Excerpt from the book Lie of the Ages
“Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law (Word) of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.” Isaiah 30:8-10
In this Isaiah 30 text we see a startling revelation of the Holy Spirit of God. He has His prophet here record this warning, to alert His people of the threat of smooth talking deceivers who lead His people astray. This warning would cover the whole span of the history of mankind, leading up to and including the return and ultimate reign of Jesus Christ. The LORD told his prophet Isaiah to write these things “that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever.” By this alone we know that the danger of these smooth talking counterfeits is for our day. So let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to our hearts in this late hour.
So many today, claiming to be God’s children, do not “endure sound doctrine” when confronted with the authentic preaching of the Word (2 Tim. 4:2-5). Instead of hearkening to the truth their ears hear, they cry “Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.”
To illustrate the point here, let’s ask ourselves a few simple and very important questions:
- Do I love God’s Word and hunger and thirst for more and more of it?
- Am I in the Word daily?
- Have I surrounded myself with those who love the Bible and are consequently comfortable and desirous to talk Scripture?
- Am I involved in a group or local church that is merely following the latest evangelical fad book or leader or movement?
- Do I migrate to leaders (Bible study or otherwise) who truly honor and lead directly into and through the Holy Scriptures?
Unfortunately there are a very minuscule few who truly preach the Word in our day. Most preach the words of mere men – their own or others programs. But when God’s Word is preached, men are warned to “flee from the wrath to come” (Lk. 3:7). It seems that so many who are woefully “at ease in Zion” flee the truth and instead, intentionally migrate to one of the scores of smooth talking local church builders of our day who preach the gospel of ease in order to draw in and retain supporters (Amos 6:1). It is heart-rending that these man-pleasing, smooth talking deceivers litter the landscape of the church world in our day. Does this not reveal that every man desires to do what is right in his own eyes and not die to self and do the will of the Father in Heaven? See 1 Kings 17:6; Matthew 7:21; 12:50; John 4:34; James 1:22; 4:4-10.
As foretold several times in the New Testament, very few people love the truth in this late hour (1 Thess. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-7). Regrettably, most would rather exalt mere men and their teachings above God who has lifted His Word above His own name (Ps. 138:2). In their hearts they say “hurt not the oil and the wine (pleasure and ease)!” They say “Don’t you dare mess with my Laodicean playhouse! (Rev. 3:14-19; 6:6) I want my cake and to eat it too!” Like the Laodiceans who were carnally fat and spiritually skinny, many in this last hour want a life of ease, not realizing that in God’s eyes they are
“wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” These Laodiceans refused to endure sound doctrine, and those whom Jesus warned would be spewed from Him (vomited out of His mouth/body; rejected). Many today say in their hearts “We don’t want to hear the hard truths of God! Don’t you dare interrupt the flow of ease and pleasure! Give us the promise of eternal security without personal responsibility! If you do, we will find one of the many leaders who will not teach on sin and righteousness and the full-counsel of the Word! Entertain us or we will pick up our toys and go play somewhere else!”
Beloved, beware of community churches and the emergent church movement which are sweeping the evangelical world and littering the landscape of Laodicean America! Beware of cotton candy pseudo “Christian” books and works that focus on being purpose-driven instead of pure and Word and Holy Spirit-led! Beware of writings that center on being wild of heart and not holy in heart! Beware of wannabe local pastors who don’t have their own identity in Christ and their own life in the Word of God and therefore follow sheep-clothed, wool-cloaked wolves who have national influence! Rebuke them sharply and expose them and depart unless they repent! (Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Tim. 4:2-5; Tit. 1:13)
Far more dangerous than the mass murderous ministries of Jim Jones and David Koresh, are men today who are deceitfully leading their flock into spiritual darkness and death with their deadly and insidious lies. This is the epitome of what the LORD Jesus described as the blind leading the blind into the ditch of eternal destruction (Matt. 15:14). These leaders are doing these things for 2 reasons:
- They serve themselves and not Christ and therefore refuse to instruct their people in the full-counsel of the LORD (Acts 20:20, 27, 32; Phil. 3:17-21).
- The people they lead, like so many among us, do not personally study and know the Word of God, so cannot discern these leaders as false. (The people who do not know and obey God’s Word will be destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6; Matt. 22:29; 2 Thess. 2:10-12).
