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-Extracts by Michael Phillips.

Dieder Palacki from behind the Iron Curtain addresses the West…


It was several long moments before he at last spoke.  “It has

been a curious past several days,” he began, speaking softly.

“I have been listening with great interest to the many discussions

and exhortations, all with the end in view of promoting the

Christian faith in a region of the world where one might conclude

never before had a single soul heard the name Jesus of Nazareth.”


“I must admit that when the invitation came to join you, and even

to address this gathering, I found myself seized with a certain

trepidation.  As you know, large assemblies of Christians such

as this have not been customary where I come from, and thus

most of my work among Christians has been in small groups of

less than one hundred.  Addressing several thousand I found a

very intimidating prospect.”


“In the end however, I decided to join you, for we pastors and

Christians from the regions formerly behind the Iron Curtain are

certainly excited about the new possibilities for evangelism in our

nations too.”


“But as I listened to more and more talk of money and pamphlets,

of missionaries being sent and books being shipped, of teachers

and pastors coming to help and train us in spreading the gospel,

and of your gospel TV and radio stations and your gospel trains

and gospel trucks full of your Western-style gospel paraphernalia –

your badges and tracts and stickers and music and gaily written

happiness-books with their joy-filled, razzle-dazzle Christianity – a

knot has steadily risen in my stomach.”


“Do not forget, I have spent much time in your countries.  I have

been in your churches and bookstores.  I have witnessed with my

own eyes the trappings of your so-called spiritual prosperity,

which is really no prosperity at all, but a hollow empty shell.”


“Something within me wants to shout and say to you all, “Go

home to your contented and wealthy homes and communities

and churches.  The Good News of Jesus Christ is alive and

vibrant and is fully capable of carrying itself abroad into the hearts

of hungry men and women without the benefit of your expensive

and lavish commercial efforts on its behalf.”


“Why do you think that those of us such as my brothers

Wurmbrand and Duduman and Vins and others have been

risking our lives for all these years?  Each of us has been

imprisoned, beaten, tortured, humiliated because of our preaching

of Christ’s gospel. Thousands upon thousands of our fellow Poles

and Russians and Slavs and East Germans have laid their lives on

the line for the sake of their faith and in order to share that faith with



“I tell you, my friends, God’s church is alive and well in the areas

you represent as lost and in such desperate need.  Small, perhaps,

it may be, but it is alive and thriving because in our corners of the

world there is a price to be paid to call yourself a disciple of the

Lord Jesus Christ.  A price that cannot be measured, as you seem

to measure all things – by money.  No, you who hear my words who

I hope and pray are my brothers and sisters, it costs to believe in

the East.  It costs all you have to be a Christian.  So there are very

few lukewarm, halfhearted souls among us.  To be halfhearted can

cost you your life!”


“For years we have tried to alert you Christians of the West to the

true state of affairs behind the Iron Curtain.  We have written, we

have traveled, we have spoken, we have prayed, we have wept.”


“How many of you listened to us?”

“My brother and friend Alexandr Solzhenitsyn attempted for a

decade to be heard, as have so many others.  We asked for your

prayers, for Bibles, for help in teaching and training our people.

And some help did come, for which we were grateful.”


“But the rest of you continued to feed your own mammoth

religious systems, building yet bigger and bigger transmitting

stations and more television stations and publishing more books –

all in the name of proclaiming the gospel.”


“But did you ever give of yourselves?  Did you come help us?  Did

you pray for us?  Did you suffer and die and starve with us?  How

much did you really care about the people you now so pompously

think you will save for the kingdom?”


“Where have you been all this time?  We needed your help and

prayers and support and Bibles when times were hard!  We have

been beaten and imprisoned and even killed for the gospel’s sake.

Where were you when it counted?  We lived our faith behind the

Iron Curtain, and now that it is down, who is to say we even want

you coming with your pompous egoism and self-reliance?….  Do

you truly expect us to share your enthusiasm and welcome you

and your wealthy brand of capitalistic Christianity with open arms?”


“Think again, my friends, those I would still call my brothers and

sisters in spite of your blindness.  Pause and consider the egotism

of your presumption and the worldliness of your method.”


By now the auditorium was filled with the heaviness of shocked

silence.  No one dared move a muscle or so much as shift in his

seat.  But Palacki’s chastening diatribe was not over yet.


“How dare you well-fed, contented, prosperous Christians of the

West, come here now and think you can throw your money at us

poor unfortunates and suddenly save the world with all the gadgets

and inventions and high-tech wizardry of electronic spirituality!  You

with your multi-million-dollar architecturally imposing churches, you

with your computer Bibles and preprogrammed Bible Studies, you

with your posh cars and soft, upholstered pews, your grand libraries

of Christian books, your leather-bound reference Bibles, you who have

all the answers to the world’s ills nicely at hand to spout off when



“Have we Christians of the East been idle all this time?  What

would you have us to do, go off quietly somewhere so you can

come in and pat yourselves on the back before your watching

congregations and claim credit for saving all the souls who would

be lost without you?”


“No my shallow brothers and sisters of wealthy, contented

Western evangelicalism!  Build a prayer tower or a glass church

somewhere, but think not that your money can save souls.  Go

back from whence you came, and spend your evangelistic self-

gratifying mammon elsewhere!”


Suddenly he stopped, stood another two or three seconds gazing

at his listeners with calm countenance, yet flaming eyes.  Then,

with decisive motion he ripped the check he was still holding into

several pieces and let it drop to the floor.


Palacki turned and strode off the platform and out of sight, leaving

his hearers gaping in stunned silence.

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