Are you approaching daily life and marriage with a SERVANT’s heart or to get your own “needs” met?
Unmarried? If you have someone in mind that you are interested in, do you find that praying for that person puts you at rest because it sets everything in God’s hands (not yours)? Try it.
Are you personally denying yourself daily, taking up the cross, and following Jesus?
“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3
NEVER desire a person who doesn’t seek daily after and desire more of Jesus! John 3:30
YOUR PRAYER: FATHER, in the name of Jesus Christ, please unite Your children who are praying for a godly mate. Bring together Your people for Your glory who wish to be equally yoked in marriage – wholly postured in heart to serve You and their mate, living out the very mind of Christ. Father, we acknowledge that You alone can join two people together to glorify Your holy name. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
ATTENTION, UNMARRIED DISCIPLE: A person who isn’t consumed with Christ does NOT qualify for you! Dare we waste the one life God gives us on earth married to an enemy of Christ?
GOT YOUR SEAT BELT ON? IN MARRIAGE, the wife is to be loved, provided for, protected, and to be cherished by the husband, even as Christ loves and does with His church (Ephesians 5:25-30). In a marriage between a man and woman that glorifies God, there must be a foundational biblical revelation of the purpose for which men and women were originally, uniquely created. Satan has come in like a massive flood upon the minds of the “weaker vessel” to convinceher that she needs all kinds of things that God never ordained or said were needs. In the unchanging divine economy, the most beautiful of all His creation, the woman, is to be the “helpmeet” (companion, helper, help mate to accomplish GOD’s will) of the man (Genesis 2:18). A godly relationship must be founded and grounded on God’s Word – both the man and woman repenting and learning and DOING what God has stated for their respective, unique roles. We must get rid of all we’ve ever learned from the wicked worldly societies we’ve learned from (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:23-25., etc.). If you are praying for that godly mate and yet are not diligently studying and learning to be a humble, serving-God-and-others disciple of Jesus, God sees it and will not plague someone else’s life by putting you with them. Those who aren’t learning to serve are devils, plain and simple. You are not ready and will not be till you lay down your own life and die. It’s time to take your own sins into account and cease pointing the finger (Job 19:28). You must trash the “What’s in it for me” motto which is for Satan’s children.
Lay down your life today. You’ve made religious excuses long enough. You’ve listened to the devil wolves like Osteen who promised you your best days are yet to come and yet you are an apostate counterfeit heading for hell. They refuse to preach repentance, the first word/command of the original Gospel (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; Acts 3:19, etc.). They lied to you and you listened all because you are not yet real with God (John 3:19-21; 2 Timothy 4:2-4). If you don’t truly repent for real and you marry, you will be personally responsible before the LORD for much destruction – as in how you will be the reason for much hurt and sin in that fabricated marriage. If you choose today to truly go before God and repent, you will, without exception, trash what you’ve learned from the world and begin to allow the constitution of your heart and life to be rewritten with God’s Word. There are people all around us who’ve wasted the best years of their lives living with a prideful, self-serving heart – people who’ve prayed for a godly mate while refusing to be godly themselves.
“Amen! The first step to finding a godly man or woman is by being one yourself.” E.
Are You being Lied To?
SO many false churches and ministries trying to make women feel like queens! Show me that in the New Testament???? They do this to keep the money flowing from their primary prey, customers (women). Greed and foolishness. They are not learning to die to self but being pumped up in the sinful flesh which is the root cause of all their troubles. This produces no joy but rather a miserable life with a mere “form of godliness” as they deny the power, the authority of Christ to reign in their daily lives! Read your Bible please. They are “lovers of their own selves … lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” and therefore “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:1-7).
One sister in Christ sent me this:
“Proverbs 20:6
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
ONLY GOD can mark me faithful or a man pleasing hypocrite.
I can fool people but One thing matters….
What does GOD think of me?
To have a beautiful marriage one must FIRST become beautiful in the eyes of GOD.
Then he will choose the other mate who is also becoming beautiful before their God. (By daily laying down their lives to serve the Master, and from TRUE motives.)
HE will bring them together and HE will make the marriage beautiful.
I’d rather marry in a humble living room with a full blazed fire in our hearts than in a marvelous setting with tiny flames…
LOVE is real. LOVE has been so counterfeited, but true LOVE cannot be fabricated.
True love will lay down it’s life for it’s lover time and time again.
TRUE love goes deeper than the eyes can see or the heart can feel.
TRUE love is rooted under the Cross.”
Single/Unmarried Christians | Fresh Start with God | Making Peace with God
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