Calvinism is a gross, diabolical perversion of the original Gospel of Christ and the nature of God! Beware!
The Cursed Roots of Calvinism
Calvinists, consistent with the snakes they are, always emphasize Romans 9 while ignoring Romans 11…. typically, these willing deceived dupes siphon out a verse here and there to the deliberate exclusion of the whole Word and context.
WHEN you hear someone use the terminology “sovereign grace” you know you are dealing with a deceived calvinist who has bought into a false gospel that intentionally over-emphasizes grace while ignoring divine holiness and justice and the God-given conditions for abiding in Christ. Cross-less. Rebuke and run if they don’t repent – which they most likely won’t because they are intoxicated with this delusion. Calvinism is a system, a set of doctrines of devils that grossly misrepresents Christ and His original Gospel! Calvinism and the Devils who Peddle it Busted!
Calvinisms Terrible TULIP:
- Total Depravity
- Unconditional Salvation
- Limited Atonement
- Irresistible Grace
- Perseverance of the Saints
Book: LIE of the Ages: A 730 page blockbuster expose’ of un-conditional eternal security/OSAS and calvinism’s diabolical heresies.
“We see the sin justifying, grace-perverting Calvinists on the rise again, they vainly believe they have grace to sin because they are the elect. Shame on them. Yet it’s the spirit of the Anti Christ they chose to rule over them for the sake of sin.” F.
What should have no place on social media is false teachers who peddle heretical systems of theology like calvinism/reformed lies. Exposing evil belong EVERYWHERE God’s people are – it’s a divine mandate (Jude 3; Rom 16:17-18; Eph 5:11, etc.). There’s no better use of social media than doing God’s will – and that includes exposing evil, false doctrines, false teachers.
“If the reformed believers said all the same things about you—what would it accomplish??? this will be settled by God in eternity. Please do not be so confident that you are right. And when non-believers wee this type of fighting on social media, how will they be converted.??? Such fighting has no place on social media.”
Ah the old “what are unbelievers going to think” excuse huh? Did or did not God give us His Word? Yes and He says “it’s SETTLED in heaven.” (Psalms 119:89) This is all settled in the Word of God which reformed theology grossly contradicts and perverts. Those following “another Jesus”, fueled by “another spirit” and according to “another gospel” are “accursed” and hell bound (2 Cor 11:2-5; Gal 1:6-9). You are following doctrines of devils which we were specifically warned about (1 Tim 4:1-2). God is calling you to repent and adhere to His Word only. 1 John 2:2, Romans 2:11 and 2 Peter 3:9 completely remove any possibility that DE-formed theology is true.
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