The 4 Pillar Purposes for the Holy Scriptures
There are 4 reasons detailed in 2 Timothy 3:16 for the Holy Scriptures being given to us by God. Under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the apostle Paul wrote:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16
According to this verse, the Bible, God’s very Word, has been given to the people of God for 4 reasons: Doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Let us take a brief look at these 4 reasons for the written Word so carefully presented here concerning the very purpose of the Bible.
Doctrine – (Gr. DIDASKALIA): that which is taught; teaching, instruction. An individual’s doctrinal body of truth consists of that which he has been taught and holds to be true.
Reproof – (Gr. ELEGMOS): proof, proving, test. As the noble Berean believers demonstrate and John commands, to test every doctrine that comes from the mouth or pen of men, against the holy Standard – the Scriptures. This is, in part, what is being spoken to us by the Holy Spirit in this verse at hand. Therefore, we conclude that we have been given “All scripture” in order to exercise “reproof,” or the testing of men’s doctrines against Holy Writ and to test every notion of belief we currently hold against the divine standard (Acts 17:10-11; 1 John 4:1).
Correction – (Gr. EPANORTHOSIS): a restoration to an upright state or right state. The Scriptures are “given by inspiration of God” to bring correction into our own hearts, and into the hearts of all who heed the divine message (James 1:21-25).
Instruction in Righteousness – (Gr. PAIDEIA): training in righteousness is what is meant here. The Bible is given to train us in the ways of the One who inspired the same. The divinely given Precepts of life can never fail anyone who would search out and do its commands (Isaiah 34:16). All of life’s answers, as pertains to man, are found within its pages (2 Peter 1:3-4; Psalms 119:128a). Millions of godly pilgrims, journeying through this earthly life, has found the perfect divine will and direction by studying the words of Holy Scripture (Psalms 119).
The verse following this monumental 16th verse, v17, also reveals to us another reason for the Scriptures – “That the man of God may be perfect (mature), throughly furnished (equipped) unto all good works.” This maturity will come as a result of the workings of God as we walk with Him. He will teach our hearts His doctrine, His correction, His reproof, and instruct us in righteousness.
In review, what are the 4 reasons that God gave us His Word in written form?
- doctrine
- reproof
- correction
- instruction in righteousness
The Bible was written to CHANGE you – TO CORRECT FALSE THINKING – and not to accommodate the lies you believe. Are you washing your mind of every false notion – by daily study of God’s Word, OR are you backslidden? (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:26) Repent now and conform to Christ by learning, embracing, adhering to, searching, studying, and obeying His truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). WHY DID GOD GIVE US HIS WORD? WHAT are the stated 4 reasons God gave us His Word? Do you know this truth, and are you ready to share it with others?
You are obviously saved when you are putting God’s Word as final divine authority of your life and that’s pleasing to the LORD (John 8:47). When we allow God’s Word to correct us, we prove He is authentically the LORD of our lives (2 Timothy 3:16).
SOFT-PEDDLING, HALF-TRUTH preachers are Satan’s agents. No conviction, no cross, no holiness, no repentance, no readiness for the return of Christ, no judgment to come, no hell, no lake of fire! RUNNNNNN
WHY did God give us His Word? It was to establish His truth in and to protect His people from the many deceivers – “them that seduce you.”
“These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.” 1 John 2:26
God gave us His Word so that we may be established in him and kept safe from the “Many false prophets” He so often warned us about. He provided His written Word, his tangible revelation, so that we may fear Him (Deuteronomy 4:10), and so we can know Him (John 5:39). As you study Scripture, be on the look out for the many divinely stated reasons our LORD gave us His written Word.
Beloved saint, will you now teach these Bible truths to others? Share this.
Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
In Christ’s Love.
Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
LET’S LEARN GOD’S WORD TOGETHER – ONE TRUTH AT A TIME: Are you tired of reading Scripture or hearing a good message from the Word and not retaining any of it for yourself and to help others? This message was sent out to each person on our Moments For My Master email devotional list. We would love to add you and have the privilege of nourishing your heart with God’s Word (1 Tim. 4:6). Sign up here.
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