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The Believer and the Word (PDF)

(Duplication encouraged. An open King James Bible should accompany your study of this topic. Carefully, prayerfully study each verse given in order to answer each question correctly. Print this document out and pencil in the answers in the blanks provided. It may be best to cut and paste it to your word processing software and then print it out. Your life in Christ will be enriched forever as you embrace and put into practice His Word.)

“Thy words were found and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah 15:16

“For the word of God is quick (alive), and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

The Bible is the record of God’s inspired Word and is a gift from our heavenly Father to each believer. He has graciously given us His written Word so that we can know Him and His will for our lives.

The believer must embrace God’s Word as his absolute and entire source of truth. The Word of God is the matchless wellspring of divine wisdom and must become the solitary fountain that the disciple of Jesus drinks from. All else must be judged against its immutable contents.

1. According to Proverbs 30:5-6: “Every word of God is _____________ : he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. _________ thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a __________.” (fill in blanks)

2. What is it that gives spiritual life to men? Matthew 4:4


3. What is the agent of God in the earth, which when heard and received, converts the soul bringing forth salvation? Psalms 19:7; Romans 1:16


4. What are men commanded to do in order to receive the revelation of who Jesus Christ is? John 5:39


5. In order for growth to take place in the lives of His people, what does God prescribe? 1 Peter 2:2


An infant must first drink milk for a time until he grows and is weaned to heavier food substances. When he is weaned from milk he can ingest heavier foods for advanced, healthy, physical growth and maturity. God draws this parallel through the apostle Peter here to show that the same is true spiritually. The child of God must begin with milk. Beyond the all-important season of demonstrating faithfulness to God’s wonderful milk, the still-hungry believer will graduate to the weightier matters, the deeper understanding of God and His principles – the meat. This does not come without consistent and diligent study of the scriptures and prayer communion.

6. What occurs when the believer desires and takes hold of the milk of the Word? 1 Peter 2:2


The life of the disciple of Christ is a life of growth, learning, and change. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit make these blessings possible.

7. What is increased when God’s Word is heard and received? Romans 10:17


8. According to Hebrews 5:13 & 14, what is the difference between a “babe” and a “full age”(mature) believer within the Body of Christ? (“Milk” refers to the elementary principles of the Word of God. “Meat” refers to the deeper principles of the Word of God).


9. What was the Word of God “written for”? Romans 15:4


10. Where can the believer find patience, comfort, and hope? Romans 15:4


11. In order for the believer to continue as a disciple of Jesus, being progressively made free, what did Jesus say he must do? John 8:30-32; 2 John 9


Notice, that as the follower of Jesus continues in the Word, he will know (experience) the truth and be made free.

12. Where can the believer find the will of God – guidance? Psalms 119:105


The Word of God IS the will of God.

13. What did the apostle Paul command Timothy to do in order to learn and rightly divide the Word of God? 2 Timothy 2:15


14. In 2 Timothy 2:15, who are we to seek to be “approved” by?




15. What happens to people who do not know the Word of God? Hosea 4:6


Matthew 22:29


16. Who are the truths of God’s Word reserved for? Matthew 13:10,11; Mark 4:10,11


Understanding in the things of God’s kingdom is reserved FOR God’s people. His precious truths are hid FOR His people, not FROM His people.

17. Was it ever God’s intent to make the scriptures difficult for His people to understand? Deuteronomy 27:8; Habakkuk 2:2; Mark 4:11



Countless people of all ages and of many nations have come to comprehend and trust the One True God while embracing His sure promises found on the pages of Scripture.

18. What were two of God’s intentions for giving us His written Word? Proverbs 22:20, 21

A. ________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________

19. What class of people does God reveal His covenant to? Psalms 25:14


20. Who did Jesus expound His Word to? Mark 4:34


21. List three requirements for receiving the wisdom of God from His Word. Proverbs 22:17

A. ________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________

C. ________________________________________________________________________

22. When the words of God are kept within the believer, what is the result spoken of in Proverbs 22:18?


23. What did the prophet Jeremiah ingest and rejoice over? Jeremiah 15:16


24. What was better to the psalmist than much gold and silver? Psalms 119:72


Desiring to consume God’s Word is the priority and standard of every true disciple of Jesus. Learning of Him must become the diligent passion of all of His saints. As we move forward into Christ, the temporal things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace, as the beautiful songs says. Who and what we love is what we pursue.

