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Table of Contents
- Glamorizing the Gospel
- Sound Doctrine is Essential
- The Original Gospel
- The False “Jesus” of Today’s Modern Church
- Seminaries are Pharisee Factories
- Who Else is Tired of Wimpy Preaching?
- The Importance of Foundation
- The Foundational Doctrines of Christ
- Spiritual Life is Essential to Remaining in Christ
- Beware of the Buzz Word Bandits
- “Come Out of Her, My People”
- If It’s Not Daily, It’s Not at All
- A Scathing Rebuke to Wolf Defenders
- Band Aids or Blessings?
- Beware of Satan’s Agents
- “Cry Aloud, Spare Not”!
- Dear Minister
- The Essential Doctrine of Repentance
- Give Me My Dessert Now!
- Judgment to Come
- Penknife Sacrilege
- “The Restorer of Paths to Dwell In”
- Why Did God Give Us His Word?
ADDENDUM: Making Peace with God
The divine truth in this volume will greatly assist in safeguarding, scam-proofing your eternal soul.
The global invasion of a priesthood of beguilers have put a modern face on historical heresies. Men and women posing as pastors, prophets, evangelists, and apostles make millions preying on the biblically-illiterate, sick, poor, and emotionally fragile. Behind a veil of glamour, many self-proclaimed leaders mask their spiritual abuse with claims of special position and power from the Holy Spirit. The Original Gospel pulls back the curtain to reveal the truth behind this lucrative modern church indu$try.
“A breath of fresh in the midst of so much spiritual fake news.” Cassandra
“The Original Gospel is a must-book read. You will have the truth of what the Gospel really is all about. This is the real deal.” Darlene D.
“If you just can’t take one more day of watered-down, feel-good nonsense, if you want to be challenged in your faith, if you want to build some real spiritual muscle for a change, this book is for you.” Jason Owens
“I’m going to order more copies of this book! Tis truly needed in the church, to help set His only righteous foundational truth of God’s forgiveness, salvation, and freedom in the Spirit for sinners that is found only through the door of repentance. Eye opening and heart motivating!” David Taylor (pastor)
“In this day and age there is much teaching and believing of humanistic/Antichrist philosophy being peddled in the name of ‘Christianity.’ This book, The Original Gospel, gives biblical guidelines that highlight what is, and what is not, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. It also earmarks what to look for and be aware of as signals of false gospel beliefs being upheld and preached, and the dangers of being sucked into such beliefs.
Galatians 1:8 – But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Colossians 2:8 – Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
1 Timothy 4:1-5 – Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Also, instructions and warnings in Jude 1.” Debbie Lord
“In a world where MANY false prophets have arisen and MANY are departing from the faith; souls who desire to cleave to the unadulterated truth, “which is able to save their souls” (James 1:21), will find this book serves as a lighthouse in the midst of a sea of error. From cover to cover, the writer uses the already written Word of God to expose the falsehood among us and to ‘redirect traffic’ back to The Original Gospel. This book should be PRAYERFULLY read by ALL who desire to enter into Christ’s eternal kingdom rightly and unsoiled.” J.
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