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Holy Father, You sent Your only begotten Son to die for the sins of all men who are alive in the earth today. We ask You here and now, in the name of Jesus, to quicken in Your true remnant, an unction to minister in this late hour. We ask you also to cleanse this nation, the swamp, of all evil doers. May the dark deeds of the conspiring Haman’s be brought the light and to full justice and may they hang on the gallows they built to murder the righteous! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen LORD.  

Does God have a plan for America? America definitely does not have the covenant with God that Israel had and yet God speaks of how He deals with other nations in Jeremiah 18 and how He will judge the nations Matthew 25. And, Scriptures like Jeremiah 29:7 and 1 Timothy 2:1-3 actually instruct us, “the Israel of God” (New Testament body of Christ-Galatians 6:16) to pray for our leaders and the land in which we dwell.

America is not over. There is judgment (perhaps remedial) underway. Keep in mind that in 1871 the government sold out (betrayed) the people and America became a corporation, allowing the government to do things such as abortion which are against the will of the people. Also, remember that God does judge nations (Jeremiah 18:7-10) and also that countries like China have done far more sin against Him for a much longer period of time. Use a search engine to look up: TRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION!

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. 7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. 8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” 1 Timothy 2:1-8

Father we come to You in the name of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, asking You to elevate and empower in authority the men who are working Your will, executing justice and mercy. We ask You to put down all rebels and their rebellion, to hang the Haman’s who’ve created gallows to murder others. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

“And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the LORD, to deliver thee.” Jeremiah 1:19

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.” 2 Chronicles 7:14-15

What is needed in this time more than anything is to drink deep of the fountain of living water and not reveling in the happenings of the day. Isaiah 12:3

It stands to reason that God ordained civil government to protect the first 2 most important institutions – the family and the church.

3 Things God instituted:

– The family

– The church

– Civil government

Defunding the police, who are “God’s ministers”, is clearly the work of Satan (Romans 13:6). Satan wants all restraint, all protections removed from that which protects God’s people. Think about other nations and how Christians are martyred regularly – when the civil government is not in place, functioning to protect the people.

The stated will of God is that we are protected and blessed, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;” (1 Timothy 2:1-6) This is exactly why we are instructed to pray for all in authority.

Anarchy and tyrannical control (communism) are Satan’s perversions of what God ordained civil government to be – to punish evildoers (1 Peter 2:13-14). Anarchy allows anyone to hurt or kill anyone else with no consequence, and communism is the control, exploitation, robbery, and violence of government over the people. Either way, no one is safe – no one is able to “lead a quiet and peaceable life.” (1 Timothy 2:2)

One writer notes:

“God ordained (allowed) civil government for the old creation as a necessary evil/stop-gap measure to maintain order.”

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we pray for the civil government in our nation to be according to Your ordination which is law and order. May the fear and wisdom of God possess all who in authority here in this nation dear Father. We ask You now that all evil doers – within and without the government – be exposed and justly dealt with Holy Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.

When you think God is getting ready to wipe out America and the world, realize that it’s HIS timing and not ours and remember the words of 2 Peter 3:9.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Just because you’ve concocted a theory and believe America is over, doesn’t mean God has determined such at this time. If America should be over because of gross sin, why then are countries like China not over? They’ve done much more atrocity for much longer than the USA. Should we cease trying to play God? Isn’t it time to repent, humble ourselves, serve with reckless abandon, and pray? Prov 3:7

It’s a good cause to seek to make our nation great and yet, Christians are to do so through prayer and perhaps some participation in the civil process and yet, not with the idea that this is our eternal home, all there is, without regard to the coming of Christ our LORD, “the Prince of peace,” who alone can establish His “peace on earth.” (Luke 2:14)

Father, in the name of Jesus, please cause Your people to truly repent and bear the fruit that glorifies You. Please preserve liberty, law, and order in this nation that we might live quiet and peaceable lives, edifying Your body and making known Christ to the lost. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

“It’s not about Trump! It’s about Good VS. Evil – and God’s people are praying! Therefore, God will overturn this election and bring forth justice. Get ready for the storm of the century though. It’s happening. God is not done with America. God Bless America and Anyone who can’t discern the times. May you’re spiritual eyes be opened to the truth.” Natasha

“Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 
Jer 18:6  O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. 
Jer 18:7  At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; 
Jer 18:8  If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. 
Jer 18:9  And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; 
Jer 18:10  If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them. 
Jer 18:11  Now therefore go to, speak to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you: return ye now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good. 
Jer 18:12  And they said, There is no hope: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart.: Jeremiah 18:5-12 

Right now we praise our great God, the LORD Jesus Christ, for smiting His/our enemies…. Let us lift up our hands and hearts in praise to Him who made all things and who rules in the affairs of men, in Jesus’ name….

