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Christianity is only cool because of CHRIST!

“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Galatians 6:14

“The modern church has a problem. We’re looking for validation, not from God but from the world. The same world that crucified Jesus, you want that to love you? It’s never going to happen. Christianity is not validated nor is it discredited by its acceptance or rejection by celebrities.” Spencer Smith

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. … Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:13-14, 20

It seems that the wolves who are exploiting, using Kanye West, are the ones who bear the greatest blame.

Personally I was skeptical of the idea that Kanye West got saved. This is due to the fake celebrity salvations we’ve previously seen.

One sister insists that Kanye could not possibly be saved because if he was saved, he couldn’t possibly yoke with the likes of obvious false prophet Joel Osteen. She offered this verse to prove her point:

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3 

Is that the only Scripture to consider in discerning this?

Are some rushing to judgment against Kanye West?

Is it possible that God could be using Kanye West?

Frank Telford writes:

“God started using Donald Trump and some Christians got mad. Now God is using Kanye West and they’re even more mad! ‘What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.’ Phil 1:18″

Some believe this is a fully planned deception to use Kanye’s fame to bring true believers under the antichrist catholic church. Could be.

Now, when people use old videos, quotes, and pictures about a person, BEFORE they supposedly got saved, that should be discounted because when God saves someone, they become “a new creature: old things are passed away.” (2 Corinthians 5:17-18) Yet, it’s now come to my attention, someone sent me a graphic of Kanye West at Osteen’s “church” where he’s flashing the 666 illuminati hand signal. When talking to a close friend and minister, he said he also did the same thing out of habit after he was saved. Either way, this should be of concern.

Can the LORD save someone who was previously a satanist (illuminati, etc.)? He’s done it many times.

SO God saves a person who was a performer in the world and then they begin to use their gifts to praise HIM … and you have a problem with that?

While Christ’s disciples are commanded to be discerning and to know all men “by their fruit,” wrongly judging others is a sin and often a cover up for our own sins. Beware (Matthew 7:1-5; 16, 20; Romans 2:1-3).

“Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. 12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?” James 4:11-12

“I’m thrilled that Kanye says he is saved and turned from the satanic Illuminati. Praise God. Just like his song says that the ‘Christians are the first one to judge him and he feels like nobody loves him.’ Let’s love him Saints without judgment. Who made us judge and jury? Give him a chance unless his fruits show otherwise.” Suzanne

So, in general, if the LORD chooses to save someone, does HE need our puny, no-count permission to do so? No.

There’s a time to judge (John 7:24). The Scriptures much be searched daily to see whether that which poses as God’s truth is truly that, or a counterfeit. And, we should make sure we aren’t attacking a true believer.

If we are looking for a revival anywhere else except between ourselves and the LORD, we can be misled. So, this disciple doesn’t look to some leader to lead a so-called “revival.” No need for a national or worldwide revival in the future when we have Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and the Bible today, right with us. Revival begins today, with us and Jesus! What are you waiting for beloved?

Beware of today’s armchair pharisees: Remember that none of the work of satan negates the work of the Almighty. Many times perhaps we get so clued in to the work the devil that we may lose site of the work of Christ in others and through His body and by His Word and Holy Ghost. In the early church we see it all going on simultaneously. Today we see more of satan’s work prospering and paralyzing believers who perhaps should be more concentrating of preaching the Gospel to the poor, the lost… like Jesus and the earliest saints did as they were full of the Holy Ghost and turned the world upside down, right? (Acts 1:8; 8:4; 17:6).

If you’ve been born again for a few years, you’ve probably witnessed “stars” being saved or supposedly and how the wolves of the modern church seized upon the opportunity to use them for their own self-serving promotion, agenda. | Born Again? What Does That Mean

Some doubt that Kanye has been saved. His past life of sin is very public. So, many are having a difficult time believing Jesus actually saved him. Other things that Kanye is doing increase this valid concern. Did Jesus truly save this man? Perhaps they read into everything he’s doing now due to the tainting of his past. Whether Kanye is truly saved or not, we should consider the following scenario from Acts 9 where some members of Christ’s body doubted that Saul was truly saved or not. Remember this? Watch …

“And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. 27 But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.” Acts 9:26-27 

Did you notice that it was beloved Barnabas who took Paul from there to the apostles and testified how Christ had confronted and saved Paul and how Paul was already preaching Jesus? Previously, Saul participated in the death of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60). Yet now, the saints at Jerusalem were experiencing the fruit, a peace due to Saul/Paul now being brought to Christ (Acts 9:31). Saul had previously wreaked great evil on the people of God.

