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The Amplified Bible Exposed!

by David J. Stewart



From a book by: Jeff Johnson called SPIRITUAL DECEPTION IN THE HIGHEST

In this section we compare the King James to the “Amplified Bible” (AMP). In this comparison, we will see the results of an ‘amplified’ approach.

Gen 1:21 KJV: “And God created great WHALES …”

AMP: “God created the great sea monsters …”

Matt. 12:40 KJV: “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the WHALES’s belly …”

AMP: “For even as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster …”

COMMENT: God creates monsters?

Gen. 2:7 KJV: “… and man became a living SOUL.”

AMP: “… and man became a living being.”

Comment: A MAJOR difference between man and beast is that man is the ONLY creature with a SOUL.

Gen. 2:13 KJV: “… land of ETHIOPIA.”

AMP: “… land of Cush.”

Comment: I know where Ethiopia is, but where is Cush?

Gen. 3:4-5 KJV: “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil.”

AMP: “But the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be as God, knowing the difference between good and evil.”

COMMENT: This is major blasphemy! God (with a big G) is not evil! Think about the difference between “as gods” and “as God”.

Lev. 3:13b KJV: “… and the sons of Aaron shall SPRINKLE the blood thereof upon the altar round about.”

AMP: “… and the sons of Aaron shall throw its blood against the altar round about.”

Judges 7:20b KJV: “… and they cried, the sword OF the LORD, and OF Gideon.”

AMP: “… and they cried, The sword for the LORD and Gideon.”

Comment: Notice: “OF” was changed to “FOR”.

2 Sam. 21:19 KJV: “… Elhanan … slew THE BROTHER OF Goliath …”

AMP: “… Elhanan … slew Goliath …”

Comment: The scholars missed this one! Most Sunday school children know that DAVID slew Goliath.

Daniel 3:25 KJV: “… and the form of the fourth is like THE


AMP: “… And the form of the fourth is like a son of the gods!”

COMMENT: It was Jesus Christ, THE SON OF GOD, who was with Shadrach, Messach and Abednego. It was Jesus Christ who saved them from the fiery furnace. And, it is Jesus Christ who saves you and me from the fiery furnace (i.e. Hell). There is a big difference between “THE SON OF GOD” and ‘a son’ of ‘plural’ gods! Think about it.

Zech. 11:17 KJV: “Woe to the IDOL shepherd that leaveth the flock!”

AMP: “Woe to the worthless and foolish shepherd who deserts the flock!”

Comment: Idol and worthless/foolish are very different.

Zech. 13:6 KJV: “And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds IN THINE HANDS? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.”

AMP: “And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds on your breast – between your hands? Then he will answer, Those with which I was wounded [when disciplined] in the house of my (loving) friends.”

COMMENT: Folks: This is a verse prophesying Jesus Christ. Jesus was wounded IN HIS HANDS (and also on His back), BUT NOT ON HIS BREAST! Also, Jesus WAS NOT BEING DISCIPLINED when He went to the cross! Jesus did nothing wrong! And, lastly, Jesus WAS in the house of “His” friends, but they WERE NOT BEING “loving” back to him!

Matt. 18:11 KJV: “For the Son of Man IS come to save that which was lost.”

AMP: “For the Son of man came to save (from the penalty of eternal death) that which was lost.”

Comment: The AMP says Jesus Christ “came” to save that which was lost; a PAST TENSE statement. The AMP implies that ALL who were to be saved, HAVE BEEN saved. Not true. Anyone, TODAY, can be saved by Jesus Christ. The correct reading is PRESENT TENSE. This AMP corruption is very subtle but very important.

Mark 1:2 KJV: “As it is written IN THE PROPHETS, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.”

AMP: “Just as it is written in the prophet Isaiah: Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will make ready Your way;”

Comment: Sometimes verses in the New Testament requote the Old Testament. This is happening here. The verse being quoted is not in Isaiah, as the AMP says, it is from Malachi 3:1. Check it out! Not only does the AMP misquote the Word of God, it even mis-quotes itself. The KJV has the correct reading: “As it is written in the prophets …”, because Malachi was a prophet!

