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by Ron Smith

I wonder:

Is anyone ELSE tired of HYPE without HOLINESS?

Is anyone ELSE tired of WITCHCRAFT being touted as the “anointing of the Holy Ghost?”

Is anyone ELSE tired of the HYPNOTIC, VISUAL EXTRAVAGANZA now being offered up in churches…a visual DISPLAY accompanied by REPETITIVE, MESMERIZING music which seeks to SEDUCE the MASSES?

Is anyone ELSE tired of GRACE being offered as an EXCUSE for CONTINUED sinfulness?

Is anyone ELSE tired of OBEDIENCE to GOD being labeled as LEGALISM?

Is anyone ELSE tired of the POSITIVE without the NEGATIVE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of SEEKING your DESTINY instead of FOLLOWING JESUS?

Is anyone ELSE tired of SELF-HELP instead of Biblical WISDOM?

Is anyone ELSE tired of seeking HEALING instead of seeking the HEALER?

Is anyone ELSE tired of seeking TONGUES instead of seeking to be WITNESSES to those around us?

Is anyone else tired of GREED and COVETOUSNESS being preached as God’s FAVOR?

Is anyone ELSE tired of PERFORMANCE and ENTERTAINMENT being passed off as WORSHIP?

Is anyone ELSE tired of the “ministry” of FAMOUS preachers while longing for the ministry of HUMBLE servants?

Is anyone ELSE tired of “God told me to write this book!” when those WRITING the book promote their book FAR more than they promote the BIBLE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of MULTI-MILLION dollar STRUCTURES being called CHURCHES when a HUNDRED homeless people live within walking distance of said “church?”

Is anyone ELSE tired of people seeking REVIVAL when they will not even ADMIT they are spiritually DEAD?

Is anyone ELSE tired of people defending their PASTOR and their CHURCH while they NEVER defend JESUS and TRUTH?

Is anyone ELSE tired of DENOMINATIONS allowing ONE of their pulpits to preach FALSE DOCTRINE while allowing ANOTHER one of their pulpits to RENOUNCE that false doctrine…as the denomination REFUSES to REBUKE one OR the OTHER?

Is anyone ELSE tired of SILENCE being passed off as LOVE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of TITHE being used as a way to BRIBE God?

Is anyone ELSE tired of “sowing seed” being touted as GIVING to a MINISTRY instead of what it TRULY is: Spreading the Gospel?

Is anyone ELSE tired of MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHES being passed off as the SPREADING of the GOSPEL?

Is anyone ELSE tired of ATTENDANCE being the measure of SUCCESS in MOST churches?

Is anyone ELSE tired of HIP churches that seek to be FRIENDS with the WORLD?

Is anyone ELSE tired of SPEAKING ABILITY being passed of as the ANOINTING?

Is anyone ELSE tired of the preaching of LOVE without the preaching of the need for REPENTANCE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of TRUTH being labeled as JUDGING?

Is anyone ELSE tired of SELF-PRESERVATION being touted under the guise of “Touch not mine anointed?”

Is anyone ELSE tired of GOATS being proclaimed as SHEEP?

Is anyone ELSE tired of COMPROMISE under the guise of KEEPING PEACE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of WOLVES being PROTECTED while true SHEPHERDS are being labeled as TROUBLEMAKERS?


Is anyone ELSE tired of LIBERAL “Christianity?

Is anyone ELSE tired of CELEBRITIES being touted as “Christians” EVEN THOUGH those celebrities are PRO-ABORTION…PRO-LGBT…and PRO-GAY MARRIAGE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of Oprah even being MENTIONED as a “Christian?”

Is anyone ELSE tired of famous “ministers” appearing on national television programs as they are asked questions that have SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD, BIBLICAL answers…yet…those famous “ministers” REFUSE to ANSWER the questions with SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD, BIBLICAL answers?

Is anyone ELSE tired of the INCESSANT focus on LEADERS while churches are left without SHEPHERDS?

Is anyone ELSE tired of SERMONS based on the WISDOM of MAN instead of the TRUTH of SCRIPTURE?

Is anyone ELSE tired of “Church Growth Seminars”…”Holy Ghost Conferences”…”and the annual hodgepodge of similarly named meetings designed to further expand the list of “Ministry Partners” for the various “ministries?”

Is anyone ELSE tired of self-titled “Apostles”…”Prophets/Prophetesses”…”Healing Evangelists”…”Seers”…and so on and so on?

Is anyone ELSE tired of the NONSENSE coming from the VAST MAJORITY of PULPITS and CHURCHES in America and around the world?

Is anyone ELSE tired of the message of God spoken to the church of PHILADELPHIA being preached to the church of LAODICEA?

Tell me:

Is anyone ELSE tired of the HARLOT CHURCH?

I wonder.

Modern Church Apostasy Exposed

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WHO Else is Tired of Wimpy Preachers?

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