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This dear brother hearkened to the bless-ed conviction of sin in his heart and ran to Jesus instead of away from the Savior. Brother Jeremy just emailed me after Jesus saved him… and is asking about fasting and prayer.

After hearing of our LORD saving beloved Jeremy, a dear brother replied:

“Praise our Awesome God and Savior! I will keep Jeremy in my prayers, brother. I regularly pray for the lost, but I am going to pray specifically like you did. Excellent report! His Kingdom is advancing!” Stephen M.

Another brother said:

“The rest of us need to be born again, again.” Bill

Recently we’ve seen several people saved by Jesus into His kingdom with no one telling them the standard “now you need to find a church” foolishness. And low and behold, these new converts are flourishing in God’s Word. They can’t get enough. Recently, one new brother in Christ contacted me just 3-4 hours after we prayed together and he was saved. Then he sends me an email asking me if I thought it was a good idea for him to go on a 3-day fast. Also, he and the other new believers in our midst are diligently, daily devouring the Word and consumed in a life of prayer! Sound like Acts 2:42?…YES.

Like Paul, we must lead people to trust and depend upon Jesus, not us (1 Corinthians 1:29-2:5).

Isn’t it amazing what God can do when man is not in the way?

2 Recent Connections with New Believers

Jeremy of course and also brother Stephen. Stephen and I meet weekly for a rich time of fellowship…. overwhelming blessing. Jeremy who is in Canada and I speak, fellowship, and pray together at least once weekly by phone. Both of these men now send me Scripture on a regular basis. They didn’t go “find a church” because they were informed that they are the church, the body of Christ, the people of God…. and so they weren’t told by the typical pastor to sit down, shut up, pay your tithes, and just listen to him and grow at a snail’s pace or rather, become lukewarm, backslidden, and fall away. These men are devouring God’s Word daily and putting it in to practice! (John 8:31-32; 1 Peter 2:2, etc.) Just WHAT fruit has the apostate modern church produced? How many on fire, seeking Jesus and spreading His Word disciples do you know who are faithful church attenders? You can’t count them on 1 hand! Enough said. It’s time to follow Jesus and “come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:17)


Jeremy just called from Canada. Anyone remember how he had called about 2-3 months ago and repented and received Jesus? Well, we’ve been fellowshipping by phone since then and he’s been devouring God’s Word daily, etc. And now today he called and his son Owen wanted to get saved. And so we prayed and he did!!!! Feel free to add Jeremy and Owen to your prayer list. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND KING FOREVERMORE!!!

BREAKING: DO YOU REMEMBER OUR NEW BROTHER, JEREMY, WHO CALLED JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO TO PRAY AND REPENT AND BELIEVE ON CHRIST? Well, Jeremy has continued to flourish in His relationship with Christ, devouring His Word and rejoicing daily in our LORD’s “so great salvation.” (Hebrews 2:3) Well, here’s more good news…

A precious young lady, named Soraya, repented and received Jesus today! Jeremy’s daughter!!! So far, recently Jesus saved Jeremy and his son and now his daughter! Would you like to ask our LORD to bless this wonderful family to continue to grow in His grace? (2 Peter 1:2; 3:18)

Evangelism Encouragement | Discipleship | Fellowship and New Testament Gathering

Sending the Divine Light into “The Prison House” [podcast]

Because You Care

Evangelism Adventures: Stories, Reports, and Testimonies of God’s Amazing Love [podcast]

Fresh Start with God

Revolutionary Evangelism [book]

Nick’s Salvation: “Don’t Let a Building Confine Your Faith” [podcast]

Do You Seriously Think God Can’t Use You? [podcast]

Ministry Update Pics and [podcast]

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