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Is There a Difference Between a Disciple and a Hypocrite?

God-fearing people have integrity. They love the truth and are like Jesus, the table-flipping Son of God – they fearlessly call out and expose hypocrisy and hypocrites (Matt. 10:26-28). Read Matthew 23.


“If someone loves God, prays, reads the Bible, wants nothing to do with worldly entertainment, loves the truth even when it hurts, but still struggles with a sin, is that person a hypocrite and a liar?  I have a few people that say things like that. They say that if someone is struggling with a sin that they really aren’t saved, being saved, born again. However you want to say it. Or they say that if you struggle with sin you don’t love God. I don’t get that at all, because isn’t the spirit at war with the flesh? I don’t know… It’s confusing!” Misty L.


The Bible speaks of us “striving against sin” (Hebrews 12:4) and that “the flesh lusteth (strives) against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh (Galatians 5:17-18) and so we know that is a war going on in our members.  The daily cross is to crucify that old man and his sinful deeds and as we do we are raised up by the Holy Ghost in His victory (Romans 6; 8:12-14, etc.) … we are to “fight the good fight of faith”and yet at times we fail but that doesn’t mean we are hypocrites (1 Timothy 6:12) In fact, as long as we are fighting – learning to live the crucified life – we manifest that we are Christ’s. Peter sinned against Christ in the worst way and Jesus did tell him to “get thee behind me Satan” but didn’t call him a hypocrite as He often called the religious posers, actors, the pharisees (Matthew 23). That’s actually the definition of a hypocrite – a poser or actor. When Jesus foretold Peter that he would deny Christ three times, the Son of God then told him that He would pray for him to be restored (Luke 22:31-32). Again, Jesus never called His disciples hypocrites though He had much opportunity to do so. Furthermore, Paul speaks of those believers who are “weak” in Romans 14-15.

We certainly are commanded to “Be ye holy as I am holy” and to “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit” and to perfect “holiness in the fear of God.” (1 Peter 1:15-16; 2 Corinthians 7:1) This is accomplished by our submission to the LORD daily – presenting our bodies a living sacrifice – and the power of the Holy Spirit, raising us up in His holiness to bear fruit to the LORD glory (Romans 1:4; 6:1-23; 8:1-14; 12:1, etc.).

On this topic Theodore W. writes:

“It depends on personal attitude toward that sin. If one is struggling, and is humble repenting and praying to God for help, they are in the process of growth in their spiritual life. If they care nothing about sin and God, doing what they please, having NO remorse, then there is a good chance they are in eternal trouble.” Theodore W.

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“Misty asked a very good question. It is sad that so many self professing Christians don’t know the truth to her question. Looking to the Scriptural truth of God’s Word we find all the answers. Thank you brother Todd for all the Scriptures to back up your answer~! PRAISE GOD!” Darlene T.

“We have to keep our eyes on Jesus, and have faith that He will guide us in all things, and that He will give us strength to say no to the devil and his temptations. Thank you, brother, for answering me with gentleness and in truth. God bless you, and all others on this post!” Misty L.

“Amen, it’s such a joy to know that when we accepted the finished work of the cross, we’re no longer slaves to sin, that means we can say no!! and by the power of the holy spirit, he’s provided a way of escape, when we’re being tamped or struggling.” Paula W.

“1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. ( I have met people who tell me they don’t sin, and they go to church and never have been born again, and you can discern that when you talk to them, there is no renewing of their minds, no spiritual words coming from spiritual thoughts.” Diane V.

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