“As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.” Acts 8:3

Barnabas later traveled with the apostle Paul on his missionary journeys, ministering with him. Barnabas was either a prophet or a teacher (or both) as plainly stated in Acts 13:1-2. Was Barnabas in sin for believing Jesus saved the previously wicked Saul? Some believers act like those who believe Jesus has saved Kanye are in sin for believing such. They act like our own salvation hinges on how we view this. Not true. Others will be saved as Jesus saved Saul and made him Paul. So this Kanye thing brings this into focus. There will definitely be false converts whom Satan seeks to use to deceive God’s people.

One thing is certain: Jesus is still saving sinners to Himself.

Friend, which are you in that scenario? Are you Barnabas or are you like the others who disbelieved Saul got saved? (Acts 9:26-27) It’s true that Kanye shouldn’t be followed, that’s not the point here. His salvation is. If he is saved, he’s merely a babe in Christ and even publicly acknowledges such. Believers are to follow Christ and not mere men. And the Bible forbids a “novice” from being in the ministry as an elder (1 Timothy 3:6). What’s regrettable is that instead of grounding this young believer in the Word, wolves like Osteen are exploiting him for their own self-serving purposes.

When Jesus saved Saul, was it fake? Who helped Saul/Paul? Barnabas did. Was Barnabas wrong? Should Barnabas have bashed Saul? Fact: Saul was a million times more wicked than Kanye was (Acts 9:26-27).

One man writes:

“Kanye literally just told the entire Lakewood Church on live TV this morning to protect your kids because the entertainment industry puts images and symbolism in their movies and tv shows to make them stop thinking for themselves and make it easier for them to accept everything they watch. Nobody clapped…. So Kanye stood there for 2-3 seconds then said “Y’all can go research that. Kanye just told people to protect their kids and do some research on Hollywood symbolism. – Blaise Foret” Joshua

There is no position being defended here…. Personally I was skeptical at first, and remain concerned. When the LORD saves someone ….“But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.” (Acts 11:9) Some believe I am evil for not outright condemning Kanye. Could it be that perhaps some are full of pride and pretend to be in control of who and when and where the Almighty chooses to save? It seems plausible that some perhaps believed Barnabas was evil for believing Jesus had saved wicked Saul, right?

It’s understood that some believe the fruit of Kanye’s life does not indicate that he’s saved and in fact it concludes he is not saved.

For the record: When Sylvester Stallone went on the 700 Club, this ministry called him out as unsaved and called out the 700 Club for exploiting, for using him for their own agenda. The attack against me was vicious. Because they had soul ties with Stallone, a few women lashed out at me for daring to doubt that Stallone was saved. Yet there was no confession of Jesus or being born again, saved, washed in the blood that came out of Stallone’s mouth. This is not true of Kanye. And, if you are drawing conclusion on Kanye before you’ve listened thoroughly to him, to his music, have you done a thorough examination? (Proverbs 18:13)

There certainly is an agenda. There are 2 agendas … an agenda from hell….and Heaven. GOD has an agenda, “his kingdom ruleth over all.” (Psalms 103:19) The LORD has never ceased perpetrating HIS agenda, beginning in Genesis 3:15 when He introduced, He foretold the coming Messiah. In fact, He’s in full control and orchestrates hell’s agenda for His own glory (Romans 8:28). Seems like some are putting more trust in hell’s agenda than God’s and insinuating that hell is greater than Heaven, Heaven’s King and His will and kingdom agenda …. just a loving thought, exhortation to you. Whose agenda was it when Jesus saved Saul/Paul?

Yes there are numerous warnings about deception and deceivers in these last day (Matthew 24:3-5; 11, 24). Does that negate the working of God, the promised drawing of sinners to Christ? (John 12:32) End Times

Regrettably, some seem more fixed on satan and his agenda than they do on God’s power and desire to save. Jesus says “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3:17)

“For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” Luke 9:56

Saving souls is exactly what Jesus said He came to do. In this example, I fail to see or believe that Saul or Kanye’s sin is greater than God’s power and desire to bring them to repentance and salvation. Surely, this may be a deception perpetrated by satan that either Kanye is willingly or unwittingly part of.

“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

Why do we doubt that Jesus still does what He came to do – SAVE SOULS?

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” 1 Timothy 1:15

The Gospels are littered with examples of how Jesus, while on earth, saved the vilest of sinners. Has He somehow changed?

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8

Are some being merciless toward Kanye West and other celebrities who claim salvation, assuming that because they’re popular in this world that they are automatically evil and perpetrating a deception? In their minds, was, is Kanye’s sin greater than Jesus Christ? | Is Sin Greater than JESUS?

We must discern as is the divine mandate, and realize, not factor out, the saving power of Christ. My concern is that some seem to condemn those who dare believe that Christ still saves sinners, even those who happen to be popular people. Fruit inspection is a divine mandate (Matthew 3:7-10).

