The New Versions are Vatican Corrupted and Controlled Bibles
The catholic church couldn’t prevent the printing of the Holy Bible so they corrupted it and all the new versions are the result.
Kenny Moore writes: “Many have bought into the New Age Bible version lie. All modern versions come from ‘Satan’s Satanic Verses’/ the Septuagint, Sinaiticus, and Vaticanus—all proven to be blasphemous, counterfeit, and corrupt. These Satanic MSS come from the underground catacombs of the dead in Roma, Italia. Catholics are forbidden to read the Authorized King James Bible, but the modern ‘versions’ are OK! Why? THE NEW VERSIONS ARE CATHOLIC > NEW WORLD ORDER > Luciferian Trash Theology.”
—- The two most prominent of the corrupt Alexandrian codices are called the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus:
Codex Siniaticus (Aleph or a) was put in the trash heap by the monks of St Catherine’s Monastery. On nearly every page of the manuscript there are corrections and revisions, done by 10 different people. It is indeed worthless trash.
Codex Vaticanus (B) is kept by the Roman Catholic Church, which the Reformers properly identified as Antichrist.
In the gospels alone it leaves out 237 words, 452 clauses and 748 whole sentences.
The early Christians REJECTED these manuscripts, so they were cast aside for a thousand years, until they were later dug up and called “ancient manuscripts.”
God had the Bible translated into Latin, so that it could spread throughout the Roman Empire.
True Path – God had the Vaudois (who lived in the Alps) translate the Bible into Latin. The Old Latin Bible became known as the Vulgate (common) Bible, and it spread all the way to England before 200 AD.
Corrupt Path – Satan responded by having the Roman Catholic Church commission Jerome to write their own version, the Latin Vulgate. Jerome followed Origen’s teachings, so the same corruptions occurred in this Bible. It was completed in 405 AD.
The Latin Vulgate Bible didn’t catch on during that time, because Christians knew it was a fake.
During the Dark Ages 500-1500 AD, Satan used the Roman Catholic Church to kill millions of Christians for using the true Bible, and they burned the bibles.
The Roman Catholic Church taught from their corrupt Latin Vulgate Bible and forbid people to read the word of God.
They persecuted whole groups of people like the Waldenses, the Huguenots, the Vaudois in the Alps, and many more.
As copies of manuscripts have been collected over the years, they have formed two groups.
True Path – The ‘Majority Text’ makes up 95% of 5,300+ existing manuscripts that are in agreement and form the basis for the Textus Receptus which is also called the ‘Received Text’ or ‘Byzantine Text’.
The Textus Receptus is the text which the King James translators used.
Corrupt Path – The ‘Minority Text’ consists of only 5% of existing manuscripts. The main texts, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, contradict each other over 3,000 times in the gospels alone, and they disagree with the ‘Majority Text’ in 13,000 places.
Amazingly, modern Bible versions like the NIV and ESV are based on these ‘Minority Text’manuscripts.
Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were written from 300-400 A.D., so because they’re ‘ancient’, modern Bible translators mistakenly think that they must be better.
But the Textus Receptus agrees with the earliest versions of the Bible: Peshitta (AD150) Old Latin Vulgate (AD157), the Italic Bible (AD157) etc. These Bibles were produced some 200 years before the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus.
God had His Words translated into the English language, so that it could spread around the world.
Because of its purity, the TR was used by all the Protestant Reformers of Europe to make their translations.
- John Wycliffe’s Translation (1380-82) was the first manuscript (hand-written) Bible in the English language. 21 years after he died, the RCC dug him up, tried him for heresy, found guilty, they burned his ashes.
- Martin Luther translated it into German, giving Germany the Word of God.
- In 1534 John Calvin helped it get translated into French.
- William Tyndale’s New Testament (1526) was the first printed English Bible.
The Roman Catholic Church hated him and his TR-based Bible so much, that they burned him at the stake.
God used the printing press and the English Bible to save millions of people.
The printing press allowed people to read the Word of God for the first time, and the Protestant Reformers discovered the pure gospel of Jesus Christ.
When the Reformers read the scriptures, they realized that the Roman Catholic Church is Antichrist, the little horn of Daniel, and the beast of Revelation.
Martin Luther declared “We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist.” And millions came out of the RCC and were saved by the true gospel of Jesus.
