There’s no doubt that every Christian sins and yet, does that mean we have the approval of God to continue in that sin? Does the LORD...
May God vanquish all darkness in our own hearts, filling, flooding us with His holy light. When there is true repentance and the cleansing of the...
Why Did Jesus Come to the Earth? 1. In fulfillment of prophecy: “Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is...
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you...
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ (below) Christ Our Forerunner (below) Being Made Whole in Christ (below) “After these things the word of the LORD...
I am not a good person, neither are you – “There is NONE righteous, no, not one“ (Romans 3:10). Admit it. The sooner we become HONEST...
1. What Bible chapter is called the love chapter? 2. What 5 books make up the Pentateuch (first 5 books of Moses, of the canon of...
Biblical Topics Sampling: Love/Charity: 1 Corinthians 13 “The love chapter” Origin of all Life/Civilization: Genesis 1-11 10 Commandments: Exodus 20:1-17 Revelation 2-3: Christ addresses the 7...
DID JESUS have a Vehicle, Bed, or a Bunch of Money? Beware of those who want to fabricate the unfounded, erroneous idea that Jesus was rich...
Fueling, Feeding Upon, Feasting in, and Meditating on God’s Word. “The Meditation of My Heart” (Psalms 19:14) Many times we see statements such as “the power...