False teachers reciprocate the sinful desires of unsaved, unsanctified men. Beguilers tell the people what their depraved hearts wish to hear, instead of naming sin and calling them to repentance before a holy God (2 Tim. 4:3). This is what Christ and His apostles did (Matt. 4:17; Lk. 13:3, 5; Acts 3:19).
The landscape of the modern church world is littered with entrepreneurial CEO type moguls who use various marketing schemes and entertainment gimmicks to farm their communities for unearned, un-cleansed souls whom they never call to repent from living a life of rebellion. Below is a partial list of essentials that govern and drive today’s beguilers who seek to grow their church businesses in our communities.
Every single mainstream evangelical leader who is teaching OSAS is dead wrong. Many do such due to being taught of mere men while rejecting the written counsel of the One they claim to be representing.
“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest (pervert) judgment.” Exodus 23:3
It simply doesn’t matter the size of their audience, opulent ministries, influence, or charisma, etc. God’s Word is final authority and never hints of an unconditional eternal security. Let’s take it one step further: Every leader not warning and exhorting his audience of the essential of enduring to the end in obedient faith toward Christ, is not fulfilling His calling and will receive judgment for such (Col. 1:28; 2:8; 2 Tim. 4:1-2). The only security God’s Word promises is in abiding or remaining in full relational trust in Christ.
The Word of God annihilates any and all possibility of there existing an unconditional eternal security. If OSAS existed in the mind of the Almighty He would have simply transparently come out openly and told us in His Word (Ps. 33:11). “The thoughts of his heart” have been transmitted through His holy apostles and prophets and recorded to all generations in His Word and there is no hint of an unconditional eternal security found therein (Ps. 33:11).
The Unspoken Creed of Modern Deceivers
Cardinal Rule #1:
Thou shalt not obey Jesus Christ and preach repentance. This is what He prescribed in order that He might grow His true Church as He wills. Ignore the severe truths of the Bible because it won’t make you successful in men’s eyes and maximize your monetary earning potential in this life. Instead, seek out popular men who can tell you how to be a good church growth student and farm your community to grow your church business.
Cardinal Rule #2:
Thou shalt not teach people that God is holy, that sin separates men from Him, and that without exception He requires all who will be eternally saved to “be ye holy for I am holy.” Cardinal Rule #3:
Thou shalt tend only to the light fanfare of fun and entertaining things like coping, financial prosperity, physical healing, getting blessed, pop psychology, and light things catering to building up the self life which Jesus commanded men to “deny.”
Cardinal Rule #4:
Thou shalt entertain sinful goats who think they are saved and not feed sheep. Only say things that make the largest segment of society feel comfortable at all costs. This is how you will be able to build a large church business. Never ever, ever tell the people that Jesus Christ requires them to deny themselves, take up their cross daily and really and truly follow Him or they are not His.
Cardinal Rule #5:
Thou shalt make people feel like they are a part of a community. Make them feel like they belong and that they are accepted without question or exception and that God okays them in their sins whether they repent or not.
Cardinal Rule #6:
Thou shalt be friendly and sensitive to seekers while ignoring the need to fear God and preach the undiluted full-counsel of His Word. Oh, make sure you use one of the many artificial, corrupt new versions of the Bible that are supposedly easier to read and have removed and distorted the central doctrines of the Christian faith. Beware because using the real English Bible (KJV) would convict people of sin and might actually cause people to have to learn new English words, increasing their vocabulary and making them smarter and wiser and able to discern who you really are (Ps. 19:7; 119:99-100).
Cardinal Rule #7:
Thou shalt not preach on the vivid reality of hell and eternal judgment to come and how Jesus spoke more about hell than Heaven. This might make people feel uncomfortable in their sins and not patronize or pay you to continue to lead them astray.
Cardinal Rule #8:
Thou shalt purposely ignore and dodge all the myriad of Scriptures that deal with crucifying the self life, denying sinful pleasure in this life and truly following Jesus. This would offend and alienate people from your cause.
Cardinal Rule #9:
Thou shalt not preach any convicting word that brings shame on sinful consciences. If so you would run some off and they would no longer help you build your local church business.