Perhaps this issue has manifested some self-righteousness in us. Some do not like it when others do not agree with their perspective on this matter. Some just can’t stand the fact that at this point I am not openly condemning Kanye West. They ignore the fact that OSTEEN continues to be openly exposed as a false teacher as Scripture mandates (Romans 16:17-18; Jude 3, etc.). It seems that Osteen is where the greatest, most obvious blame is. He is deliberately choosing to use Kanye and has no desire to help him become grounded in Christ.

Could there be a greater issue than Kanye here? Yes, this is a kingdom issue. Without the permission of any mere man, Jesus saved perhaps the most wicked man on earth – Saul! The believers doubted it but Barnabas didn’t and neither did the apostles (Acts 9:26-27). … There WILL be fake salvations and there will be true salvations. Get ready. More to come. God is going to continue to save and He doesn’t need anyone’s permission to do just that! Those who choose to believe that somehow God can’t save a wicked “celebrity” are the same people who daily read the divinely inspired words of one of the most wicked men who ever lived, before Jesus saved him – Saul who become Paul the apostle and wrote 14 of the 27 books that are in the New Testament canon.

Christ Lives to Provide What He Died to Purchase

If Kanye West truly repented and received Christ, like any other believer, God holds him personal responsible to continue, to abide in Christ, to endure to the end to be saved. He, like any of us who are saved, still has the opportunity and personal responsibility to continue with Christ or to fall away and reject Him and mislead others. Is this not all the reason believers should lift him in prayer?

This whole scenario should quicken in us an urgency to help those around us who are saved to be increasingly grounded in His Word (Colossians 2:6-10).

It’s interesting that in one of his new songs Kanye West is crying out, pleading believers to “Pray for me.” Could this also be a good time to ask our LORD to forgive our own unbelief and hardness of heart? Kanye seems to be crying out for God’s people to pray for him. Am I missing something?

Given Kanye’s past life, perhaps it’s understandable that some are wary. Yet when the LORD saves a man, he becomes a “new creature” in Christ.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;” 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

We have some of Christ’s disciples who can’t fathom how God could possibly save a rich, popular, evil person such as Kanye West. He’s done it throughout history though. Notice below that the Bible says “Not MANY” and it doesn’t say “not ANY” … watch this:

“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that NOT MANY wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:” 1 Corinthians 1:26

The sin of self-righteousness blinds. How is it that in the eyes of a Holy God Kanye’ West’s life of sin was any more vile than your previous life of sin or mine? | Sin: Man’s Core Problem

Even though most people who are temporarily rich in this life are going to hell (Mark 10:23-25), Paul specifically addresses rich Christians, telling them to be very generous, preparing a foundation against the judgment to come (1 Timothy 6:17-19). So, being rich in this world doesn’t in itself damn the soul. Being rich in this fleeting world and not generous reveals that such a person doesn’t know, isn’t known by He who gave all – Christ. Such a person is hell bound (Luke 16:19-31).

Ray Zeitler writes:

“From what I’ve seen with Mr West and President Trump, and other high profile celebrity converts to Christ … They don’t yet have a foundation in the Gospel. So, they turn to the leaders they see, the high profile so-called Christian leaders, the wolves, because as new believers they do not know any better. Been praying for the President ever since the leaders his wife surrounded him with. I don’t discount their salvation, but these new to Christ need our prayers for protection from these wolves.”

Yes, pray for Kanye and ALL new believers to be truly grounded in truth, in Christ.

“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:” (Colossians 2:6-10)

What Osteen is doing is nothing new. False churches such as Lakewood Church, false prophets like Joel Osteen like to use celebrities to promote themselves. That’s exactly what Osteen is doing. There are many others who just got saved, are new believers, and yet Osteen will never have them up there in the limelight because it’s of no value to O$teen and his “church.” Do you think Jesus cares more for a so-called “celebrity” than He does about any other person He recently saved? No.

“For there is no respect of persons with God.” Romans 2:11

Speaking of himself while on Osteen’s stage, Kanye says “The greatest artist God ever created”? Regrettably that sounds like Isaiah 14:12-15 (Lucifer). Self-elevation is always from the father of pride, Satan.

“he is a king over all the children of pride.” (Job 41:34)

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)

And, being that he’s now surrounded by wolves, you will never hear them admonish him with Holy Scripture. He will never be given Scriptures on the utter importance of humility by Osteen or any other wolf who will invade his space.

It seems possible that perhaps Kanye received Jesus, got saved, and yet, he’s a baby Christian if that’s the case. Time will tell. Fruit will tell (Matthew 3:7-10). Instead of God fearing men taking him in to help him grow in grace (if he truly repented), wolves like Osteen are seizing on the opportunity to use Kanye for his celebrity.

