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“That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” never left the garden of God’s creation and he won’t till Jesus slam dunks him into the bottomless pit (Gen 3; Rev 12; 20). He must be overcome “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11) God is able. Satan 

IF we desire that bless-ed resurrection life of Christ teeming in our lives, let us desire and obey the divine command to death and burial! (2 Corinthians 4:10-12).

“Just finished listening to this message: I received it as one of a small number of authentic, true, powerful, and Christ exalting messages that I have heard in a long time, brought to me a sober mind and prayer. It really is a true test of our love for God. Thank you brother Todd.” David Taylor

In Christ, there’s nothing in your life you can’t fast away! Read Isaiah 58 and do it God’s way. He promised to “break every yoke.” (Isaiah 58:6) If you love Jesus supremely, you will obey Him and at any cost, get the sin out of your life (Mark 9:43-49). If you’re not willing to die, you will not enjoy the benefits that He desires to load you with (Psalms 68:19).

Times of Fasting and prayer gets YOU out of the way, the flesh, so Jesus can reign supreme as He blesses you to walk in the Spirit! (Isaiah 58)

James 4:7 is the cross and the divine solution for all deliverance. Satan has NO, zero legal right or place in the crucified, submitted saint.

The flesh IS going to rage, be bent toward and do evil. That’s a given (Romans 7). This is why the cross, the crucifying of the “old man” and putting on “the new man” are essential to God bringing the victory in our lives! (Romans 6-8; Ephesians 4:23-25; Colossians 3:5-10, etc.).

Fasting and Prayer | Discipleship | Podcasts | Overcoming Victory in Jesus The Cross is the Victory | 100’s of Christ-centered, Scripture-rich podcasts for your edification in Christ. 

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Satanic Serpents and Hedges [podcast]

G.O.D. = Game Over Devil [podcast]

Fresh Start with God

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