by a sister in Christ
The Jezebel Spirit: direct opposite of the Holy Spirit
The Jezebel Spirit is authored and rooted by Satan.
He sits upon the throne of every heart operating in this perverse spirit.
Thoughts of the ancient arch enemy of God:
“I will ASCEND above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the most High.”
Satan has always:
- Been rebellious and defiant.
The wicked deep seated rebellion that characterized Satan caused him to hate God’s authority and to usurp it. So we see that as is the character of their father, so is of his children operating in the Jezebel Spirit. They despise authority. THEY want the place of recognition THEMSELVES. THEY must call the shots. They submit to no man.
We are seeing this spirit in operation in our governing officials today, as “every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6). Wives, resisting their husband’s authority, children rising against their parents.
- Wanted to be like God.
As anyone would seek to do who is in competition, Satan pulls his own tricks out of his bag. Whatever God has ordained, Satan seeks to pervert that and to “out do”. However he is fighting a losing battle.
1 Corinthians 11:3 says:
“The head of the woman IS the man.”
This is GOD’s divine order and prescription for Godly success in the home, in the church, in a nation.
Satan would seek to pervert it. He would cause un-submitted women, who refuse to conform to God’s ways, to lead men. THEY operate as the head. Weak, ungodly men follow. God’s order is twisted and chaos is the result, just as Satan would have it.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 says:
“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”
Satan’s perverse antidote would be to:
Let the women speak, let the women rule and disregard completely God ordained order and authority.
He would have them have strong disdain for their husband’s orders, authority, role, or commands.
He would influence them to usurp authority over the man and operate in direct contrast to a meek and quiet spirit. Rather than operating in a meek and quiet Godly Spirit, he would influence them to be domineering, condescending, assertive, high minded, unruly, un-submissive, superior, unrestrained, evil.
So we see the TRUE woman of God must prayerfully resist the bait of Satan and fall at her Gods feet in a giving up of herself and a constant surrendering to her God.
- Wanted to ASCEND & receive Glory for himself.
Jesus commanded his servants to do the exact opposite.
Luke 9:23:
“If any man (or woman) would come after(follow) me, let him(or her) DENY himself, take up his cross(DIE) and follow(submit entirely to) Me.”
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31b:
“I die DAILY.”
Satan’s children would refuse to die to self. THEY want the crown NOW. They are not interested in humbling themselves.
Jesus offers the crown in heaven only AFTER his humble servants have wholly submitted here on earth, and completed His will.
Satan offers his crown here and now. However eternal damnation awaits for taking it.
The persons operating in the Jezebel Spirit are self-sufficient NOT God-sufficient. In order to be God-sufficient one must die to their fleshly desires. This is NOT on the Jezebel’s to do list. They refuse to go low in prayer and dedication. THEY have to be seen and noticed. THEY must be the center of attention. As their lord, they want glory. They will stop at nothing to get it.
There is grave danger in following the example of Satan and disregarding the example of our LORD Jesus Christ to humbly offer oneself to God.
Jesus “became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:8).
So must we take up our own cross if we are to please God and enter into eternal life.
God has a divine order for all things.
When we ascend above those orders and do our OWN thing, we can be sure wicked chaos and destruction will be our fate both here and in eternity.
Satan’s preeminent goal is to stop the work of God.
When God’s order is perverted, Gods work cannot be properly accomplished. Souls cannot be saved and delivered.
The work of God is to be done in HIS way, HIS order and HIS timing.
Therefore the soul that would be profitable to God must wholly submit to his God.
God’s servants will always seek to follow HIS order, as they love Him and desire to obey Him. They are observant and adherent to His ways.
Satan’s children will be as he; rebellious, assertive, stubborn, unwilling to DIE that Christ might reign.
They do not want CHRIST to reign, because THEY want to reign, just as Satan did not want God to reign, but to reign himself.
“Jezebel is a widely rampant spirit that is hard to get rid of, rooted in pride and self sufficiency, but not impossible with our God.” Anita Villarreal
Dear ladies, your Maker created you to serve the men and children around you – and not yourself or the cause of the God-less jezebels of this sinful, fallen world. You will stand in judgment to give account to the LORD in the Supreme Court of the universe on that Day – to see whether you obeying your Maker or His arch enemy, Satan. Those who buy the lies of jezebel/Satan concerning the role of women, refusing to fulfill their God-given role to serve humbly, will be forever vanquished into the lake of fire (Revelation 2:20-24; 21:8, 27, etc.). Read God’s Word! Begin in Genesis 1-3. Ask: WHY did the LORD create me? For what purpose? What does my life look like? Will I hearken to the voice of my God or will I follow the rebels into the bowels of eternal damnation? (Matthew 7:13-14)
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