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Supporting Our LORD’s Gospel Work giving stewardship


455,569 views on ministry youtube channel. The ministry podcasts have reached over 130,000 downloads. is now receiving over 30,000 visitors per month and some calendar months up to 60,000 unique visitors, all who are being fed God’s Word.

If we can’t separate ourself from money for the Gospel, money is our god (Matthew 6:19-24).

Thousands daily are reached via the ministry’s social media accounts.

The ministry site is now nearly 2,000 posts with over 1100 in preparation.

Jesus taught to “Give” as did His apostle Paul – Mt 6:19-21; Lk 6:38; 2 Cor 9:6-11 etc… not a coerced tithe but giving out of what He gives us – Prov 3:9-10; 1 Chron 29:14, etc.

NEVER pity those who have answered the call of Christ into His full-time ministry. Instead, pity those who sit there and contribute zilch to the work of the One who bled to save them, the very Once they claim to love, serve, and be saved by.

Gospel laborers are the most important workers in the earth – and the least rewarded (for now) and most despised. They do the only eternal work – Feeding His sheep and carrying the message of Christ’s Gospel to the lost. Jesus instructed us to ask the Father to send forth His laborers into His harvest, right? Yes (Matthew 9:35-38). Are you praying for Gospel laborers and supporting them in HIS work for the feeding of His beloved sheep and winning the eternal souls of men to Him?

More biblical truth being added daily for the edification of the body of Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

God is good!

There’s no work so important or eternal as the work of our LORD’s Gospel! Fuel it saints. “WE are labourers TOGETHER with God.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) God’s people, those who love the whole truth, should support His work. Satan’s counterfeits certainly won’t!

SOLID investments get no better than Christ’s kingdom! Matthew 6:19-21

More here with pics of what God is doing! BECAUSE YOU CARE

Thank you for praying for and supporting our LORD’s work (Hebrews 6:10). Takes seconds to give.

SAINTS, your prayers desired for sufficient support for this ministry outreach which is reaching tens of thousands monthly with the original Gospel message. Thank you for praying. God’s people just support HIS work. We all know that Satan’s counterfeits won’t! 1 Cor 3:6-9; 2 Cor 9:6-11; Matt 6:19-21

Support | STORE | Podcasts | ChristologyBe Ready in the Morning [podcast]The Sure Mercies of David [podcast]That Repentance and Remission of Sins should be Preached [podcast] | At His Feet | Modern ChurchPeace with God

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