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Hillsong Busted and Exposed

SAINTS, should we not remember that Satan, who was previously called Lucifer in Heaven, was created by God with instruments built into his being to praise God with? (Ezekiel 28:12-19) Yet we know that he later turned his heart away from the LORD and misused those instruments, that God-given musical ability. We see the same thing transpiring today, in this late hour, among those who were apparently once right with God and now have turned against the Most High, using their gifts to mislead others.

“Lets get back to singing psalms.” S. (Col. 3:16)

“Hill song uses the Music as a HOOK to get you into there FALSE Doctrines at the Churches who are not doctrinally sound.” Frances Plante

Christian Music Industry Exposed | Lauren Daigle: Darling or Devil? | Bethel, Bill Johnson Exposed | Shocking Kundalini Warning IHOP Bethel, etc.

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“For the time will come when they will not endure sound gospel music, but instead heap to themselves musicians that gets there flesh all warm and fuzzy!!” Donnie Miller

“I’m a worshiper. I sing and dance for the Lord. Hillsong has been a part of my worship but I know that when I worship Jesus it was in spirit and in truth. I did not know about the influence they are under. The influence of very dark fellowship with the music industry. It’s just not safe for my hearing anymore. So I’ve decided just to sing out a Melody from my spirit to the Lord. Make A Melody unto the Lord. Make a new song. Sing the book of Psalms. I feel it is the most sincere an intimate worship that we can sing His Scriptures. In Jesus name Amen.” Suzette

“When I used to sing Hillsong and Bethel I didn’t know they were under another spirit. But when I found out I quit listening to them, and now when I sing to the Lord I always start out with Yes Jesus loves me. Then I sing scriptures I have learned.” Amber Sells

Darwin’s Demise: What they don’t want You to know about Charles Darwin!

Getting Gospel Grounded [podcast]

COVERING Witchcraft Busted and Exposed! [podcast]

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