To underscore his influence and the reason evil doers wish to exploit him, when Kanye came out for Trump, the support of blacks for Trump doubled in one week. The vilest of wolves are now circling the wagons to exploit him. Again, some believe Kanye is willingly conspiring with them to deceive the professing church. Could be.

Some people will scorn you for not jumping on their condemnation bandwagon.

Some believe I should just bash Kanye West into oblivion. Not going to do that at this point. I am in no way seeking to justify him. Have no reason to. Have YOU prayed for him, sincerely? Personally, I’ve seen many people that I was privileged to lead to Christ who showed little or no fruit or even showed bad fruit and I gave up on them… only for God to explode in their lives with His working in them. Have witnessed this many times. When I wrongly judged others I thought had no interest in seeking God, when I determined they were unsaved, on many occasions the LORD corrected me. When we give up due to not seeing any good fruit and perhaps bad fruit, the LORD may not be finished with that person. We do know that He’s not willing that ANY should perish.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

While some are quick to condemn and guarantee Jesus didn’t save Kanye, personally, I’m not so sure of that. The fact that he’s now surrounded by demonic sharks who smell blood, doesn’t mean Jesus didn’t save him. Now, Kayne, like all whom Christ saves, is personally responsible to listen to the Holy Spirit and Word of God. If he doesn’t he will be delivered from these wolves.

Maureen Lundie writes:

“No baby Christian will ever say or do all the right things in the beginning. In my opinion, Kanye can either believe and follow the wolves or if he is truly sincere, the Holy Spirit will lead him in the correct direction.”

Exactly. This all goes back to the 4 types of soil God’s Word falls upon and how the individual is responsible to nurture his relationship with Christ or he will “fall away.” (Luke 8:11-15)

Jesus told those who’d just believed upon Him that they must “continue” in His Word, they must “endure to the end” to be saved into Heaven (Matthew 10:22; 24:13):

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32 

Kanye, if he truly got saved, is not a seasoned elder in the body of Christ. History reveals how dangerous it is to elevate novices or so-called celebrities. New believers are babes, novices and not to be featured as leaders as such – “Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.” (1 Timothy 3:6)

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Joel Osteen is not grounded in Christ himself, much less helping Kanye West become sound in the faith via the daily cross life.

In my opinion, the blame goes to Joel Osteen, not Kanye. Your input welcome saints. | Deception/Discernment

How to be saved: Making Peace with God

WARNING: The vatican wolves are now going to use Kanye, before his eyes are opened, to promote their one-world religion under antichrist.

Beware of the Catholic/Ecumenical One World Church Movement: Antichrist

The Modern Church Exposed | Prepared to be Used of God | Joel Osteen is Clearly a False Prophet | Osteen says Mormons are Christians | Joel Osteen is an Antichrist | Osteen: Affirmation without Salvation | Kenneth Hagin, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Kenneth Copeland Exposed

This is good…. and may surprise some:

Discerning Kanye West, Conspiracies, & Joel Osteen

Part 2..

Discerning Kanye West, Conspiracies, & Joel Osteen


“Hey Brother Todd,

I think it’s a fair article expressing a desire to see Kanye to really be transformed but at the same time reminding people that there mass deception in the world today as Jesus said their would be in Matt 24.

That’s one thing I like about your writings is that yes we should never be conned out of standing for truth, but at the same time mercy rejoices against judgement and we all need to remember that the Lord is trying to get people to turn to Him and takes no pleasure in the destruction of those that don’t.

Back in May of 2011 when the Lord turned my life upside down and convicted me to being a cherry picker (and I just thought I was a Word guy!) and got me into discernment realizing that probably better than 95% of preachers today are not teaching what Jesus and His Apostles taught…

There have been seasons when He backs me away from that a little to remind me that He desires to deliver people from error and not just point it out.  So, I can appreciate the desire in the article for Kanye to experience true salvation along with the fact it’s very unlikely to happen in the company of people like Osteen who is not a legitimate Gospel teacher when compared to the New Testament.

Yes, I definitely believe young believers should be given a little space to grow but of course it’s going to take someone who knows the Word of God to do that and Kanye does not seem to have people around him that know squat about the Word.  And it was a very true point that people are seeking to take advantage of Kanye just to draw in more people for bigger offerings and bigger product sales.

It’s my prayer that someone strong, knowledgeable in the Word, no false grace teaching preacher / teacher from the black community get a hold of Kanye and pulls him out of the circus of fame and disciple him so he can grow to actually know Jesus and live contrary to the fake gospel that all these fake preachers are hawkin.

If he could get a few years of good teaching in Him, he could definitely influence some young folks to walk with Jesus!  Have a blessed week brother Todd!”

The Sensual Seduction and Solicitation of the Modern Church!


The Truth about Liberty-To Use or to Abuse it

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