Can You Relate? Remember when Jesus saved you? He found and saved our wretched soul alllll by Himself!!!!! Right? Please pause and let that soak in....
The Blood of Jesus (PDF) (Duplication encouraged. An open King James Bible should accompany your study of this topic. Carefully, prayerfully study each verse given in...
Making Sure We are Truly Saved While We Still Can Obviously, the assurance of salvation should concern each and every one of us. “For if we...
May the LORD Jesus Christ be praised, receive all the glory for the members of His beloved body whom He is using to comfort and encourage...
Notice that the Bible never instructs parents to “raise” their children but rather to “train” them. And training requires love, God’s Word, repetition, care, and...
“It’s hard for me to understand how so many people even lost people are blind to the fact that biblical prophecy is coming to fruition...
See if you’ve ever heard this verse mis-used to block the light of truth. “… the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” 2 Corinthians 3:6 Yes...
Refusing to sit under the false gospel, false doctrines, false teachers, and wolves is not forsaking the assembling of the saints. It’s obedience to the LORD!...
Attempting to exercise control over another person is witchcraft and it’s always perpetrated by those who don’t even have their own life in order. Jesus calls...
“Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” John 15:3 When God is speaking to His obedient disciple, though the ingestion...