The LORD is not impressed with your ridiculous man-centered seminary degree where you spent the time He gave you learning what men say about Him instead of reading what He said of Himself straight from His written Word! No, He wants you to truly repent, lay down your own life, denounce all so-called “higher learning” and cry out to Him to make you His authentic New Testament follower!
THERE are many with seminary or ministry degrees of some kind who lead no one to Christ. They don’t even try or sow seed. What does that tell us saints? Futility. Waste. In many cases, these men shot for the degree from mere men in order to get a job as a hireling at a local church business. They sought the approval of mere men when Jesus told us that only He can ordain us! – “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” (John 15:16)
Hell is full of nice little seminarian imposters!
God’s not impressed!
The LORD Almighty looks at fruit which comes from true abiding relationship, not some ridiculous cheap substitute for real ministry preparation (John 15).
Seminarians are taught to perform in a so-called church building by entertaining goats via tradition and building a church business. They study marketing and homoletics and read what mere men say about God’s Word instead of simply studying and learning and memorizing and meditating upon God’s pure Word for themselves.
After being saved, as we study diligently to show ourselves “approved unto GOD,” He can use us, otherwise He can’t. Jesus and His holy apostle had no formal education nor did they instruct any disciple to go to a certain school, especially the foolish, apostate institutions we have today.
Higher education comes from learning from our ultimate Teacher, the Holy Ghost – as we diligently study and live out the written Word of God daily.
THE LORD could care less about your man-centered, self-serving, sinful-man-accredited and utterly ridicullous so-called seminary degree! It’s time to repent, truly – before it’s too late. You are a modern pharisee (Matthew 23). When you do truly repent and come to Christ, you will cease wasting the time HE gave you getting “accredited” by mere sinful men!
Again, how many seminarians do you know who are leading lost souls to Jesus in their personal lives (soul winning) and grounding God’s true people personally in His Word?
Smooth Handed Seminarians | Seminary Scam Industry | Predators in Our Pulpits
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