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WARRIOR PRINCESS Delusion Exposed …. This is taking many by storm …. it’s completely opposite of God’s design for His most beautiful creature …. the woman …. compare what Scripture says to this masculinized woman who needs no one but God supposedly …. it’s rebellion that underlies this whole campaign … God made men and women to be together, not separate and this means that there is an inherent need between the man and woman ….. and the woman is the feminine gender and the man is the masculine … see Gen. 1-2; Eccl 4:9-12; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Titus 2:1-5, etc.

A stark reminder of just how beautiful femininity is!!!!!

Are you Satan’s woman or God’s Woman? THIS EVIL has invaded that which calls itself the church world.

An “army of intercessors”??? No. Sounds religious and innocent, right? Not so fast. WHERE do we see an “army of intercessors” in God’s Word? And army of disciples yes, but not self-appoint “intercessors” such as is never seen in God’s Word.

Recently, a woman claiming and announcing herself to be “an intercessory prayer warrior for 30 years” sent me a welcome DM. Here’s the reply she was sent:

There’s no such thing as an “intercessory prayer warrior” designated or appointed in the New Testament body of Christ. That premise is a bunch of witchcraft used by satan’s jezebels to infiltrate and destroy among God’s people. Repent now.

Ever notice just how ugly Satan’s pawn can be? And how divine beauty emanates from those who love and serve Him?

WHENEVER you see women calling other women to “rise up” you know it’s coming from a jezebel. Beware saints. WHERE O WHERE does the BIBLE ever call women to “rise up”??? It doesn’t. This is the call of Satan to get women out of the place of humility, love, and the cross of Christ (Colossians 3:3). No God-fearing woman will do such because she is “of a meek and quiet spirit.” (1 Peter 3:1-6) Get down low is what the Bible teaches, not rise up! GOD will only raise up those who are bowed down in the crucified life! The cross. “Humble yourselves (die to self – get down low) in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.” (James 4:10) | Crucified with Christ

Being a godly virtuous woman, though exuding the beauty of femininity, will involve wielding the “sword of the Spirit which is the word of God” at times, and yet not acting like a savage in doing so! (Ephesians 6:17) Feminine composer! The power is in the Word, not the woman or the wielder of that Word!

“Feminism” is nothing new. It is an ancient ploy of the enemy of all souls who has come to steal, to kill, and to destroy but Jesus came to give us life more abundantly (John 10:10). 2,500 years ago feminism was perpetrated by an evil woman named jezebel, the wife of one of Israel’s kings (Ahab). She was pure evil and so are those murderous witches who’ve perpetrated feminism on women today – which is contrary to our Creator’s design for women. Proverbs 31 is a good place to begin in discovering what God has ordained women to be. It’s a huge blessing that we have His Word in tangible form so that we are not deceived and are in His perfect will and ready to meet the LORD.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

Your life will never make sense until you give it back to the One who gave it to you.

It all begins with repenting and placing our faith in Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” (Acts 16:31)

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Warrior Princess or Broken Servant of the Mighty God? [podcast]

Proverbs 31 Woman


Beware of the “Intercessors” [podcast]

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