Evangelism (PDF) (Duplication encouraged. An open King James Bible should accompany your study of this topic. Carefully, prayerfully study each verse given in order to answer...
Ministering to the Incarcerated EACH WEEK, books are ordered and sent out to incarcerated men and women. Recently two currently incarcerated men, both who are now...
How do we know, from the Bible, that America as we know it, is over? Talking about and imagining a bright future for a country that...
[JESUS tract ENGLISH (click to download print-ready PDF) this is the actual text of the JESUS tract of both the English and JESUS tract SPANISH (click...
What is the Great Commission? Who gave it? Who was the Great Commission given to? The Great Commission is simply the spreading of Jesus’ Word by...
A market. Please pause and lift a prayer for Angel (pictured below). Angel gratefully received the ministry of the spoken Word of Christ this day. He...
[this is the actual text of the JESUS tract] JESUS tract SPANISH (click to download print-ready PDF)] [JESUS tract English (click to download print-ready PDF)] El...
When you hand someone the JESUS tract, in most cases here in Mexico, they open it immediately and begin to read it intently. Such was the...
The Faces of these Precious People, Eternal Souls, Makes a Statement – and so does your support to bless them with spiritual and natural food! Jesus...
Biblical Perspective: Was it a divine miracle that Trump was not murdered? Obviously, yes. Does the fact that God saved Trump from being murdered mean that...