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Evangelism Encouragement – Joe Telford and Todd Tomasella [radio]


“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

“Great message of encouragement to plant the seeds and let God give the increase! 1 Cor 3:6” Karen

There are many seeking souls around you today beloved. Jesus is drawing them to Himself and they don’t know what to do (John 6:44; 12:32; 2 Peter 3:9). They pine away in quiet desperation. God is able! He wants them, to forgive them.

YOUR PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please open the doors of the hearts of those around me today and use me to help them to come to You. In Jesus’ name.

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O God Help Me Reached the Unsaved!

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Purifying Ourselves as He is Pure

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