
Keep in touch

Latest Tranding:

acts 20-35aa3
Laying Up Treasure in Heaven 60 second video #shorts
lk 16-9c
"Make to Yourselves Friends of the Mammon of Unrighteousness"
lk 12-32bb
Clear Proof that Jesus' Flock is a "Little Flock" [podcast]
rich 1 tim 6-10
"Charge them that are Rich in this World"
matt 6-19-21 treasure riches05
Riches and Treasures [podcast]
acts 20-35kk
The More Blessed Life [podcast]
giving and lordship
Giving and Lordship [podcast]
The True Temple of God
prov 3-9-10 give
Crumbing Christ [podcast]
meme woman hands up praise worship1
Heavenly Worship and Obedience
lk 12-20aa
"Thou Fool, this Night Thy Soul shall be Required of Thee" [podcast]
pied piper01
Pied Pipers of Damnation and their Willing Dupes
haggai consider your ways
Build the House [podcast]
jesus has been too good
"Jesus has been too Good for Me to Lose Faith in Him!" ~ Derek
the things which are not seen are
"The things which are not Seen are Eternal" [podcast]
giving matt 10-8a
WHERE to Give Your Money and Where Not to Give it
treasure coins1
NAKED Departure! [podcast]
grace gal 1-15-16a
Supplying Saints and Sinners with Heavenly Sustenance
giving at its best
Supporting Our LORD's Gospel Work giving stewardship
matt 12-33 root fruit1
Are You Authentically Thankful to God? Let's Test that Claim
1 cor 9-1-14 stewardship
The Powerful Furtherance of the Gospel [podcast]
matt 6-21 treasure
Lay Up For Yourselves Treasures in Heaven [podcast]
parable of the talents004
"A Faithful Man shall Abound with Blessings" [podcast]
giving 2 cor 9-7 stewardship
The Way We Spend Our Money is a Direct Reflection of the Priorities of Our Heart [podcast]
jail mercy self righteousness
Sending the Divine Light into "The Prison House" [podcast]
grace gal 1-15-16a
treasure coins1
giving matt 10-8a
the things which are not seen are
jesus has been too good
haggai consider your ways
pied piper01
lk 12-20aa
meme woman hands up praise worship1
prov 3-9-10 give
giving and lordship
acts 20-35kk
matt 6-19-21 treasure riches05
rich 1 tim 6-10
lk 12-32bb
lk 16-9c
acts 20-35aa3
parable of the talents001
war chest11
was jesus rich
jn 15-5 jn 3-30
fire gold
love giving