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The Essentials of Prayer EM Bounds [audio]

Intro and Chapter 1-7 Below


Chapter 8-13 Below


Prayer is not limited to requesting, to asking God to do things, but first and foremost it is communing with our LORD which is a vital component of knowing Him (Matthew 6:6; John 17:3). WE commune and consult, we go to our Father in Jesus’ name for all our supplications (humble requests). We never ever take our God for granted but rather seek His face, nourishing that vital union (John 17:3). He is our first love and highest priority. Our Father and LORD desire to be honored in our lives. We are “the children of the highest” (Luke 6:35). As our Father, the only perfect parent in existence…….He desires to hear and answer all our prayers that are according to His will (Mark 11:24; 1 John 5:14-15).


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