Cardinal Rule #10:
Thou shalt act as if you believe the Bible is God’s Word and yet don’t really spend much time getting directly into it. Rather, bring in fad books written by best selling authors who do not exalt Jesus Christ by declaring His Word – undiluted. If you want to grow your own financial portfolio, do not preach the full-counsel of God’s Word – holiness, repentance, being born again, hell, denial of self, judgment to come, etc. Make sure you do not make one of God’s 66 glorious divinely-inspired books the text book for smaller group studies. People might get convicted of their sins, repent, and begin to personally learn God’s Word for themselves and won’t allow you to continue to mislead them and will not see the need for you (“Pastor Wonderful”) to tell them what to believe.
Cardinal Rule #11:
Remember that your whole goal is to look successful in the eyes of men and to grow your congregation numerically and not spiritually. Thou shalt not specifically and by name preach on sin and call men to repent of their life of iniquity. The blessed and ancient altar call must be removed. Since you won’t be preaching repentance from sin before a just and holy God and Judge, you will not need an altar call. Obeying Christ by calling men to repent is not conducive to your own personal cause and popularity among men and may cause people to get truly saved and begin serving Christ and having an eternal perspective and not buying in to your selfish interests to build your entertainment club disguised as a church. Be careful to remember that people who truly know and fear God do not support false prophets and if you truly preach the Word some will repent and see who you really are and leave your circus act.
Cardinal Rule #12:
Thou shalt completely ignore the New Testament book of Acts and the baptism in the Holy Ghost which would empower and make His disciples true witnesses of the KING of all kings and draw their allegiance to Jesus and advancing His eternal kingdom which would take away their heart affections and energies from your own self-serving program and cause.
Cardinal Rule #13:
Thou shalt not truly and ceaselessly preach the Word of God since that would make true disciples. If so they might realize they really don’t need you but rather the nail-scarred risen Savior and LORD and go forth doing His bidding ministry – building up the saints and winning the lost – which would lessen your own importance and position.
Cardinal Rule #14:
Only deal with surface issues like self-esteem, relationships, coping, and things pertaining to selfish interests. Make sure those in your little bless me club are comforted in their sin and believe they are eternally secure no matter what filth and wickedness they get into after their initial profession of faith. This will tickle their ears and embolden them to continue to live in sin and enjoy being led to believe that God will still accept them into His holy Heaven. This is another good way to get people to feel good and continue to come and give their money to your little entertainment club. Do not preach God’s Word as Paul told Timothy to do. Most people want to be told ear-tickling lies and so in order to have a large following, you must be selective about what you preach.
Cardinal Rule #15:
Jesus told you that you must lose your life in this world to gain it. If you were to obey what He said, you would then lay it all down and truly be Christ’s and serve Him and no longer be a “deceitful worker” and pawn of Satan (2 Cor. 11:12-15; Phil. 3:17-19). Also, be aware that if you truly repent you will no longer be a hireling wolf who preys upon people, using them as a means to your own selfish end. If you were to really get right with the LORD you may lose the riches of this fleeting world and begin laying up eternal treasure.
You know when you have been to an entertainment house instead of a New Testament church when you have heard no heart-circumcising, convicting, word charged with the fear of the LORD. Inherent in the very words of the original Gospel is the fear and love of God. When it is communicated in the Holy Spirit, hearts are changed. God-fearing men are infused with and infuse those who hear their messages with the divine Person of Christ who reverberates in their hearts through the preached Word (Jn. 5:39; 2 Tim. 4:1-4). If one leaves a church gathering having had nothing substantial deposited in his heart, yet has been entertained, he can be sure that he was not at a true New Testament gathering of faithful remnant saints (Acts 2:42-47; 9:31; 20:27-32).
If one seeks to be entertained it is because he is bored due to not having an authentic, living, breathing relationship with His very Creator.
In a message titled That Dreadful Day No One Wants to Talk About, the late David Wilkerson wrote:
“How is the body of Christ responding to these (lastdays) warnings? In many churches, there is no mention of atrocities, of terrorism, of tragic pandemics. Instead, the messages being brought forth from those pulpits are comprised of motivational pep talks, jokes, entertainment. It’s all spiritual baby food, with no word spoken about coming judgments.” World Challenge Pulpit Series, February 5, 2007
Don’t Spoil My Little Party!
