Date: Day 1 to Eternity
I busted hell wide open! My life was taken from me in a moment, unexpectedly. In a split second I was banished from my earthly life only to find that in all my activities, I neglected the most important task: To make peace with my Creator and Judge. I gained education, material possessions, and friends in my earthly life, yet was bankrupt of what it took to enter Heaven when I died. Because of this, I regrettably write you from the bowels of hell – a ruthless place of horrible torment beyond your wildest imagination. I warn you not to come here.
Let me detail for you what I mean by the term “ruthless place.” Here in hell, every minute feels like an hour, and every hour seems like a year. There is no end to the misery suffered here in this fiery dungeon. Hell is literal and final – there is no escape. Don’t believe me? Check this out: The following is what the Bible tells us awaits all who leave the earth having refused to render “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”(Acts 20:21):
- A place of complete consciousness (all feelings)………..…Luke 16:25
- Torment with fire and brimstone……………………….…………Rev. 14:10
- Weeping and gnashing of teeth…………………….……………..Matt. 8:12
- A place of eternal remorse (devastating regret)……….……Luke 16:25
- A place of torments…………………………………………………….Luke 16:23
- No rest day or night forever (eternal misery)…….….……….Rev. 14:11
- A furnace of fire with wailing………………….……………….….Matt. 13:42
- A place of everlasting burnings…………………………………..Isaiah 33:14
- A lake (ocean) of fire…………………………….…………………….Rev. 20:15
- Unquenchable fire (ferocious flames)……………………..………Mark 9:45
- Outer darkness (blinding loneliness)…………………………….Matt. 22:13
- No 2nd chance to escape (utter hopelessness)…….……..Luke 16:26
- A place of sorrows (seething remorse and despair)………….Ps. 18:5
- A place of everlasting destruction……………………………..2 Thess. 1:9
Oh, what a fool I was to reject the only sacrifice for my sins! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to the earth to die on a tree – paying the full price for my sins. Since I rejected Him in my earthly life, I have been sent here to hell to pay for my sins myself – forever, because I rejected Christ’s payment for all my sins. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Tim. 1:15)
The deepest remorse is that my trip to hell was completely avoidable. While living on earth, I knew in my heart that I was a sinner and had read a message like you now read about Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who paid the complete price for my sins, but I was too busy and turned away from God.Consequently, I will forever pay for my own sins in this domain of the damned. You can deny it if you want – just like I did – but denial changes nothing. Though I denied it while on earth, now I am experiencing that the Bible was true after all. Your Creator says that “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all…that forget God.” (Ps. 9:17) Oh, if I could turn back time and have just one moreprecious breath upon earth to cry out and be rescued from this flaming pit! But it’s too late!
God’s holy Word promises that “WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom. 10:13) You can stake your life on God’s Word. I am a believer now and so is every soul here in hell – but it’s too late for us! Friend, it’s not too late for you! YOU MUST NOT PUT THIS MESSAGE DOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE MADE YOUR PEACE WITH GOD! This may be your last chance. Remember that “It is appointed unto men once to die, but AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT.” (Heb. 9:27)
YOU are facing inescapable judgment. God will judge you against what you personally did with Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who died for you. Like me and everyone else, you have sinned against your Creator. “ALL have sinned.” (Rom. 3:23) Every sin must be accounted for – either by the finished work of Jesus Christ OR your personal payment in hell – forever. Listen to God’s love: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Jn. 3:16)
I beg of you, FOR YOUR OWN ETERNAL SAKE: please don’t make the same irreversible mistake that I did – there is no second chance. I rejected God, I played the hypocrite. I attended church, but lived in sin, rejecting Jesus Christ’s reign in my personal life. He died and rose again to save me from this horrible place of merciless torment, but I chose to live life on my own terms, and there is no help for me now! Oh, by the way, this place called hell is crammed full of religious people who were members of all the popular denominations, yet were not born again (Jn. 3:3, 7). Remember, that ALL unrepentant sinners will burn in hell, regardless of their church membership. God’s holy Word states: “WHOSOEVER was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:15)
I write to you from the bowels of torment as a foolish and remorseful man. Make no mistake, you are coming down here if you don’t repent and get your life right with God – on His terms and not yours. I tell you these simple words of truth and BEG YOU NOT TO DO AS I HAVE DONE! Rather, get right with God, and serve Him who proved His love for you by dying for your sins, and is preparing a place for His own people in His eternal kingdom (John 14:1-6). YOU ARE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DON’T PERSONALLY KNOW JESUS! Oh, the utter sorrow and endless torture that I now endure, because I would not completely trust and obey the words of my Maker (Lk. 16:29-31). God says we are “without excuse.”(Rom. 1:20)
While you still have a chance, turn to the LORD. Ready to get right with God? If so, bow your head and heart in utter humility and pray aloud this prayer of repentance from the depths of your heart. God is listening: Father in Heaven, I have sinned against You grossly. Jesus, please save me by Your precious blood. I now lose my life in You. Wash away all my sins and take over my whole being at this very moment. I am all yours. Fill me with Your Holy Ghost and make me a new person. I love You LORD Jesus. Amen.
Other Gospel Tract Titles include: Diary of a Dead Man Tract | LOSER Tract | JESUS Tract | Secrets Tract | RIP Rest in Peace
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