2 Chron 20:12, 21-23

“O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. …

2Ch 20:21  And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever. 

2Ch 20:22  And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. 

2Ch 20:23  For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another.” 

FATHER, in the name of Jesus, as Your people, we ask You to grant continuance of peace, of law and order in this nation. We recognize that this has been and is Your blessing. Open the doors of men’s hearts to be convicted of their sin and saved by Thy precious blood! Cause those in authority to do YOUR will. In Jesus’ name!

1 Timothy 2:1-6; Jeremiah 29:7; 1 Peter 2:13-14

Are those who have nothing to do with patriotism more spiritual (as they supposed) or are they a bit ignorant of the whole counsel of Scripture? By patriotism, I am referring to simply caring for the country the LORD has you living in and obeying God by praying for it and perhaps participating in voting and disseminating information to help in the right people being in charge.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2

Satan and his agents are attempting to hide their darkness …. but Jesus says otherwise. Let’s ask God right now, in the name of Jesus, that He bring to the light and to justice the evil of His enemy. In Jesus’ name.

WHEN God’s people pray, in the name of Jesus, the blessing, justice, and power of Heaven will rain down on that situation prayed for. This nation will stand or fall. What will you do? Will you just stand there or will you seek God on behalf, for His protection, for His true justice, for His will? The enemy is closing in and has your demise in mind and your family! There is no power greater than our GOD and He’s exclusively given access to Himself, to His body – through Christ alone! “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” (James 4:2) You know what to do saints! Let’s talk to the Father in the name above all names – the name of Jesus!

Father, please bring the darkness to the light and to justice – of those who intend to do evil to Your people in this nation, please frustrate and scatter their evil plans. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Let’s pray afresh for our leaders and nation right now beloved, as the LORD has instructed us to do (1 Timothy 2:1-6). We should cry out for God’s mercy and protection and repentance, etc. Those who secretly, in their hearts, desire America to be judged, do not begin to realize the deep iniquities of their own hearts nor their utter need for His divine mercy.

Just a few thoughts…… Often I’ve heard people speak of how evil “America” is. Well, true and yet, can we name 1 nation in history that wasn’t wicked? Just 1 please? There are none. Mankind is a fallen race. We could say “well America has murdered 60 million innocent babies.” True and pure evil. Yet countries like China and Russia, etc., have murdered, destroyed, sterilized, incarcerated, and done evil to many more times the innocent lives. So, who’s the judge – us or God? The LORD is “the Judge of all the earth” and perhaps we should take a step back and let Him be the Judge that He alone is. He decides, not us, how and when He’s going to judge a nation, right?

Remember what James 1:20 says?

Should we not also consider that it’s not so much the American or Chinese people doing these things but rather the satanists who’ve taken over the leadership of these countries and many others and are committing murders and much more sin against the will of the people. Again, just a few thoughts….and yes God told us that He is going to judge wicked nations (Psalms 9:17; Jeremiah 18:7-10). Let us humble obey our God by praying for our leaders and nation right now saints as the LORD instructed us to do and let Him be who He alone can be – “the judge of all the earth.” (Genesis 18:25; 1 Timothy 2:1-6) Abraham used these words when God was negotiating with him concerning saving Sodom (Genesis 18:22-33). The LORD is “the judge of all the earth” and said He would not destroy Sodom if there were found just 10 righteous people in them. Yet there were not found 10. More food for thought ….. Are there 10 righteous men in America? Has America done more wickedness than all other nations?

“That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not THE JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH do right?” Genesis 18:25 

In light of the LORD and Abraham’s negotiating the tipping point of destruction for Sodom, would it be fair to ask whether God cares more about the wicked and their wickedness than He does His own beloved people? (Genesis 18:22-33) Rhetoric question, of course. One thing is absolutely certain – that God commanded us to pray to Him for the peace of the city/nation we live in. – “And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.” (Jeremiah 29:7)

“Men ought ALWAYS to pray and not to faint.” Luke 18:1

“I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” 1 Timothy 2:8

Satan and his agents are attempting to hide their darkness …. but Jesus says otherwise. Let’s ask God right now, in the name of Jesus, that He bring to the light and to justice the evil of His enemy. In Jesus’ name.

WHEN God’s people pray, in the name of Jesus, the blessing, justice, and power of Heaven will rain down on that situation prayed for. This nation will stand or fall. What will you do? Will you just stand there or will you seek God on behalf, for His protection, for His true justice, for His will? The enemy is closing in and has your demise in mind and your family! There is no power greater than our GOD and He’s exclusively given access to Himself, to His body – through Christ alone! “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” (James 4:2) You know what to do saints! Let’s talk to the Father in the name above all names – the name of Jesus!

