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DO you have at least 1 friend in Christ with whom you exchange Scripture?

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (abundantly) in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16

“Sometimes it takes someone else in the Body to remind us, show and highlight the pure, simple truth of the Gospel of Christ–someone who will teach us how to continually compare the True Gospel with false info parading as God’s truth. This helps OPEN our eyes to see the Pure Word of God that has been REVEALED to us in Christ Jesus. The Scripture shared during fellowship teaches the hearts of God’s people (Colossians 3:16).” Debbie L.

SO you aren’t learning God’s Word (KJB) and yet you keep going to that “church”? WOW

As many of you know, there are great bless-ed benefits to having kingdom relationships. This is God’s stated will (John 13:35; Acts 2:42-47). Recently, as is our custom for many years now, brother Chris Sitter and I prayed for God to help him with a certain client he had. It was a difficult situation and Chris didn’t know how to approach it and they hadn’t spoken in a while. It wasn’t even noon yet and Chris called me with great excitement to inform me that that exact client called him just after we prayed and not only was the previous order they put in in good status, they placed a new order with him!!! God is so gracious! John 14:13-14 anyone? …. Are you developing kingdom relationships?

3 Essential Basics for Every Believer Per Holy Scripture

1. Daily Bible study (Job 23:12; Jer 15:16; 1 Pet 2:2)
2. Daily life of prayer (1 Thess 5:17)
3. Daily fellowship with other true believers (Acts 2:42-47; Heb 3:13; 10:25)

IF you are not on fire with Christ, you are lukewarm and will be spued! A major biblical component of abiding in Christ is fellowship with His people.

Friend, if you are not building kingdom relationships, it seems apparent that you are not in His kingdom (John 13:35; Acts 2:42-47; Heb 3:13; 10:24-25; 1 John 3:14-15; 5:1, etc.).

Fellowship: Simply read Scripture together, taking turns reading out loud. Acts 2:42

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:15-16

What happens when a bunch of coals are burning white hot and one of those coals is then separated from the other, burning, on-fire coals?

Exhibit 1 – Notice how all the coals are burning, white hot: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

Exhibit 2 (below) – Notice what happens when 1 of those flourishing coals is then removed from the others. This is what happens to the person who gets saved and then neglects fellowship with God’s people to nourish his relationship with Christ. “They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.” (Luke 8:13)

Exhibit 3 (below) Note how this now separated coal is growing cold and has no hope of because on fire, white hot but rather fizzles out.

True New Testament Fellowship

3 Essential Basics for Every Believer
1. Daily Bible study
2. Daily life of prayer
3. Daily fellowship with other true believers

Saints, it’s the hour to return to BEING Christ’s church, His holy (set apart) PEOPLE and to cease patronizing the wolves who are our LORD’s enemies!

Concerning true New Testament fellowship, as God has ordained, one sister writes:

“The “assembling of yourselves together” is true believers who love the Lord fervently and who come together to each break off a little piece of THE bread of heaven. They look forward for these times together, because they know they are meeting with the love of their lives, the God of their salvation. They love one another fervently. Their place of gathering is a haven from the wicked world. Its a place to share encouragement, admonishment and burdens. Its a place of equipping for the next steps of their journey. It is a place where sincere love and truth fills the atmosphere, because it is a place filled with the sweet HOLY Spirit. Hearts are convicted and lives are changed and brought closer to the Father. For THAT is the work of the Holy Ghost. ?

When the unbelieving enter, they are overwhelmed by the sweet, yet deeply convicting presence of the Holy Ghost, for the disciples are filled with Him. Therefore, the results should be repentance. Sadly, this setting is not found in very many places today, due to a lack of commitment and devotion in the lives of professing Christians. Its time to enter again into the closets and plead for God to restore His church before the period of Grace comes to an end.”

The fellowship of His true remnant saints is of the utmost importance to the LORD (John 13:35; 17:1-26; Psalms 133; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4).

It seems apparent that the greatest potential of truly experiencing Testament Fellowship as far as a gathering of saints is in a home meeting – such as the earliest disciples of Jesus did (Acts 2:42-47). Yet, that’s not always the case. There are very special things God wants to do when His people assemble (Acts 2:42-47; 1 Corinthians 14,etc.). Physical buildings are not evil. They can involve much waste and yet, are made of inanimate objects. Yet we must discern according to the Word because as we’ve been warned, “MANY false prophets” have arisen and infiltrated (Matthew 7:15; 24:11, etc.). 


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