Luke 2:33 KJV: “And JOSEPH and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.”

AMP: “And His [legal] father and [His] mother were marvelling at what was said about Him;”

Comment: This is blasphemy! Contrary to what the AMP would say, Joseph WAS NOT Jesus’ father! God WAS Jesus’ father! Every Christian knows this! And contrary to the AMP, God was also Jesus’ LEGAL father. Think about what the AMP is saying: If Jesus’ had an earthly father, then He is just any man. If He is just any man, then we are still in our sins. If we are still in our sins, then we are not saved. If we are not saved, then we have a BIG PROBLEM.

John 3:13 KJV: “And NO MAN hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”

AMP: “And yet no one has ever gone up to heaven; but there is One Who has come down from heaven, the Son of man [Himself], Who is – dwells, Whose home is – in heaven.”

Comment: Not true AMP. There HAVE BEEN others who have gone up to heaven. Remember the angels of Jacob’s ladder? They were ascending and descending. The KJV has the correct reading which is: “… NO MAN hath ascended up to heaven …”

Acts 12:4 KJV: “… after Easter …”

AMP: “… after the Passover …”

Acts 17:22 KJV: “Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are TOO SUPERSTITIOUS.”

AMP: “So Paul, standing in the center of the Areopagus [Mars Hill auditorium] said: Men of Athens, I perceive in every way – on every hand and with every turn I make – that you are

most religious …”

Comment: Come on! Being “most religious” and “TOO SUPERSTITIOUS” are entirely different!

1 Cor. 5:7b KJV: “For even Christ our passover is sacrificed FOR US:”

AMP: “… for Christ, our Passover [Lamb], has been  sacrificed.”

COMMENT: Leaving out “FOR US” misses the point entirely.

1 Cor. 16:22 KJV: “If any man love not the Lord JESUS CHRIST, let him be Anathema Maranatha.”

AMP: “If any one does not love the Lord … he shall be accursed … ”

COMMENT: Leaving out “JESUS CHRIST” leaves us guessing as to whom the AMP wants us to love.

2 Cor. 2:17 KJV: “For we are not as many, which CORRUPT the Word of God …”

AMP: “For we are not, like so many … peddling God’s Word …”

COMMENT: Peddling and corrupting are very different. ‘Modern’ bibles try and hide from the truth they are ‘corrupting’ the Word of God.

Gal. 2:20 KJV: “I AM crucified with Christ …”

AMP: “I have been crucified with Christ …”

COMMENT: The AMP says their crucifixion is over! Not true. The believers crucifixion is an ongoing, PRESENT TENSE, transaction.

Eph. 5:1 KJV: “Therefore be FOLLOWERS of God …”

AMP: “Therefore be imitators of God …”

Comment: The AMP documents Satan’s position exactly.

ONLY Satan tries to IMITATE God as Satan wants to be worshipped AS God. Born again believers cannot imitate God. We can’t rule the universe. We can only follow God. Remember Jesus DID NOT tell his “fishers of men” to imitate Him. Jesus said: “follow me …”.

Philip 3:8 KJV: “… and do count them but DUNG, that I may win Christ,”

AMP: “… and consider it all to be mere rubbish …”

COMMENT: I have rubbish on the top of my office desk, but I don’t want ‘dung’ there!!!

1 Tim. 3:16 KJV: “… God was MANIFEST in the flesh …”

AMP: “… He (God) was made visible in human flesh …”

COMMENT: God wasn’t just made visible, He was MANIFEST in the flesh. The image of the beast, in Revelation, is going to be made visible!

1 Tim. 6:10 KJV: “For the love of money is THE root of all evil …”

AMP: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil …”

COMMENT: There is a big difference between AMP’s “a” root and the correct KJV reading of “THE” root.

1 Tim. 6:20 KJV: “… oppositions of SCIENCE falsely so called”

AMP: “… contradictions in what is falsely called knowledge”

1 Pe. 2:2 KJV: “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk OF THE WORD, that ye may grow thereby:”

AMP: “Like new born babes … desire – the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may … grow unto [completed] salvation.”

