Summary of what the Bible teaches on divorce and remarriage.
There is a difference between “putting away” (separation) and a “bill of divorcement” (divorce) ….. this is what some fail to rightly divide. They thereby perpetrate falsehood and bondage on others as they bear false witness against the LORD, against the whole counsel of His Word.
The LORD Himself divorced Israel due to her unfaithfulness, her adultery – HE IS DIVORCED AND REMARRIED TO THE GENTILES!
“And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.” Jeremiah 3:8
Notice that the LORD “put her away” (separation) and also had “given her a bill of divorce.” Those are 2 different things. For more on this watch the video by pastor Tim Tyler at the bottom of this post.
Marriage was originally intended to be permanent when instituted by its Designer (Matthew 19:3-6). The following words are presented to bring to light what the Almighty has stated concerning the unfortunate issues that face the victims of marital sins and what instructions and liberties He has sovereignly granted in such cases. Through the preponderance of Scripture it becomes clear that just like our covenant relationship with the LORD, so marriage is conditional upon the continued fidelity of each party.
When adultery or abandonment are committed, the victim has the God-given choice, they can stay or leave. They are no longer under bondage – no longer bound, cemented to the violator. Boom.
“But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. 16 For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?” 1 Corinthians 7:15-16
Of this passage above, one Bible commentator rightly divides:
“[if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace] Here we have another legal and scriptural reason for divorce and remarriage. If the unbeliever refuses to live with a wife or husband because of Christianity and if he or she is determined to leave on this account, the Christian is not under further marriage bonds and is not held responsible or punished by requirement to remain single the rest of his or her life because of the rebellion of another. The Christian is to submit to the breaking of the marriage covenant under such circumstances.”
Why is divorce not on any sin list in the Bible? Surely God could and would have easily placed it on the list of 17 soul damning sins in Galatians 5:19-21 if it were a sin. No, divorce is not a sin but rather that which causes a divorce is sin – abandonment and/or adultery. There is a primarily guilty party and a victim. Regrettably, divorce is appropriate due to the sinful, covenant-breaking sinful actions of another. God made provision in such cases.
The late Donald Stamps, in his Life in the Spirit Study Bible commentary wrote:
“EXCEPT IT BE FOR FORNICATION. God’s will for marriage is one mate, one marriage for life (vv. 5-6; see Gen. 2:24, Sol. 2:7; 4:12; Mal. 2:14). To this Jesus gives an exception, namely ‘fornication.’ Fornication is marital unfaithfulness (Gk. porneia) and includes adultery or any kind of sexual immorality (5:32; 19:9). Hence divorce is to be permitted when sexual immorality is involved. The following are important biblical facts concerning divorce.
(1) When Jesus criticizes divorce in 19:6-7, He is not criticizing a separation because of adultery, but a divorce permitted in the O.T. in those cases where a husband discovered premarital unchastity after the marriage ceremony had taken place (Deut. 24:1-4). God’s desire in such cases was that the two remain together. However, He permitted divorce due to premarital unchastity because of the hardness of the people’s hearts (vv. 7-8).
(2) In the case of immorality after marriage, the O.T. law prescribed the dissolving of the marriage by executing both the offending parties (Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22). This, of course, would leave the innocent person free to remarry (Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:39).
(3) Under the new covenant the privileges of the believer are no less. Although divorce is a tragedy, marital unfaithfulness is such a cruel sin against one’s mate that Christ states that the innocent party has a proper right to end the marriage by a divorce based on adultery. He or she is free to remarry another believer (1 Cor. 7:27-28).
(4) Paul’s treatment of marriage and desertion in 1 Cor. 7:12-16 indicates that a marriage also may be dissolved by the desertion of an unbelieving spouse. He further indicates that remarriage by the believer in such cases is not sin (see 1 Cor. 7:15; 27-28).” Donald Stamps, Life in the Spirit Study Bible, p. 1443
“So can married couples divorce for any reason?”
No. Not just any reason. The Bible gives 2 clear reasons for divorce and so divorce is never a “I’m tired of her/him so I’m divorcing them!” Noooo. Marriage is ordained by God to be permanent and yet, abandonment and adultery/fornication are specific sins that can break that covenant if the offended party chooses (Matthew 19:9; 1 Corinthians 7:15-16, 27-28).
“I married my husband 10 years ago who had divorced his ex wife as she had committed adultery and she did everything she could to destroy his life and marriage to her. I have never been married before to anyone and my husband has been my husband in my life. The question is have I become an adulterous for marrying my divorced husband? We have a child together so what do I do? Do I leave my husband and remain single which would be so difficult as we have put God in everything of our lives and God in His great mercy brought my back slidden husband back on fire since we been together. I have repented before the Lord and had thought that there was fine as a single born again Christian for me to marry as my husband was ‘divorced on the grounds of unfaithfulness in his marriage. What do I do my brother? Thank you.” R.
NO you have not committed adultery…. that is a lie… Your husband was biblically divorced and perfectly cleared by God to remarry … PLEASE do not leave your husband…. whoever is teaching you this is a vile demonic heretic…. block them beloved and tell me if they are on my friends list also. Precious sister, you are completely clear in this matter and so is your beloved husband…. now HE’s going to clear your conscience to the core of your being so you can worship Him clearly – Heb 9:14; Jn 15:3…. via His truth…. the devil is a liar.
“Thank you so so much Brother Todd. I thought I been living in sin before our Holy God. Thank you so much, I cannot tell you how much I been scared and have had broken sleep because of this. Yes devil is a liar indeed. I will listen to the link you sent my brother. Am so deeply thankful to God for using you to help me in this situation as I was worried and scared to displease our Heavenly Father. Thank You Lord Jesus.”
Paul Galloway writes:
“I have read your teaching about divorce and remarriage and agree. Good stuff and well done. My convictions which have been concluded from my own study, as well as what I have been taught, are as follows.
The innocent spouse can divorce the guilty and remarry without sin, in the following situations:
- On the biblical conditions of fornication during engagement and/or adultery during marriage (Matthew 19:3-9; Deuteronomy 24:1-4; and 1 Corinthians 7:27-28.)
- Being unjustifiably deserted by an unbeliever or professed believer (Deuteronomy 24:1-4; 1 Corinthians 7:15, 27 and 28).
Also, considering actions of abuse which lead to the following:
- A repentant, guilty spouse is free to remarry without sin if the former spouse is deceased, remarried, is unbeliever or does not want reconciliation. Deuteronomy 24:1-4, and 1 Corinthians 7:27-28 also apply.
- A couple who have committed what some call “divorce and remarriage adultery” as they wrongly divorced and remarried, have committed a single act of adultery by doing so, but the new marriage is valid and not a state of perpetual adultery. They do not as a pre- or post-conversion act of adultery have to divorce or live as celibate or remarry former or first spouse. They need to get saved or restored (through repentance) if backslidden and are then called to remain in the new marriage—as breaking up the new marriage to return to the former spouse is forbidden (Deuteronomy 24:1-4; 1 Corinthians 7:20-29).
I believe that all of 1 Corinthians 7 is conditional and applies to the pre- and post- conversion life circumstances of believers. As I understand it, 1 Corinthians 7:27-28 is my final authority for those in the above groups. I feel that when it says “But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned;” applies to all who are divorced and/or remarried as above. It also means, but and if thou remain married, thou hast not sinned. To force celibacy on one or forbid to marry or remain married as in the example above, in my opinion is a doctrine of devils. What advice would you offer, and would you agree? I look forward to your response.”
Much more here on Divorce and Remarriage
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