Some do not wish to “endure sound doctrine” but rather seek ease of life and so migrate to those leaders who will tell them what their un-purged hearts wish to hear instead of the hard truths of God’s Word (Amos 6:1; 2 Tim. 4:2-4).
Whatever we sow we will reap and this includes what we choose to hear and how we hear and process the words of our LORD (Matt. 7:21-29; Mk. 4:24; Lk. 8:18; Gal. 6:7-9). Just as falsehood robs the fear of God from the hearts of men, conversely the truth – when fully embraced – steals and dissolves the excuses, self-deception and compromise right out of our hearts! “Lie not against the truth” but rather “receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” (James 1:21; 3:14)
Some see the crystal clear biblical doctrine of a conditional eternal security as a threat to the sinful, worldly lifestyle they are accustomed to living. When some who have been taught this lie of the ages initially hear the piercing Word of God taught and the Holy Spirit begins to convict their hearts, they react with: “Oh please don’t spoil my little party! Don’t ruin the god I have created to suit my own whims and the lifestyle I wish to live! I don’t want to really have to die to myself and take up my cross and genuinely walk with Jesus! Did He really mean we had to? I just want to have a fire insurance policy – please don’t bother me with Scripture that commands me to truly obey Christ!”
It is a deadly occupation to determine truth by how it fits ones lifestyle instead of by what God defined it as in His Word (Jn. 17:17; Rom. 3:3-4). Judgment Day is coming and it will be too late to go back and relive this brief earthly life. We are only given one chance to live this life and yet how we choose to live it will determine our eternity. Many who today claim to know Jesus Christ and even call Him “Lord” will be shocked to be terminated by Him into the bowels of eternal fire on that Great and Terrible Day (Matt. 7:15-26; 25:40-46). Isn’t it time to get transparent and authentic?
They Claim That God Isn’t Fair
Here is a very telling passage of divine truth where the hearts of those who espouse this no-responsibility-for-sin teaching is found:
“Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal (fair): but as for them, their way is not equal. When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby. Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.” Ezekiel 33:17-20
Just like today, in Ezekiel’s day, many of the people were saying that God’s way was not equal (fair) because He had told them earlier on and here that those righteous people who turn back to sin would perish and have no security. The people simply didn’t like that the LORD said that “When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.” Like many today, these people who were among the people of God, wanted to remain living their lives as they wished and not truly submitted to the LORD. They were living in a mythical fairytale like “salvation” plan which required no change of life or their lifestyles of comfort. And they wanted the comfort of knowing they were secure no matter how they lived.
Think about this for a moment: Many today who balk in their hearts at the requirements for salvation (real faith that is evidenced by good works), have expended much effort, time and money to earn their educational degrees and other accomplishments in this fleeting life. Many of these same people never think twice about exerting whatever is required of them to obtain their temporal prize, yet murmur at the thought of the divinely-given conditions set forth to remain in fellowship with Him (Matt. 10:22; 1 Jn. 1:7, etc.). It’s like they don’t want to be bothered with any of the details of walking with the LORD and yet want to believe they still have eternal life due to their one little sinner’s prayer and church affiliation, etc.
While being accused of being unfair, the LORD said to His people in Ezekiel’s day that their way wasn’t equal/right. Here’s the reasons some people then and now do not like the way of the LORD is:
- They are not submitted under the Lordship of Christ, but while professing to know Him have a mere “form of godliness” while denying the true surrender to His Lordship (2 Tim. 3:5; Tit. 1:16).
- These people do not want to believe there is any consequence for their actions. They would rather follow a false cliché (OSAS) instead of truly dying to self that Christ might live in and through them, making them holy and ready for His soon return (Lk. 21:34-36). 3) They don’t want to acknowledge that their soul is in the balance, hinging upon their obedience to the LORD, and that they are not unconditionally eternally secure so as to grant them assurance and comfort while living in sin.
I have personally met and spoken with numerous people who while claiming to be Christians, absolutely did not want to imagine that the life of a disciple of Christ can be treacherous and painful at times. In hundreds of conversations with those who want to feel “eternally secure” in their life of ease, most of these people have revealed that they do not want to believe that by divine mandate, they truly have to live holy and face, confess, and forsake their sins or they will forfeit their place with the LORD.
