“In the Bible we have the facts and history of man’s redemption. Other worlds and other beings are brought to prominence in light of redemption’s purposes and plans. These revealed facts, whether incidental or essential, are to our faith what the facts of nature are to the biology student. They must shape theories and settle opinions. They must not be set aside. Reason must not ignore or reject them, but must lay them as the solid foundations of all investigation, the basis of every hypothesis. These Bible facts demand our faith, though we may not be able to reach out into the unknown regions where harmony reigns.
The Word of God brings clearly to light the unseen world: its persons, places, and history. These are revealed no in minute detail, but with enough information to provoke thought and inspire faith.
The Devil Revealed
The Bible does not enter into an argument to prove the being and person of God. It assumes His being and reveals His person and character. Without preface or introduction, the Bible brings God before us in all His majesty and omnipotence. God was at the world’s beginning, and He created the beginning of all things. ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’ (Genesis 1:1). How sublime and inspiring is our first glimpse of God! God is revealed not by argument but by work. We learn what He is from what He does.
The revelation of the Devil is the same. He is presented without introduction or ceremony as the Evil One, a graduate of the school of deception and evil. The curtain is drawn, and the chief actor is in full dress. A world is at stake; man is to be seduced; Eden is to be corrupted. No light is shed upon his past history. No knowledge is given of the school where he learned his evil trade. He was before earthly life. Eden does not date his birth. The temptation in the Garden is not the first chapter of his history or the first test of his hellish art.
We have no access to the archives of the past. Eden bounds our horizon, and the Devil is there. Since that time, his history has run parallel with the human race’s. Man is the object of his schemes, his destructive devices, and his ambition. Earth is the favorite scene of his exploits. He is at the cradle of every baby, and he has much to do in shaping each person’s character and determining his destiny.
The Bible is a revelation, not a philosophy or poem, not a science. It reveals things and persons as they are, living and acting outside the range of earthly vision or natural discovery.
Biblical revelations are not against reason but above reason. They require the exercise of faith, man’s highest faculty. The powers of reason are not able to discover these biblical facts. Yet these facts are for reason’s use–it’s light, strength, and higher elevation. But most essentially, they are to form, nourish, and perfect faith.” E.M. Bounds, Guide to Spiritual Warfare, pgs. 11-12
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