3 Essential Basics for Every Believer Per Holy Scripture
1. Daily Bible study (Job 23:12; Jer 15:16; 1 Pet 2:2)
2. Daily life of prayer (1 Thess 5:17)
3. Daily fellowship with other true believers (Acts 2:42-47; Heb 3:13; 10:25)
Jesus’ people gather to glorify Him and love one another. They do not gather to tickle the fancy of or cater to the “felt needs” of those who attend (Matthew 3:6-10). They do not entertain the lost nor amuse the brethren. The apostate modern church world is flooded with slick salesmen falsely pretending to represent Christ. They are buying their prey wholesale and selling them retail (2 Peter 2:1-3). When God’s people gather, together they get into His Word, pray, eat, fellowship, and have communion (Acts 2:42).
ATTENTION: Bible studies aren’t whining, gripe sessions! No one cares about your opinion or mine! Repent. Let’s get engrossed in God’s Word to be washed, and circumcise our wicked hearts! (John 15:3; Ephesians 5:26; Colossians 3:16)
IF you are not in God’s Word every day, you have already backslidden!
God’s Word is your life! Proverbs 4:20-23
Don’t have a life of prayer? It’s simply because you are refusing to fellowship with the LORD, you are pushing Him away and are in need of repenting and returning to Jesus as your “first love” (Revelation 2:4-5).
SAINTS, church “services” today are completely unlike what we see in the early church on record for us in the New Testament canon.
Church “services” have been long ago infiltrated by the very enemies of our LORD Jesus.
Most pastors are simply conducting church “services” and not equipping the saints (Ephesians 4:11-12). They set up a building, and opened their doors for busine$$ in order to make merchandise to the gullible dupes they entertain (Jeremiah 5:31; 2 Timothy 4:2-4; 2 Peter 2:1-3).
Saints, it’s the hour to return to BEING Christ’s church, His holy (set apart) PEOPLE and to cease patronizing the wolves who are our LORD’s enemies!
Also, Let’s not mimic the things we learned as younger Christians while participating with other ministries – who were in most cases doing this wrong. Obvious example: Lining people up and laying hands on them every week. We never once see Jesus and His apostles or the early church doing such.
There are many maneuvers by frauds who want to deceive people – their prey – into believing they are of God and doing His work. When examined, they don’t stand the test.
Real New Testament fellowship greatly edifies Christ’s saints and allows for the participation of each member of Jesus’ body.
PLEASE show us where anyone in the New Testament Scriptures went around looking for an elder, a pastor, a church? YES, fellowship is essential and so is submitting to our elders in Christ and yet, perhaps today, far too much emphasis is placed on these things (Hebrews 10:24-25; 13:7, 17, etc.). None of this matters if the individual disciple is not engaged in seeking the face of the LORD personally.
You don’t need a preacher because you have a Bible. Read it. You don’t need a preacher to tell you what the Bible says! Read it for yourself, learning yourself. Today is your day to take more personal responsibility to seek God for yourself! Jesus taught personal responsibility and the essential nature of it when He said “Take heed to yourselves” (Luke 21:34-36) …… Jesus is Coming.
Concerning true New Testament fellowship, as God has ordained, one believer writes:
“The ‘assembling of yourselves together’ is true believers who love the Lord fervently and who come together to each break off a little piece of THE bread of heaven. They look forward for these times together, because they know they are meeting with the love of their lives, the God of their salvation. They love one another fervently. Their place of gathering is a haven from the wicked world. Its a place to share encouragement, admonishment and burdens. Its a place of equipping for the next steps of their journey. It is a place where sincere love and truth fills the atmosphere, because it is a place filled with the sweet HOLY Spirit. Hearts are convicted and lives are changed and brought closer to the Father. For THAT is the work of the Holy Ghost.
“When the unbelieving enter, they are overwhelmed by the sweet, yet deeply convicting presence of the Holy Ghost, for the disciples are filled with Him. Therefore, the results should be repentance. Sadly, this setting is not found in very many places today, due to a lack of commitment and devotion in the lives of professing Christians. Its time to enter again into the closets and plead for God to restore His church before the period of Grace comes to an end.
“And they’ll know we are Christians by our love..by our love. And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”
EVER stop to ponder how we’ve commercialized, monetized, and grossly complicated what God ordained to be a time of rejoicing and blessing? Fellowship! Read Acts 2:42 and Colossians 3:16. Study the biblical model. Real fellowship with other saints is so simple, biblically. The bureaucracy of wolves has completely ruined such simplicity and that’s why so many no longer patronize their church busine$$e$ (2 Peter 2:1-3).
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