“When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.” Ezekiel 33:18
WARNING: “…Lay hold on eternal life…” (1 Tim. 6:12) “LAY HOLD on eternal life” or it may get away from you – if you leave your first love. Doesn’t this all boil down to having or not having Christ as first love – the One we truly love the most? Jesus warned the Ephesian believers:
“Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” Revelation 2:4-5
Jesus had “somewhat against” many of His very own people at Ephesus. Friend, if the Son of man sat down with you this day to discuss your relationship to Him, would Christ warn that you have left your first love? Would He reveal that in reality He wasn’t truly the One you loved the most – above all others and things, including yourself?
SO, Jesus told His own people that they must “repent” because they left Him as their “first love” and yet you claim they would still go to Heaven if they didn’t obey Jesus by repenting? Wow! You are a lying devil! Revelation 2:4-5
Each individual must choose. We all do choose. If Jesus is not my very “first love”, I have no one to blame but myself for making the deliberate decision to place other things or people in front of Him. Hell awaits. (Revelation 2:4-5)
Jesus told His own people they were “lukewarm” and getting ready to be vomited/rejected by Him and yet you still believe OSAS/eternal security? You are a vile heretic who is lying against the LORD you claim to serve! Repent sinner. Revelation 3:15-16
Jeremiah 7 – Are We Truly “Delivered to do all these Abominations?”
“Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?” Jeremiah 7:8-10
The LORD here tells His people that they “trust in lying words, that cannot profit.” He cites them for the sins of stealing, murder (hatred of any kind), adultery, lying, and idolatry. Yet He says that while living in and justifying these offences to His holiness, they come before Him as if all their sin doesn’t matter and that none of their sins can hinder their relationship with Him who is holy – “And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?”
Basically these people who once walked with the LORD claimed immunity from divine judgment due to their embracing of the lie of the ages. They vainly believed they were eternally secure and yet were under the judgment of a holy God. Like many today they deceived themselves into believing that God was love, He would never condemn them for their sins. They refused to “behold” His “severity” on those in the past who “fell” and were “cut off.” (Rom. 11:19-22)
He cites them for the sins of stealing, murder (hatred of any kind), adultery, lying, and idolatry. Yet He says that while living in and justifying these offences to His holiness, these people come before Him as if all their sin doesn’t matter and that none of their sins can hinder their relationship with Him who is holy. – “And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?”
Are we truly “Delivered to do all these Abominations?” In other words, are we now free to sin because we are saved by His grace? Isn’t this exactly what the Holy Spirit warned and answered once and for all times in Romans 6? “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (v1-2) Okay, let’s break this truth down:
- The Question: “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?”
- The answer: “God forbid.”
Any person not saved and delivered from living in sin, is not saved from the penalty of sin – eternal death – damnation.
“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16
Those who “yield” themselves to obey God are His servants and will reap “righteousness.” Those who obey the sinful nature are sinning “unto death” or spiritual separation.
Are we reasoning and leaning to our own understanding by thinking the Almighty doesn’t see all of what we think upon and do? Are we vainly believing He will automatically excuse these sins? Is it time to find out what He has told us plainly about un-confessed sin and the consequences? Are we diligently studying and listening to what the LORD told us in no uncertain terms?
Like the people of Jeremiah’s day, millions today are fulfilling the last days prophecy found in 2 Timothy 3. Many today have a “form of godliness” and yet are “denying the power” of Christ’s authority in their personal lives. “Power” here refers to Lordship, rule and reign. Those who claim Christ as Savior and have not submitted themselves under His rule and reign, where He truly consumes their lives, have only an outward formula of godliness and will be found wanting on Judgment Day, void of the “fruit” without fail consistent with saving faith (Matthew 7:15-23). Many have been led to believe that they can mix a little easy believism and Sunday morning church service into the activities of their lives and everything will be fine. If ones supposed faith in Christ does not translate into a complete life change from the inside out, he should fall afresh upon the mercy of God in deep repentance and trust (Matt. 3:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:17-18). Masses have been taught that because they went down to some church altar at some point, they are eternally secure (OSAS) and yet are not living unto the LORD and are therefore not ready to meet Him. If ones daily “fruit” or works “deny” Christ, he is not of God (Matt. 3:8; Tit. 1:16). Also, once one is saved, he is mandated to continue to seek God and be transformed in his thinking and lifestyle or he will “fall away” from the LORD (Lk. 8:13; Heb. 3:12-15; 10:26-39). One truly may have confessed Jesus Christ as LORD and been saved, but the recipient of salvation is required by the One who gave the gift to “continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel.” (1 Cor. 15:2; Col. 1:22-23; Heb. 3:6)
There is never the promise of an unconditional eternal security – not once. It was never a part of God’s agreement with man. In fact, right in the midst of the clearest definition of the “gospel” He told us that we must “keep in memory” what we have learned and been blessed with in His salvation, or we will lose out (1 Cor. 15:1-4).