25. What was more important to Job, earthly food or heavenly food? Job 23:12


26. What did the patriarch David pant and long for? Psalms 119:131


27. Why does the Bible say that the Berean believers were more “noble” (excellent) than the Thessalonians? Acts 17:10, 11


Notice here that the wise in Berea tested what was preached against God’s holy standard – the Scriptures. The written Word of God is the fountainhead of all truth offered to mankind. If you choose to walk with God, your entire life must be based on and judged by what is stated in His holy writ.

28. What comes out of the mouths of men? Matthew 12:34


It is clear from what Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 that whatever is in the heart of a man will come out of his mouth. The holy heart is filled with, thinks according to, and meditates upon God’s Word. Beloved, get into God’s Word and God’s Word will get into you. His Word purifies the human heart and therefore causes one to speak the pure words of God.

29. Is God’s light in the heart of the person who does not speak of the things of God? Isaiah 8:20


30. What did Jesus say is a distinct characteristic of those who truly know Him? John 8:47


31. What did Jesus state is the truth? John 17:17


32. How has God chosen to sanctify His people? John 17:17


The disciple of Jesus is set apart unto God in holiness as he explores and embraces the inspired Scriptures. The follower of Christ must continue to pursue and obey the light that God reveals to his heart. Sanctification by the Word is a process that must be continued in by the heaven bound believer.

33. How is the disciple of Jesus being cleansed/washed and being made ready for the return of Jesus? Ephesians 5:25-27


v26Jesus will soon return for “a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing…holy and without blemish,” Ephesians 5:27. God’s preparation process of cleansing from all defilement is now taking place within the hearts of all genuine disciples of Jesus. The Word is the inner detergent of the Lord to purify the hearts of those who love Him in truth.

34. What will happen to all who mock/despise God’s Word? Proverbs 13:13a


Refusing to obey the righteous decrees of God is rebellion. God is the Authority of this universe and all who refuse to obey His plan choose to join the ultimate rebel – Satan.

35. What will happen to all who fear God’s commandments? Proverbs 13:13b


36. What happens to the person who refuses to receive the truth – the Gospel of Jesus Christ? 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

v11 ________________________________________________________________________

v12 ________________________________________________________________________

37. Who in this world honestly loves God? John 14:21; 1 John 2:5


38. How often is the child of God to keep His commandments? Deuteronomy 11:1


39. What were God’s instructions to cause His people to lay up His words in their hearts and in their children’s’ hearts? Deuteronomy 11:18-20

v18 ________________________________________________________________________

v19 ________________________________________________________________________

v20 ________________________________________________________________________

40. How is the Word of God to dwell in the believer according to Colossians 3:16?


“Richly” means abundantly.

41. What two things listed in Deuteronomy 11:8 will be the result of keeping (obeying) God’s Word?

A. ________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________

Obeying God affords strength that enables the believer to be courageous and to conquer – to possess the land that God has called him to possess.

42. What does God say about those who hear the Word but do not do it? James 1:22; Romans 2:13


43. What is the effect of keeping God’s commandments? Proverbs 4:4


44. What are two results of embracing the Word of God? Psalms 19:11

A. ________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________

By obeying God’s statutes the disciple dwells in and is kept under the protection of the Almighty.

To err from His Word is to remove yourself from His divine protection.

45. What does God command His people to retain within their hearts? Proverbs 4:4


46. In Proverbs 4:20 & 21, what instructions does God give us concerning His holy Word?


A. ________________________________________________________________________

B. ________________________________________________________________________



B. _______________________________________________________________________

47. What do the words of God produce in the lives of those who “find” them? Proverbs 4:22


48. Where is the mercy and truth of God to be written? Proverbs 3:3


49. What are New Testament disciples of Christ to minister? Acts 6:4


50. What did the apostles preach? Acts 14:25


51. What did the apostle Paul command Timothy to preach? 2 Timothy 4:2


52. What does God confirm with signs following? Mark 16:20


53. How does the follower of Jesus walk in holiness while avoiding sin? Psalms 119:9-11


54. What is the Word of God called in Ephesians 6:17?


The memorization of scripture places within the hand of the believer a violent and offensive weapon for warfare – the sword of the Spirit. It makes him combat-ready. To be full of the Word of God is to be armed and dangerous against the forces of darkness.

