Understanding Christ’s Kingdom will Reveal Exactly Where to Give – and Where not to Give
“We will never again contribute to apostate churches. But will support ministries that preach the uncompromising Gospel as yours does. God bless you and your ministry.” The Kuks
WHEN we take control of our finances, they will no longer be taking control over us and our consciences will be clear which means our quality of life will be much better. Clarity will ensue. It pays to put God first in our finances.
The LORD is calling for the launching and financial support of ministers and ministries for the advancement of His kingdom. He is not pleased with the waste of money on temporal physical buildings, CEO salaries, unbiblical church programs, and the myriad of irresponsible spending and waste that goes on in the modern visible church. As a member of the body of Christ, we should understand and see that God’s kingdom is a “spiritual house” and not a physical building (1 Peter 2:5). To His own, Jesus said that the LORD’s kingdom is “within you” (Luke 17:21). There are numerous other unnecessary expenditures that are the result of the physical buildings – light bills, electric bills, janitors, supplies, repair, upkeep, remodeling, etc. ….. To a large degree, it seems that the vast majority of the financial love offerings of God’s people are absorbed into a building and a bureaucracy. Also, the people – who make up the real church – are being pigeon holed into a central meeting place without launching and mobilizing them for ministry, which is the divine mandate placed upon leaders – to nurture all Christians they oversee to do ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Looking a Little Deeper
“The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21
The Greek word that “observation” comes from here is parateresis which means inspection, ocular evidence. God’s kingdom is within the saint in the earth and so His children do not need to look with their physical eyes for it to come. King-dom = domain of Jesus the King. Where ever He reigns, His kingdom has come.
I believe the LORD is calling His people to defund the hirelings who have built their little church building nest and are absorbing billions of dollars of the money of God’s people for their own selfish gain. Regrettably, so many people do not peer into the Word and look beyond their own immediate comfort to see what is really going on.
Most of our minds have been well trained by enterprising pastors to bring money to their church building on Sunday mornings. This allows a nice comfortable place for us to be entertained for an hour weekly. I’m not saying that all local churches that meet in a separate building are operating this way, yet it seems the majority are in this hour of apostasy.
Kingdom Proposal – at any time (don’t wait till Sunday or when you are inside a physical building), write a check or carry cash to a true servant of Christ so their lives and families can be sustained to do the most important work on the earth – the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts of men. The time is short beloved. Pray daily for the true servants of Christ around you to be able to be full-time in the care of souls, fastings and prayer and the ministry of the Word.
I remember when I owned my own company – a Christian business directory in the Dallas area. Checks of varying amounts would come in to the business. Having been blessed to understand “firstfruit” principle or truth, I would call one of my friends who did ministry and would ask him to meet me somewhere in the vicinity in which we lived. I would then give him a portion of the amount of money that had come in to the company that day. Would you mind if I shared a personal testimony? – Knowing God’s plan for His kingdom furtherance and economy, it felt good inside to immediately or expediently release those funds into the hands of men who were laboring in caring for the body of Christ and to win souls.
Unfortunately, the hoards of hirelings have made their church buildings the “official” place to give. God doesn’t limit our giving to a certain building – He says to give the offerings where the Word/meat is being brought forth (Malachi 3:8-11; Galatians 6:6).
Instead of focusing on furnishing the hearts of men with the Word and character of Jesus, the hireling further furnishes and embellishes his own church palace.
Always keep in mind that we must live by God’s Word and see things the way He sees them. His kingdom is not limited to any man’s church building. Jesus Christ made all things for His own pleasure (Colossians 1:15-17; Revelation 4:11). To the true servant of Christ, the whole world is his pulpit and mission field – he doesn’t hypocritically wait till he is conducting a church service/program to serve others and communicate the Gospel. In contrast, the hireling has his staged profession with no passion for lost souls or to perpetually declare God’s Word to all, everywhere he happens to be.
“Go ye into all the world…” (Mark 16:15). The spread of God’s kingdom in the hearts of men is the worthy cause which true believers are to support and also to cease funding all who are not doing such in their daily lives. Anyone can stage a ministry – true disciples live to serve and minister. For example, most leaders today do not do personal evangelism, nor do they care about those they speak to on Sunday mornings -and yet they have the luxury of passing a basket (taking up offerings weekly). When do we see those who are supposed to “watch for your souls” calling their sheep on the phone for a moment to ask how one is doing and asking to lift up a prayer or share a Scripture to encourage them (Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:1-6)? Of the false shepherds cited in Jeremiah 23, the LORD says they “have not visited them” (Jeremiah 23:2). In other words, their shepherds, like many today, were too busy playing golf or sporting around to care for them. Such a person is not “given to hospitality, apt (capable, ready) to teach” (1 Timothy 3:2).
“For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.” Jeremiah 10:21
As we partake in His true Gospel program, will our Father in Heaven not reward each the giver and the goer for eternity? Let’s fund the true Gospel saints and those who genuinely live and spread it! Jesus told us: “And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together” (John 4:36).
The Almighty who is all-knowing and all-just, is going to bring to light the pain suffered by those He called to serve Him and yet were “destitute” (Hebrews 11:37). Today some in our midst are without basic necessities and/or funds to operate their divinely-inspired and called ministries. This is directly due to the disobedience of those who possess the ability to give to help sustain their lives so they can continue to further the eternal Gospel (all get rewarded for eternity). Saints, God is going to judge us according to how we spend every dollar and punish the disobedience. Much eternal treasure remains to be laid up in your account. See 2 Corinthians 9:6-10.
Beloved, we should immediately stop the madness of funding unfruitful ministries that are not fulfilling the New Testament purpose of feeding the flock of God with the pure Word and evangelizing the lost! The flow of finances in the modern church industry is not fulfilling the Great Commission our LORD gave us – to teach ALL things HE commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). His eternal kingdom is not being advanced in the hearts of men and in the earth through church services that are designed to entertain and further lull to sleep those already at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1; Revelation 3:15-16). If we will think honestly for a mere moment, we can easily witness what the church industry has produced. Yet nothing is going to change until the true remnant of the LORD ceases to fund, to “bid Godspeed” to false ministries (unfruitful according to New Testament standards) and begins to financially fund the true Gospel through full-counsel, God-fearing servants who labor for the glory of Jesus Christ alone – whereever they find themselves and not just behind a pulpit or in a so called official “church building.” Friend of Jesus, cause every dollar you give to make an eternal difference in the hearts of men. Jesus is Coming and He commanded us to “Feed my sheep” (John 21:15-17)!
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