When confronted with Bible passages which refute these heretical beliefs, some are faced with the reality of having to actually crucify the deeds of their sinful nature. Sadly, many run in defiance of this truth. They scurry and remain in hiding behind the thin, temporal veneer and false comfort zone of a supposed license to sin. Isn’t this exactly what God said of the people of the prophet Jeremiah’s day? (Jer. 7:8-10) This is tragic and has been established in the hearts of many by those who claim to be Christian leaders who continually reinforce and foster such a lie.
Quite frankly, the Bible truth of a conditional eternal security can be scary to some, especially at first, but the fruit of embracing this divine truth will always ultimately yield the fear of the LORD which is clean, and the fruit of holiness and clear a conscience. Be sure of this: those who are the remnant of Christ in our day are not afraid of what He plainly told us in His Word. They face His truth with humble, honest and open hearts and seek His face to change any and everything in their lives which do not align with the Master of their souls – Jesus Christ, their first love.
Those who fear and obey the LORD are blessed with His comfort and not a counterfeit comfort which will ultimately lead to eternal damnation. After obeying the LORD against much opposition, the early Church was blessed:
“Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.” Acts 9:31
As we see in this insightful passage in Acts 9:31, “the fear of the LORD” is a blessing and will always ultimately result in “the comfort of the Holy Ghost.” It is ultra important for those who will trust Jesus to the end, to remove from their lives all false teachers who do not teach the fear of the LORD, the need for personal holiness, and to believe to the end to be saved. If one desires to truly follow Christ, he must dethrone any and all of his favorite teachers – “idol Shepherds” – and look fully and solely to the LORD Jesus Christ and His precious Word (Zech. 11:17).
Jesus wants to save us from the lie of the ages which says that as God’s people, we are free to live in sin. Such is the first falsehood told to man which led to the fall of man into sinful separation from His Maker. Saints, the wages of sin is still death in God’s unchanging economy and His people are never to forget this (Romans 6:1-2, 15, 23).
Some who read this will feel hopeless to overcome certain sins in their life which in part have been enabled by the “it’s -okay-to-live-in-sin” lie. But please allow me to encourage you to keep pressing toward the mark of knowing Jesus more and more – you are going to look back and be so eternally glad you endured in His grace and overcome (Rev. 23). No sin or sins are any match for His infinite power and grace! (Rom. 6:14) Get back under His glorious grace! Lay it all down saint and watch the wonderful grace of God make you free to love and serve Him in all your thoughts and ways as you fervently await His soon return.
“Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” 1 Peter 2:11
“A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.” Proverbs 29:5
Beloved of the LORD, do not buy into these lies which are of the evil one. His plan is to seduce your soul into disobedience – as he did with Adam and Eve – which will lead to the serving of self-interests and lusts and cause you to fall away from the LORD. Seduction is accomplished with flattery not rebuke. Reject these lies and live a life of rejoicing, fasting, prayer, Bible study and witnessing. Give thanks and declare the Good News in light of the soon return of the Son of God.
PRAYER: Jesus fill me with Your love and grace and a deep conviction for Your holy truth. I rejoice in You alone Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. Bless my heart to be honest and obedient to You heavenly Father and never hide behind a lie that justifies my sin. Strike my heart with the fear of the LORD and grant me Your anointing to help others in the same. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Flash Point:
Those who espouse the OSAS doctrine of devils only do so because they simply do not want to die to self in this fleeting world and thereby prove they are counterfeits. The Psychology of Eternal Security Book
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