55. What is the sure judgment of God pronounced upon anyone who adds to or takes away from God’s Word? Revelation 22:18, 19


56. Do you personally believe that the Word of God is important in the daily life of every disciple of Jesus? If “yes” state your reasons below.




57. How important is God’s Word to you? What are you going to do with His written Word?





God’s Word must be FIRST in the lives of all who are going to walk in His perfect will. He will give you the grace as you humble yourself – this is the first step. Open your Bible and begin to explore and absorb its wonderful contents. Shortly, you will be engrossed. God’s plan of the ages will be revealed to all who diligently search the holy Scriptures.


In 250 words or more, detail the ways that the Word of God should be incorporated into the daily life of the believer. (Tips for your essay’s content: study, performance, prayer, warfare, proclaiming, meditating upon, memorizing, etc). Search the Scriptures as your source for this essay and use Scripture and references to validate your statements. Begin with deep and prayerful meditation on God’s Word. Write your essay neatly and in an organized manner.


It would be very advantageous for you to cross reference all of the Scriptures in this study. For example, pencil in each topically similar verse into the margin next to the corresponding verses on this same subject. Write out these verses with references on index cards – make it a priority to carry and post them where you will study and meditate upon them. These two measures will build in you a wealth of truth on each topic. This will help you to retain and become resourceful in the Word of God – ready to be used of Him. Capture the knowledge that you have learned, don’t let it slip away from you.

Capitalize on your efforts. This is preparation in earnest (2 Timothy 2:21).

Additional Notes:

I have heard many preachers mock the memorization of Scripture. Nothing could be more detrimental to the believer, especially the babe in Christ who should “desire the sincere milk of the word that he may grow thereby”. (1 Peter 2:2) While intaking God’s words, the disciple of Christ will learn of all things that pertain to life and godliness. ( 2 Peter 1:2-4).

Yes, understanding God’s Word is very important, not just memorizing it, but those who memorize it will understand it much better than one who doesn’t.

To know its Author is to begin to understand the Bible. (John 4:24) One can read Scripture constantly and understand little about Bible revelation/truth if he is not currently in communion with the Author of the Bible. At the same time, when one’s heart is seeking the LORD, it is the knowledge of Scripture which reveals God to his heart.

God’s Word and the knowledge of it are under unprecedented attack.

Memorization of Scripture

Prov. 3:3;4:4; Acts 17:10-11

What was once a great occupation among believers is now under attack by our own leaders. The proliferation of all the new English “versions” of the Bible have crippled memorization due to the plethora of different renderings of each verse. When Christians do quote the Word of God, it is many times in yet another new “version” of the Bible. The honest-heart truth seeker will find that the only reliable English version of the Bible is the Authorized King James Version. It is unfortunate that all other English versions are corrupt and yet it is nonetheless true (they are taken from the corrupted manuscripts).

Deceived leaders do not wish for their audiences to truly memorize and know Scripture because they know that they will be held accountable to and discerned by that knowledge (Acts 17:10-11). God wants every one of His people to know His Word so that they can do precisely that – discern (Heb. 5:11-14). This is the reason that counterfeit leaders among us subtly discourage people from memorizing Scripture. Or, they purposely neglect instructing believers to occupy themselves in this important practice. Beware!

Misunderstanding or perverting the Holy Scriptures leads to eternal damnation (2 Peter 3:16).

Index Cards: Writing Scripture down greatly aids in memorization. One is able then to view and then review over and over until that text/verse is committed to memory.

Holy Word of God
The Blood of Jesus
Holy Ghost Baptism
Water Baptism
The Believer and The Word

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