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—- RADIO …. Self-Appointed and Greedy Prophetic Pimps with Todd Tomasella ….. 30 min. explosive expose’ of false leaders and how to know exactly who they are …. please listen and share to help others in this late hour before our LORD’s return….

The Equipping of Christ’s Saints by the true, unknown servants of Christ is Putting False Prophets Out of Business! (Ephesians 4:11-15)

LOTS of witchcraft posing as being the Holy Spirit. Litmus: Are they grounding you in Christ, in the crucified life, in the “MORE sure word of prophecy” which is the Holy Scriptures, the written Word???? (2 Peter 1:19-21)

IF someone is using the term “prophetic” and he’s not speaking of end times, it’s most likely a fraud. Beware of the NAR, charasmatic witches and warlocks. NAR = New Apostolic Reformation Cult (memorize it!)

ALL who run around looking for or give ear to the pathetic self-appointed, self-proclaimed “prophetic” witches and warlocks who are giving out “words” are not in God’s WORD for themselves and therefore turned over by God Himself to “strong delusion” so they will be “deceived” and ultimately “damned”“because they received not the love of the truth.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

WHEN you choose to diligently study THE WORD for yourself, you won’t run around looking for “a word” from a false ministry.

Any man calling himself (self-appointed) a prophet, is suspect. True prophets simply do the LORD’s work humbly, never drawing attention to themselves by using titles – which Jesus forbids (Matthew 23:8-12).

IF a ministry is not grounding you – getting you personally into – in the written WORD, that is a false ministry …. they aren’t getting you to study to show your own self approved unto God because they have their own agenda – they want you as a perpetual customer. Let’s get into God’s Word daily and diligently and cease to be moved about by “every wind of (false) doctrine.” (Ephesians 4:11-15) Getting into and Going Deeper in God’s Word 

You’re not being very discerning if you don’t see what Jesus said, promised would be “MANY false prophets” in our day.

“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”    Matthew 24:11

THERE are children of God who are behind on bills. There are called-out men of God preaching Christ’s whole Gospel fearlessly, and you STILL support a multi-millionaire wolf who is making merchandise of the people to make himself even richer in this fleeting world? (2 Peter 2:1-3) God is calling you to repent. You are in darkness, a lost soul.

One sister writes:

“Paul offended, Peter, James and John offended. All of God’s servants offended dark hearts. How could they not? The true Gospel of Christ, goes against all societal norms and stirs the ire of modern day Pharisees and their loyal followers, who wallow in idolatry. They preach lies, deception and heresy to keep their followers satisfied and hoodwinked, while they milk them like cows. Then they laugh and slap each other on the back, behind the scenes. God sees all and the guilty shall not go unpunished.”

BIBLICAL QUESTION: Please post the reference to even 1 time where Jesus, John the Baptist, or any of the apostles of Christ ever entertained anyone. ….. BEWARE of the Goat Entertainers which is many of the pastors today – because they have a mortgage and salaries to pay!

IF you’re looking for a word, a dream, a vision, or anything but God’s written Word, it’s because you aren’t known of God but rather are a tare, a counterfeit! Repent and believe on the LORD Jesus Christ now before it’s too late.

BEWARE OF THE “PROPHETIC” WARLOCKS AND WITCHES! The term “prophetic” never appears in Scripture, much less phrases invented by modern wolves such as “prophetic praise,” “the prophetic,” “prophetic warfare,” “prophetic worship,” etc. RUN from this witchcraft which is designed to bring you under the control of Satan’s warlocks pretending to have a word for you as a prophet of God! Wolves in sheep’s clothing! You have God’s Word and Holy Ghost – from Genesis to Revelation – which is “the MORE sure word of prophecy.” (2 Peter 1:16-21) Once you buy the package of believing these people have a special place with and word from God, you are their prey and will be brought under their witchcraft and control (2 Peter 2:19).

ANY person trying to get you to receive a word who is not grounding you in THE Word, the Holy Scriptures which are “the MORE sure word of prophecy,” is a fraud! Run! 2 Peter 1:16-21

Faith Ranger notes: “Those who claim to be prophets are not prophets, but people merely claiming to be prophets. Prophets throughout history were made known by God Himself, and He displayed the ministry of a prophet. Real prophets do not toot their own horns, but repeat what God has said. God isn’t instructing prophets, pastors, or others to advertise their calling, only to live it out. A true prophet needs to make no claim of his own.”

Their GOAL is your GOLD, not your SOUL! Get a clue! Read 2 Peter 2:1-3; Philippians 3:18-19

2 Books on false prophets recommended to greatly increase your discernment:
Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us | Predators in Our Pulpits |

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