The Ninety-Five Theses was written by Martin Luther in 1517 and is widely regarded as the initial catalyst for the Protestant Reformation.
The age that brought the Geneva Bible and the 1611 King James Bible was a time of incredible world missions, salvation, growth in churches, called the ‘Great Awakening’, where millions of people were saved.
The Roman Catholic Church created a “counter-reformation” plan.
At the Council of Trent in 1559, they put the new Bibles on the “Forbidden Book” list, punishable by death.
And it empowered the Jesuits, the Roman Catholic Church army, to go destroy all that oppose them. Their mission is to bring the Protestant Church back to the Mother church, and to destroy those who oppose.
Millions of ‘heretics’, mostly Christians, were tortured and killed during the Inquisition.
Part of their counter-reformation plan was to rewrite the Greek Bible and then English Bibles.
Satan countered by having unbelieving heretics, Westcott and Hort(WH), create a Greek New Testament in 1811, based on the corrupt Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, which removed many words that validate Jesus’ deity.
They called the Textus Receptus ‘vile’ and refused to believe that God preserved His holy words. So they set out to create their own Greek text, based on their beliefs and philosophy.
Their Greek New Testament has 5,337 deletions as compared to the Textus Receptus Greek.
Satan then had Westcott and Hort help create the 1815 English Revised Version Bible. The NIV, ESV and other modern Bibles are built on this corrupt foundation, which is why they’re missing many words that validate Jesus’ deity.
Then they created the Nestle-Aland (NA) and the United Bible Societies(UBS) Greek New Testaments, which are based on the Westcott-Hort Greek Text.
The Nestle-Aland(NA) Greek N.T. is the basis for nearly every modern Bible translation, including the NIV and ESV.
It has 8,000 differences from the Textus Receptus, which explains why the modern Bible versions are missing so many words and verses. (i.e. The NIV has 64,576 fewer words than the King James.)
Satan has infiltrated most seminaries and Bible schools, so that they teach based on the corrupt Greek text.
Because the corrupt Greek Bibles and modern Bible versions, like the NIV and ESV, are both missing words and verses, most Pastors don’t notice the deception. This has created generations of pastors who in turn teach from the corrupt texts, which misleads the masses of Christians. As you can see, Satan has been very effective.
For you see, instead of Satan attacking the church from the outside, which would be obvious to everyone, he has infiltrated most Seminaries, Bible colleges and church denominations, to get them to use his corrupt Greek texts and Bible versions, as to deceive not only the world, but the church of Jesus Christ.
Not only that, but they teach them to doubt that God has preserved His word, that every manuscript and translation is corrupt, that modern Bibles are based on supposedly ‘older, better manuscripts’
The Jesuits teachings spread from the Vatican to secular Universities. Then students took their teachings to Princeton, Yale and Liberal seminaries. Faith was replaced with doubt through Liberal ‘Higher Criticism’. Then the next generation of professors moved into mainline colleges and seminaries. And then into Conservative Bible Colleges and Seminaries. Then their teachings were spread throughout fundamentalist schools and Bible churches.
Their teachings spread the deception throughout the body of Christ, which is Satan’s goal. Do you now see how we got to where we are?
We should not trust Pastors just because they went to seminary. The Apostle Paul encouraged Christians to “search the scriptures daily, (and prove) whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11
So which path will you follow?
True Path – The ‘Majority Text’ path (King James Bible) that is validated by 95% of 5,300+ existing manuscripts, which were written and kept by believers who trusted in God’s inerrant Word, and believed that Jesus is God?
Corrupt Path – The ‘Minority Text’ path (NIV, ESV and most modern Bible versions) that are based on only 5% of existing manuscripts, which were written by unbelievers who don’t believe that God’s Word is inerrant, or in the deity of Jesus?
Christians who knowingly continue to study these counterfeit Bibles are condoning the errors that they contain.
And Pastors who teach from these corrupt Bibles will be held to an ever higher standard before the Lord.
By doing so they not only place themselves in grave moral danger, but also encourage spiritual deception!
Your pastor, teacher, website Greek, Greek Bible, may use the wrong Greek text, so they are giving wrong answers. Just one example is Acts 8:37. A pastor can look at his Greek Bible and it’s not there, so he concludes that’s why this verse is not in the NIV and other modern Bible versions.
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