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May the LORD use His People in this Season

THIS WEEK: Beloved sister Teri Guadalupe led two lost souls to Jesus in one day this week. She was in tears at what Jesus was doing. Two phone calls came in from Florida today to greet these new saints.

Do we spend more time protesting paganism than we do obeying Jesus by going into all the world and preaching the Gospel?

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Aren’t we nothing more than hypocrites if were are merely on a rampage to protest paganism and yet are not obeying Jesus by preaching the Word to the saints and sinners?

Did Jesus save and send us just to antagonize lost souls, or to win them to Him?

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30

Notice that “the righteous” have good root and fruit in Christ and “winneth souls.” There is the divine life of God springing forth from the lives of His children – including in soul winning.

Perhaps in evangelising, it’s important not to over plan or strategize. Prepare? Yes (2 Timothy 2:21; 1 Peter 3:15). Yet simply to take it all to our LORD in prayer and ask Him to do His work in us and therefore through us. John 17 – oneness with Him and John 15, fruit born by Him in and through us for His eternal glory. In other words we should just die and not so much try.

Do we have any examples of Jesus, His apostles, or the early church spending their time protesting paganism? Paganism is the fruit of a fallen world that only Jesus can rescue the captives from.

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Sin, paganism is a given. Look up and see the appearances of the words “preach” and “preached” in the King James Bible and check out the action of the earliest followers of our LORD. “Protest”

How did God use sister Teri? Was it because she was out there protesting the pagan origins of Christmas or because she was communicating the Gospel of Jesus? Take a guess…..

Why shouldn’t God’s people insert His truth into everything, at all times? – EVERY day of the year, including December 25! Isn’t that what Jesus meant when He said we are His light and salt in the earth? Read Matthew 5:13-16. God is good and God is able! Maybe we should bow afresh here and now and ask Him to use us and to give us His wisdom to steadily do His will and not be drawn away into unfruitful endeavors, wasteful, unconstructive pursuits. Let it be dear LORD, in Jesus’ name (Psalms 25:4-5).

A common objection from some Christians is “Christmas is pagan!” True, yet is the birth of the eternal WORD pagan?

Should we cease cursing the darkness and instead begin to obey Jesus by shining His glorious light right in the middle of that darkness? After all, darkness abounds upon the whole earth, every day for 6,000 years. Think about that. Cursing the darkness benefits no one except Satan. Perhaps we should prayerfully consider letting the light of Christ in us to begin to shine brighter and brighter into the darkened hearts of fallen men.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16


The angels and wise men celebrated the coming of Christ. Since when would it be inappropriate to celebrate Heaven’s KING? How could Jesus have died for us if He weren’t first born, made flesh and dwelt among us? See John 1:14.

Is anyone going to Hell because they celebrated Christmas (pagan)? No. Yet those who go to Hell will go due to not repenting and receiving King Jesus. Are we giving that Gospel message? “How shall they hear without a preacher?” See Romans 10:14.

The whole fallen world we live in is pagan, 24/7/365. Such has been the case for 6,000 years since the fall of man in the Garden. Aren’t we glad Jesus didn’t stand back and curse the darkness while still in Heaven, and say “Heck no, let them all perish”?

May God bless us to beware of self-righteousness. Jesus says the harlots will go to Heaven before the religious self-righteous (Matthew 21:31).

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your only begotten to die for the sins of the world, to die for my sins. I love You dear LORD and am eternally grateful for Your perfect sacrifice which alone atoned for my sin. Please forgive my sin, my lack of walking in Your wisdom and please use me and all of Your people this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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