1 Timothy 2:1-6 is where we are today, asking our LORD to open up the doors of men’s hearts to make the Great and One Mediator known to them. We also now pray for all in authority, that You Father will cause them to do Your perfect will and protect Your people in this nation, that we might live quiet and peaceable lives as we accomplish the Great Commission You sent us to do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

It’s not a sin to care for, pray for, and vote in your present earthly country (2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 29:7; Romans 13; 1 Timothy 2:1-6; 1 Peter 2:13-14, etc.). It is a sin to put your earthly country before, above your heavenly citizenship (Philippians 3:18-21; Hebrews 11:10; 13:14; Revelation 21, etc.). When we truly trust the LORD, He can change the governments of men because “the most high ruleth in the kingdoms of men.” (Daniel 4:32) Let us follow Jesus and petition God in His holy name for “ALL in authority” in this nation as we are about our “father’s business,” making known the “one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” who desires “all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (Luke 2:49; 1 Timothy 2:1-6).

Seems to me that Satan would have….

  1. God’s people to NOT be involved in the government so he can destroy them through the government (see history)….


  1. He will attempt to get God’s people overly involved in government and cease putting Jesus first and obeying His Great Commission command.

“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.” Joel 3:14

Could it be that God is testing His people in America – to see if we will seek His face in prayer etc. for this nation, exactly as He commanded us to do?

Good quote below and also, remember, the true church has left the building…. and is separate from the un-repentant counterfeits of the visible apostate modern church world.

Nancy Cote writes:

“I truly believe our country is where it is because the lies and deep deception in our churches. Pray God will grant us mercy and expose not only our government but our dark churches that have turned their back on God and turned to seduction of Humanistic Psychology ways of the world over God’s Word. God we do pray for you mercy here our prayers.”

PERHAPS some of us have the idea that 1. America has done so much evil and YES it has, and 2. there’s so much wicked anarchy on our streets transpiring ….. That God is finished. Is this true? NO!

As a nation, America may be done. Maybe, maybe not and let’s let God take care of that.

It’s not so much about America as it is individual lost souls. Like ALL nations, America is in this fallen world and is full of unrepentant, unsaved souls. Jesus died for every one of them and desires that they be saved (1 Timothy 2:4; Hebrews 2:9; 2 Peter 3:9, etc.).

God’s not finished yet saints and He desires to use us – to use you!

The Great Commission Jesus gave us is 100% in full force till He returns, right? YES. After Jesus commanded that we, His people, go forth and teach all men His Word, He ended with “lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:20)

GOD Says He’s in Control – Do We Believe Him?

“And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that THE MOST HIGH RULETH IN THE KINGDOM OF MEN, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.” Daniel 4:32 

Abortion Must Stop and Christ’s Saints Must Demand Such

We must ask: Has the abortion stopped in this nation? No, it’s barely been slowed up. Let’s deal with reality. ….. My questioning of trump in this area is not my wholesale condemnation of him…. but he is a mere man, a sinner and not GOD whom I serve. You seem to be acting like anyone who questions trump is questioning God…. America is not the kingdom of Christ sister. We are not here to restore America but first and foremost to preach and establish the kingdom of Christ in the hearts of men. America is a temporal nation. Christ’s kingdom is eternal

THOUGH the LORD instructs us to pray for the nation we live in, our work is the eternal work of Christ’s Gospel – to preach His Word to the lost and feed His sheep! (John 21:15-17; 1 Timothy 4:6)

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

“wist (knew) ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” Luke 2:49

“Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.” John 4:34

“For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.” Hebrews 13:14

No matter what the land, the condition looks like, God’s people can still seek His face for it! He commands us to do just that! (2 Chronicles 7:14-15; Jeremiah 29:7; 1 Timothy 2:1-3)

Haggai 2:3-4

“Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing? 4 Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the LORD; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the LORD, and work: for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts:” Haggai 2:3-4 

The LORD will not bless any nation that murders HIS innocent babies… no matter what else good is in that nation (Jeremiah 18:7-10). It doesn’t matter how much other good is being done or the promise of good coming. Murder is sin and brings a curse on this nation.

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

In America we’ve made a mockery of sin. Only God’s people can be the salt and light to see this change – If God will allow such a window of mercy.

Moving forward, any person who believes this nation is going to be blessed by God as long as we are murdering God’s innocent babies, is completely deceived. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear are in right standing with God. Those who don’t have this spiritual sight, discernment are looking in the wrong direction – somewhere else other than the LORD.

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