefore can be brought back to peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).
20. Read Romans 3:21-26. Complete the following found in Romans 3:24, 25:
“Being justified freely by his ___________ through the
____________________ that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set
forth to be a _____________________ (the atoning sacrifice) through
______________________________, to declare
___________________________ for the remission of sins that are
past, through the forbearance of God.”
21. How are sinners “made nigh (close)” to God? Ephesians 2:13
22. What agent of God justifies the person who receives Jesus Christ? Romans 5:9
23. What is the believer saved from because of the blood of Jesus? Romans 5:9
God is holy and demands holiness of the human race that He created. His wrath on sin and all who partake of it is appeased only by the blood of the Lamb Jesus.
24. Refer to Revelation 1:5 and complete the following:
“And from_____________________ , who is the faithful witness, and
the first-begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.
Unto _____________________________, and __________________
25. What is purged when the blood of Jesus is applied? Hebrews 9:14
Not only does the blood of Christ take away the sins of the one who personally receives Him, but also the guilt that is always coupled with sin. The shame of sin is removed when the blood of Jesus is applied (Hebrews 9:14; 1 John 1:9). If there is a shortcoming, the repentant believer can always find forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. God’s part is the blood, our part is repentance. Repentance on the part of the transgressor is a must for the removal of sin (Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 1:7-9).
26. Why can every single disciple of Jesus enter into the holy throne of God with great boldness/confidence? Hebrews 10:19
Under the Old Covenant, only the high priest could enter behind the veil into the holy of holies to meet with God (Hebrews 9:7). Because of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus paid, every believer can approach God in the holy of holies. In the same hour that Jesus died, the thick veil that separated the Old Testament saints from the presence of God was ripped open (Mark 15:38). This marked the hour that God came out from behind the veil to meet man on a personal basis – All this because of the blood of Christ that was poured out for mankind. Personal access into the very presence of God has been granted to all who truly trust in the precious and cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. Each disciple of Christ now has entrance into the very throne of the Father where Jesus is seated on His right hand, making intercession (Hebrews 7:25; 10:19-22).
27. As the child of God walks in the light, what is it that continues to cleanse his sins? 1 John 1:7
It is the blood of Christ that continues to make the disciple of Jesus holy before the Father as he continues to walk in obedience. It is the blood of Jesus that sustains the people of God in holiness before Him.
28. What two weapons recorded in Revelation 12:11 has God given to the Body of Christ to overcome Satan and his angels? Read Revelation 12:7-11.
Overcoming the enemy comes from being washed by the blood of Jesus and upholding the standard of His holy Word as a weapon of spiritual warfare. Jesus supplied His blood, you are to supply the testimony of its power to redeem (Psalms 107:2).
29. What is the agent that will cleanse the Great Tribulation saints? Revelation 7:14
30. In the ordinance of communion, what is symbolized by the drink? 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
The drink is to bring us into fresh remembrance of the blood sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. He has purchased us with His own blood.
31. What does “the cup” of “the fruit of the vine” represent as instituted by the Lord? Matthew 26:26-30
His body was broken and His blood flowed to the earth. When we break bread and drink wine/grape juice, we are to do it in remembrance of His sacrifice for us, without which we would have no hope of redemption whatsoever.
In 250 words or more, detail the ways that the Word of God should be incorporated into the daily life of the believer. (Tips for your essay’s content: study, performance, prayer, warfare, proclaiming, meditating upon, memorizing, etc). Search the Scriptures as your source for this essay and use Scripture and references to validate your statements. Begin with deep and prayerful meditation on God’s Word. Write your essay neatly and in an organized manner.
SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION: Ephesians 1:7; 1 Corinthians 5:7b
It would be very advantageous for you to cross reference all of the Scriptures in this study. For example, pencil in each topically similar verse into the margin next to the corresponding verses on this same subject. Write out these verses with references on index cards – make it a priority to carry and post them where you will study and meditate upon them. These two measures will build in you a wealth of truth on each topic. This will help you to retain and become resourceful in the Word of God – ready to be used of Him. Capture the knowledge that you have learned, don’t let it slip away from you.
Capitalize on your efforts. This is preparation in earnest (2 Timothy 2:21).
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