COMMENT: The AMP leaves out “OF THE WORD”. It’s God’s Word that makes us grow. Also, unlike what the AMP says, we DO NOT grow to “[completed] salvation”. That says salvation is by works! That is heresy. Remember: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2: 8-9).

The Amplified Bible, published by the Lockman Foundation is straight out of the pits of hell.  This work of heresy is just another IMPOSTER based upon the corruptions of Westcott and Hort.  The proof is in the text.  A diabolical attack against the Word of God occurs in Philippians 2:6…


6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [[b]possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not [c]think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped [d]or retained,


“Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:”

Now I don’t need a PHD (post hole digger) to see what’s wrong with this picture.  The Amplified Bible is no better than the New International Version (NIV, or better yet…HIV) of the Bible.   Here is what the NIV reads…


6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

Do you see the heresy of the Amplified and the NIV “Bibles?”  The King James Bible clearly proclaims that Jesus Christ did NOT consider it robbery to be EQUAL with God.  Yet the Amplified version echoes the same garbage as the NIV…that Jesus couldn’t GRASP equality with God.  Folks, someone’s wrong here.  You’ve basically got one of two choices to make as far as “WHICH BIBLE?” to accept today, either the King James Bible or one of the corruptions.  The corruptions are ALL based upon the heresies of Westcott and Hort (two godless unsaved heretics who lived during the 1800’s).  I tell you…the King James Bible is the ONLY reliable Bible in the English language today!

Still don’t believe me?  Take a look below at Philippians 2:6 in the heathen Jehovah’s Witness Bible, the New World Translation…


6 who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.

Don’t you see?  The Jehovah Witnesses use the same Bible as do the idiots who keep defending the NIV, RSV, NASV, NKJV, the Living Bible, the Amplified Bible, and ALL the other imposters on the market today.  The Interlinear Greek New Testament that the Jehovah Witnesses use, discloses in the front that it is based upon the Greek work of “Westcott and Hort.”  Also, in case you didn’t know, the founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell, was a 33rd degree Freemason.  The list of famous Freemasons also includes Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Jesse Jackson, Norman Vincent Peale, and Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism).  Do you think there is no coincidence here?  Satan is the god of Freemasonry and is working diligently through this group (and others) to establish the beast system (a New World Order).

The devil is a master counterfeiter (which means he is a big time lying deceiver)…

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” -Revelation 12:9

Revelation 12:9 teaches us that Satan is presently deceiving the whole world, and he has done so since the creation of mankind, and he will continue to do so until he is cast into hell.  Have you been deceived?  Have you believed a lie?  Do you have a COUNTERFEIT Bible?  If you have anything other than the good ole 1611 King James Bible, then then have been deceived.

What many people fail to realize is that IF you give the devil an inch, he will become a RULER!  The percentage of heresy in most of the modern translations is relatively small, but that’s all it takes to send someone to hell for eternity.  If the devil corrupted too much too soon, then we’d spot him right away.  The devil is subtle.  If I put one drop of deadly arsenic poison in a gallon of milk, would you be willing to drink a glass of milk from that same container?  No way!  You’d NEVER do such a thing and risk being poisoned.  Oh, you might not die, but you would risk many other damaging health problems if you did.  Well, by using the corrupt Bibles, we have many spiritually poisoned people running around in our churches.  For example: Every person that I meet who is against the pretribulation rapture uses the NIV or one of the “other” modern corrupt Bibles.  Heretic John MacArthur attacks the blood of Christ by diminishing it’s importance, another NIV adherent.  If you don’t use the King James Bible, then you WILL be doctrinally corrupt.  It’s as simple as that!

The King James Bible is NOT copyrighted because you CANNOT copyright GOD’S WORD.  EVERY perversion of the Bible on the market today (including the Amplified Bible and the NIV) are COPYRIGHTED.  It is sickening that these ARROGANT publishers would dare to demand that someone ask their permission to quote the Bible.  Who do they think they are?  The CONTENT of the Bible belongs to mankind, it is God’s free gift to us.  Hell will be filled with those infidels who pervert, twist, and corrupt the eternal Word of God.

The Amplified Bible is of the devil, straight from the depths of hell.

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