Jesus Saved Justin! Updates from Mexico and Pennsylvania [podcast]
Kingdom Breaking!
RECENTLY: Visiting from Australia, Justin and I crossed paths by the hand God who ordered both of our steps (Psalms 37:23). Justin had just yesterday told the LORD he is going to spend the next week seeking HIS face! Lo and behold, we meet and Justin begins to hear the words of our LORD spoken to his heart and immediately responded, received the Word, repented and received Jesus and asked Him to fill him with the Holy Spirit! Boom.

After being “interrupted” by God sending the cleaning lady, as is common, I took a walk and that’s when the blessing of meeting Justin came. That’s when Jesus saved Justin!
At the perfect timing, I was walking and crossed paths with Justin (pictured here) and began speaking our LORD’s Word to him. We spoke for a while and just before I was departing, I was prompted to ask Justin if he wished to repent and be saved and he immediately said “Yes” as he stepped toward me. We prayed together. Justin repented before God and received Jesus as the LORD and Savior of His life (Luke 13:3; John 1:12; Acts 2:38; 17:30, etc.).
Tears filled Justin’s eyes for he knew that God had answered his prayers!
Later that day, as brother Justin and I were texting back and forth, Justin sent this:
“Thank you Todd. I only decided yesterday to dedicate the next week to intense prayer. I will check those out. Bless you!” Justin
Brother Justin is in Mexico for one week and he came to seek the LORD. God answered his prayer! Just yesterday he decided to seek God and God answered his prayer and he’s now saved. And he’s checking out the Holy Scripture he was sent! Jesus is KING.
Please place Justin on your prayer list. Colossians 4:12
Update on our new brother in Christ, Justin. Enjoyed rich fellowship today with him. Amazing time of prayer and Scripture-intensive foundation building.
He is absolutely elated that you are lifting him in prayer.
Thank you for adding Justin to your prayer list.
God is good! Justin was given, and gladly received a King James Bible and three of the ministry’s books.
¨IT IS TRULY WONDERFUL WHAT THE LORD HATH DONE, TRULY WONDERFUL, TRULY WONDERFUL….PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. A song always pops into my mind. This is SOOOOO WONDERFUL! Tears of joy, writing these precious names in my prayer book. And all of heaven is rejoicing. I love your, “Let’s roll, saints!” I just put a huge flag out in front of my house that says in big bold writing on an american flag…JESUS 2024, OUR ONLY HOPE. Always praying for your ministry, and all others springing up from it. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW. One thing we can always do, if unable to do much else, is pray for our new brothers and sisters and ministries bringing the precious gospel to the world. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it/them. OUR GOD REIGNS! Hallelujah. Prayers for blessings on this day that the Lord hath made…we will rejoice and be glad in it. I sure see why He sent you to Mexico!¨ Crystal
Update from Tom and Karen Cochran in PA
“So I met with the supervisor to begin church in the nursing home. When I asked her if they were looking for people to bring the Gospel into the home on Sundays she started to cry and hugged me and said, ‘Yes please! Now I know why your mother was brought here’! I absolutely agree! A divine appointment – praise Jesus! I have absolutely fallen in love with these people. We will be starting this Sunday. Some of these people probably don’t have much time left on this Earth. Last minute repentance! The thief on the cross! And Jesus told him ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’ (Luke 23:39-43). Please pray for us. The Lord is going to shake this Nursing home with salvation! We will read the Born Again book to them!”
Kingdom Opportunity: California, Pennsylvania, Florida!
We are currently getting the JESUS tracts printed for the body of Christ, TEAM JESUS evangelism groups in CA, PA, FL.
Jump in here!
Let’s roll saints!
Jesus is coming.
We are keeping our hand on the plow of HIS work (Luke 9:62)!
We are not looking back!
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