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“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

No such thing as a Christian who is a parent and isn’t teaching their child(ren) God’s Word.

ARE you just raising OR are you training up your child in the nurture and admonition of the LORD? There’s a large difference. How much TV do they watch per day/week? SATAN himself is training up your children if they are being allowed to watch Satan’s programming on TV and other media. You are throwing your own children to the devil for your own convenience (molech) You have offered your children on the altar of molech. If you think this sounds legalistic, it may be due to your own mind being blinded and desensitized to the evil by Satan who blinds the minds of men (2 Corinthians 4:4). May God grant every parent reading this true repentance if we have neglected to “TRAIN up” our children in God’s Word. To “train” means to REPEATEDLY teach them the Word and to do the truth. Train, train, train! That’s your mandate from the Almighty for which you will be brought into accountability. There is NO greater or more important thing than for you to GET God’s Word into your children’s hearts! How many Scriptures have you taught your children? How many Scriptures have you memorized with your children? (index cards)

“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4

Teach your children God’s Word. Of course they have to choose from there BUT we must teach them God’s Word and this can and should be done in a gracious way as we “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.” (Titus 2:10) When my son was young I would make learning Scripture very exciting and joyful and never drudgery. As a five year old, I would read a few verses with him and not 3 chapters so it was in little bite-sized bits, easy to digest and not exhausting him at that young age. Delight, delight, delight!

God is able and will empower you to teach your children His Words. Get started today. Pray and do it and then God will move! Obey your God friend!

Imagine the depth of darkness in any parent who claims to be a follower of Christ and yet doesn’t teach the Bible (KJB) to their own child. Counterfeit.

It’s one thing to tell our children “have patience” and yet another to demonstrate wisdom and patience when crisis hits. … Do we think they will forever remember our words or how they witnessed our reaction to difficulties? … It seems that HOW we react can be a demonstration of patience and much more important than merely rendering to them the instruction to “have patience.” 1 John 3:18

***ISN’T IT AMAZINGLY HYPOCRITICAL HOW THE PARENTS OF TEEN AGE CRIMINALS ALL OF SUDDEN “demand justice” only AFTER their child has perpetrated a crime against another person?????!!!!! WHERE O WHERE were the parents of these young people when it was their TIME TO RAISE AND TRAIN UP THE CHILD IN THE WAYS OF GOD AND TEACH THEM TO RESPECT OTHERS?!?!?!?!?! NOW THEY WANT “JUSTICE”? Yet, they could care less about the justice of the victims of the monsters they released upon society!!!! Totally hypocritical! THESE PEOPLE ARE CLEARLY UNSAVED! It’s tie to repent, get saved, and raise your children!

Readers are leaders and perhaps much of what we do as parents is whet the appetite of our children for that which is godly and good. Among men, our words are most weighty with our children. As adults, each of us is largely a product of what our earthly parents spoke into our ears. And now as an adult, that which our heavenly Father is speaking via His Word into our lives. The privilege and opportunity window we are given by God to help direct and mold our children, is nothing short of amazing.

More on Children Here

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