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Praying for a Godly Mate? Tired of the Fake “Christians” in America’s Apostate Modern Church World? You are not alone ….. And You are Not Limited!

IF your relationship with Jesus runs her/him away, you know they aren’t the one.

If a potential mate you know isn’t enamored with your love for Jesus, such a person is not an equal yoking (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Hint: If they don’t respect and rejoice over your relationship with Jesus as the very “first love” of your life, they aren’t the one! (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Revelation 2:4-5)

Jesus called this generation “An evil and adulterous generation.” (Matthew 12:39)

FACT: Today the vast majority of divorces are initiated by the wives, the wicked women. I purposely used the word “wicked” because if you are a true Christian you will never divorce your mate except due to a breaking of the covenant per biblical guidelines.

Gentlemen, any woman who isn’t bringing to the table the worship of the LORD, strictly according to His Word, isn’t coming in humbly SERVING like Rebecca, like Ruth, like the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman, isn’t ready to lay down her life and obey her husband, is a self-serving jezebel witch! RUN! (1 Timothy 2:9-14; Titus 2:3-5; 1 Peter 3:1-6)

Are you praying for a mate who “goes to church” OR are you praying for a mate who is an authentic disciple, who seeks, knows, and walks with Jesus, daily?

SO you met someone who isn’t excited that you are saved? Not your mate! … unless God uses you to minister His truth straight up to them and they truly repent. Beware of fake repentance when people are trying to get you to marry them! Fruit, fruit, fruit (Matthew 7:16, 20).

IF he or she is not in the WORD, has no life of prayer, can’t have a biblical conversation, GOD didn’t sent them. Beware. Unequal yoking (2 Corinthians 6:14; Amos 3:3).

It’s always a blessing to see couples praying in public. God says men are to lead this (1 Timothy 2:8). Dear brothers in Christ, are we just another self-serving man? A date with a dear Christian lady is the bless-ed opportunity to make a statement for Christ.

MARRY someone who appreciates and celebrates your life with Jesus! Equal yoking!

Look for this ….

  1. Genuinely Born Again
  2. Seeks God daily in prayer and diligent Bible study, with no days off
  3. Non OSAS – Doesn’t believe in the mythical heresy of “eternal security”
  4. King James Bible
  5. Holy Ghost filled
  6. Knows and seeks to obey God’s order as a man/woman
8. Learning the cross, takes it up daily
10. Actually cares for you!!!! (don’t limit yourself to America or you may never find someone like this! Abraham didn’t! Genesis 24!)
11. Not ashamed of Christ.
12. Witnesses for Christ.
14. Is not religious or just another fake church goer
15. Isn’t just looking to date but rather fulfill God’s will in marriage
16. Not ashamed to pray in public
17. Is not materialistic! Again, you will be hard pressed to find someone like this in America, so it’s wise not to limit yourself!
18. Is actively praying and asking God to use them to reach others!
19. Are eager to help and minister to others when the occasion arises and not just a church goer
20. Is teachable, humble, and pliable – ready to be corrected by God’s Word!
21. Hard working.
  1. Not selfish.
  2. Serves others constantly.
  3. How do they treat their parents
  4. How do they treat the elderly?

If you are a genuine disciple of Christ, perhaps you should settle for no one short of an authentic disciple of Jesus. Those praying for a godly mate…. are simply looking for a person who is not perfection but that realizes that life without Christ is utter futility. They understand that putting God first, on His terms, is the only way to a happy life of joy – no matter what difficulties arise. Amen Jesus! Ask them if they know and understand Matthew 6:33.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Top 12 Preps for Marriage [podcast] 

Unmarried Christians

Unmarried and Desire a Godly Mate? 

Marriage is not about you getting your needs met but rather about God using you to serve the one you choose to marry to be a blessing to them! (Philippians 2:3-5)

Marriage is more to make you holy than it is to make you happy!


“Excellent! One of the best recordings I’ve heard you do. It really flowed — and easy to relate to. It reminded me again of the importance of nurturing contentment in our hearts. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Good job.” Debbie L.

Top 12 Preps for Marriage [podcast]

Finding Your Mate for a Great Marriage

Proverbs 31 Virtuous Woman The Transformed Wife

Proverbs 31 Woman

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