Messages from You
“Praise God brother! Love ya and thank you for your service! You are were God wants you.” Derek
“Hallelujah can’t wait to hear more. Thanks for letting us know!” Thomas Cochran
“Amazing! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. In your stories you have captured the essence of what Jesus meant by the great commission! God bless you. You have been faithful! 1 Peter 5:4. May you receive a crown of Glory given to all who are faithful in the Lord!” Tom and Karen Cochran
“Praise the Lord Todd! It is amazing to hear how God is working through you in that beautiful town! It brings joy to my heart to hear the gospel is being so readily spoken and received there. Continuing to pray for you and that God will use you mightily. Your brother in Christ,” Jim Brumbaugh
“I love that you are sharing this journey of evangelizing in Mexico with all of us. Thank you. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here I am; send me” Isaiah 6:8. You answered God’s call.” Karen Cochran
This week, Denardo received the ministry of our LORD’s Word, the love of God, and some money to buy food. If I knew enough Spanish to speak to this man for an hour, he would have joyfully listened. He was told that Jesus loves Him, that Jesus shed His precious blood for him, and that he must repent and receive Jesus to be saved, forgiven. He was also informed that this is not religion, this is relationship. The reception level was 10 out of 10. Jesus is King.
Here are two more people (pictured below) who received our LORD’s Word this week. Feel free to lift them in prayer. At least one of them was definitely saved and immediately hearkened and lit up when he began hearing the preaching of the Word of our God. Obviously there’s a language barrier and yet some things seem obvious, discernable and other things not so much. Either way, Jesus is King.
“No language barriers that the Holy Spirit cannot surpass! All glory to God in Jesus name for the good news of the gospel being preached and received with joy in Mexico! ” Jon Crane
“Our Lord is so good to those who are His and are faithful to Him! Praise Him for so many being reached for the sake of Christ! The hour is late! Satan knows his time is short! Rev. 12:12. He is working overtime to deceive! But the Lord is more powerful than him!” Karen
From sister Crystal:
“Dear brother Todd,
It is so wonderful the opportunity God has presented you with there, and how open they are to hear those wonderful words of life. I took a tour of Queretaro, (online) so I can watch weather and doings, for prayers, & see the area. Beautiful. I had been praying for a smooth transition. Such a huge change.
I have a question. Can you still receive checks at the Frisco, TX address? And I’m reaching back with a huge thank you also! I love the Spanish language, and overjoyed that they are so receptive to hearing the Word of God. Will continue in prayer for more to be reached and SAVED! May God hold you in the palms of His hands for strength, protection, infilling, health, and continuing to be His voice to the lost. So wonderful. OUR GOD REIGNS!”
KINGDOM BREAKING: In two separate incidents, in Spanish, both Pepe and another man (didn’t get his name) just received a full blown, joy-overflowing presentation of the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. Among other truth preached to them, how His precious blood can wash them pure and clean, cleansing away all their sins, just as it did for this born and raised Catholic altar boy now born again disciple ….. Pepe was told that Jesus loves him and wants to forgive all his sins, instantly. Their faces lit up with joy as they received His Word – Good News!
The JESUS tract in Spanish is still in preparation: Sister Madelene Mendez (bi-lingual) is working on it. This tract presents a full scope of the Gospel – why Jesus came, why we need Him, and a prayer to repent and be saved.
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22
God is good saints.
Preach the Word.
2 Timothy 4:2; Mark 16:15
More on Ministry in Mexico here.
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